ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips MOUSE_OVER - MOUSE_OUT Event Doesn't Fire

Jan 25, 2010

I have some MovieClips with mouse linteners, but if I mouse out of a movieclip instantly on to another one the 2nd movieclips MOVE_OVER event doesn't fire. Is there a work arround for this? If you don't know what i'm talking about the flash can be found here [URL] Try mousing from one movieclip to another without hitting the background and the tooltip wont show up. I was thinking of finding the movieclip i'm over by looking at the x and y position of the mouse and comparing that to the x y and z of all the movieclips but i'm hoping theres an easier way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEvent.Mouse_Over / Mouse_Out - Continuously Flickers And Doesn't Stop

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a preview of which tower is selected for my game. I've set all of the 'background' of the level up with a class called EmptyBlock, which has buttonmode set to false. I then added event listeners to each one (this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver ); ) for both MOUSE_OVER, and MOUSE_OUT. Inside my onMouseOver function, I'm manipulating the x/y position of a MovieClip, and setting it's visible status to true. Inside the onMouseOut function, I'm setting the x/y position of the MovieClip to -25, -25 (Offstage, just hiding it from view), and setting it's visible status to false.

However, when I run the code and hover over this class (EmptyBlock), the MovieClip I'm manipulating flickers. It continuously flickers and doesn't stop. I tried creating the MovieClip's class and removing it (Creating in OnMouseOver and removing it in OnMouseOut) but that too flickered. Traces say that it's running the MouseOut constantly while the MovieClip is over it but not when it's not. What am I doing wrong here? I'm probably making a stupid mistake but...

On a second, smaller note: Once this MovieClip's class is created, it obviously intercepts the clicks I want to go to my EmptyBlock class. Is there anyway to forward the click onto my EmptyBlock class? The MC is not a child of my EmptyBlock class (but it is added as a child after the EmptyBlock class).

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Making A Mouse_over/ Mouse_out Event?

May 18, 2009

So I am making a basic Mouse_over/ mouse_out event, but if I pull the mouse off before the object reaches frame "box_big" then the mouse_out event will not activate.

Code: Select allstop();
//box wip
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Box_Expand);
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Box_Contract);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Mouse_over Mouse_out ?

Dec 3, 2010

So I am making a basic Mouse_over/ mouse_out event, but if I pull the mouse off before the object reaches frame "box_big" then the mouse_out event will not activate. What is a way around this?

Code: Select allstop();

//box wip
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Box_Expand);
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Box_Contract);[code].......

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop The MOUSE_OVER When MOUSE_OUT?

Jun 28, 2009

When I MOUSE_OUT before the MOUSE_OVER mc is still playing, it doesn't see the MOUSE_OUT. I tried adding a stop(); line to the beginning of the Button1Out function, but that didn't do squat.

Code: Select all//Button 1 Listeners and Functions
Btn1_hit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Button1Click);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stabilising Mouse_Over And Mouse_Out Animations

Apr 5, 2011

For the main page of my web site, I have six characters that represent the different sections of the site and act as buttons. They are different kinds of fish, so they are all irregularly shaped, and that is wreaking havoc on my rollovers. I have created hitArea clips for handling them, but that is not helping. My site has aquatic puns for section titles, so a rollover brings out a little character with a sign about the section's contents. It would be fine by me if the helper character comes out and stays until another main character is rolled over, but it needs to play the quick animation of him leaving before or along with the new helper coming in (we're talking about a half second or so animation).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Cursor Switching MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm making a simple point and click shooter with a custom cursor and I seem to have a bit of a problem. It is very similar to a problem that I've read here. It seems that when the cursor is over the button it constantly switches between the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT state (and...preventing any clicks i assume). Now the solution on the previous mentioned post doesn't work for me since the custom cursor always needs to be on screen.

Here's a piece the code I'm using (customCursor is already added on the stage):

PHP Code:

function follow(evt:MouseEvent) {
//I use this to keep my cursor on top.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip - Controlling The MOUSE_OVER And MOUSE_OUT Animations

Feb 26, 2009

What I would like to do is have various MC's act as buttons so I can have animations in their various states. I have no problem controlling the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT animations, but I want another animation to happen with the MOUSE_DOWN action, and at the same time I want to disable the button controls. When I call a myClip.mouseEnabled=false;, myClip plays on, instead of remaining at the frame it is at, like it did with AS2. One solution I found was to create a second mc and have it cover myClip, but the animation I'm using makes it unusable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Cursor Switching MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT

Jan 19, 2010

It seems that when the cursor is over the button it constantly switches between the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT state (and...preventing any clicks i assume). Now the solution on the previous mentioned post doesn't work for me since the custom cursor always needs to be on screen.

Here's a piece the code I'm using (customCursor is already added on the stage):

PHP Code:

function follow(evt:MouseEvent) {
//I use this to keep my cursor on top.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse_over And Mouse_out Events - Rectangle Flashes

Mar 11, 2009

I have a problem with mouse_over and mouse_out events. Well, I have two rectangles, a red A and a blue B. I want to show the A when the mouse is over the B. The A appears exactly over the B. Then the rectangle flashes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse_out, Mouse_over, Mouse_up Handler In A Loop?

Aug 17, 2009

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Flash :: FileReference Doesn't Fire SELECT Event?

Apr 4, 2011

I have the following code. The problem is that neither SELECT nor CANCEL event never fired after i choose a file through browse dialog.

I have MacOS 10.6 and FlashPlayer 10.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Out Event Doesn't Fire Everytime

Feb 10, 2012

I use movie clip as a button. Inside movie clip there are two movie clip, each one for a separated condition. On mouse over it goes on white one.On mouse out it returns on blue one.If it is pressed it stays white.Mouse out doesn't fire every time. It is placed on the white movie clip. It fires in 90 percent.Movie clip contains shape and two images inside.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Found Great Tutorial About Creating XML Menu - MOUSE_OVER And MOUSE_OUT

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Flex :: Flext Text Link Event Doesn't Fire Until Clicked It Twice?

Jun 22, 2010

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link="{lbl_link(event)}" />

I've changed the code a little bit to make it easier to follow, but the ActionScript is roughly as follows:

private function creationComplete():void {
textCanvas.htmlText = "Hello <a href='event:username'>" + username + "</a>";


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Actionscript 3 :: Image - LoaderInfo COMPLETE Event Doesn't Fire After Load() And LoadBytes()?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to load PNG images with ActionScript with a Loader object. This works fine for some of the images (the INIT and COMPLETE events are fired as expected), for some other it doesn't. I've read in this thread that a URLLoader might help, so I tried that, using the loadBytes() function afterwards. Still doesn't work: the URLLoader fires the COMPLETE event, but the LoaderInfo object does not.I've written a sample class that demonstrates the problem with two files (one working, the other one not).

public class LoaderTest extends MovieClip {
var output:TextField;
var loader:Loader;[code].....

All images were generated with the PHP GD library and I'm compiling with SWFTools's as3compile.The two images map_in_big.png and map_us_big.png are in the same folder (not allowed to post more hyperlinks).

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 - Event Doesn't Fire When The User Scrolls With A Mouse Wheel Or Arrow Keys

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Within my application I'm using a Scroller component. I can't seem to figure out which event I should set up a listener on in order to know when content is scrolled. I tried Event.CHANGE on Scroller.verticalScrollBar property but apparently that event doesn't fire when the user scrolls with a mouse wheel or arrow keys.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The Finished Event Listener And Fire Out Another Sets Of Event

Nov 17, 2011

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It works more like MOTION_FINISH in TweenEvent, but it is only available for TweenEvent only, what if I want to detect a mousclick, keyboard, enterframe or even touch event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClips In MovieClip MOUSE_OVER?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a square movieClip that expands into other movieClip options with a MOUSE_OVER. This works no problem. I drew an invisible rectangle underneath all of these options so that they would stay open when I moved the mouse towards them.

But when I try to code the first option to also work with MOUSE_OVERs and CLICKs it causes problems. At first when I tested the movie it looked fine until I tried to MOUSE_OVER the first new option - the new option produced no results. I think this was because the original invisible rectangle was on top of it.

So I changed the order of layers so the invisible rectangle was on bottom. Then as soon as I tried the new option, the entire original movieClip collapsed back to its original state. I assume that the area beneath the new option was being covered up, and thus my MOUSE_OVER (on the original movieClip) no longer registered.I then tried adding code to tell the original movieClip to also listen for a MOUSE_OVER on the new option. This worked - I could move the mouse over the new option and the original movieClip remained open, but the old problem of the new option not registerring occurred. I think my new code overrided what I wanted the new option to do.

I am confident that I could probably get this all to work if I simply opened the original movieClip with a CLICK instead of a MOUSE_OVER, but I'd rather keep using a MOUSE_OVER if there's a way to do it.

I realize that this is all a bit hard to follow, so to summarize - I want a single movieClip to animate, revealing new movieClips. I want to be able to animate these new movieClips (with MOUSE_OVERs and CLICKs), all while the original movieClip remains "open" in its MOUSE_OVER state/frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Culprit Of MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OUT Event?

Apr 24, 2009

I have a sprite that has a MOUSE_OUT and a MOUSE_OVER event. It is CONSTANTLY saying that those events are firing over and over as a background inside of it scrolls. Here is my setup.priteA.inside of SpriteA i have SpriteB.inside of SpriteB i have a bunch of different sprites.SpriteB has mouseChildren and mouseEnabled both set to false so anything in there should not be getting mouse events.SpriteA then has the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT events.SpriteB scrolls around inside of SpriteA and it's when it scrolls that the events keep firing.(I have tried ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT also, and the same thing happens).

How can I figure out what the mouse is hitting to cause the MOUSE_OUT even to fire so I can put a stop to it!I even went so far just now as to when the MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OUT event is fired, at the beginning of that listener i looped through all the children of SpriteA, to see if there was anything else that was in there that I didnt know about. Only one item showed up, and that was SpriteB, and like I said, mouseChildren and mouseEnabled is fals on SpriteB... so this almost seems like a bug

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Listeners Only Fire Off At Event Once?

Feb 13, 2010

An odd thing is happening for me, my eventlisteners only fire off once then they seem to stop working.

This thing is a movieclip that slides up the parent movieclip and another movieclip within mc slides it down. They only work once.

ActionScript Code:
slider.up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, activateSlider);
slider.down.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, activateSlider2);
var frameBoolean:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alt Key Doesn't Fire It's Own Keypress Events

May 11, 2009

I've never needed it until today but I just found out that the alt key doesn't fire it's own keypress events. I need a way to detect when that key get's pressed - any ideas out there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStatusEvent Doesn't Fire Some Of The Events?

Jul 7, 2009

if I say:



not that I especially need those but how can I rely on netStreamEvents if I dont know which is or isnt going to be fired....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Or Mouse_over Event?

Dec 8, 2009

first of all sorry for my english. I'll try to be precise. I have few movieclips, lets call their instance names mc1, mc2, mc3.they are not buttons, just movieclips. I also have dynamic text field with instance name "description".

and all I want is to have description text on that dynamic text field when I mouse_over them, like "this is mc1", or when mouse_over other: "this is mc2" etc.. I have this code, and it's not working.

ActionScript Code:
mc1.relatedText = "This is mc1";
mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, displayText);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Adding MOUSE_OVER Event When Already Over?

Aug 2, 2010

I need to add in a mouse over event listener for an object, when I'm already over it. If my mouse leaves the object and comes back, then the listener works, but for some reason, when if I just move my mouse around over the object, it doesn't work. Hopefully that is enough to go on without posting code...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have A MOUSE_OVER Event When Dragging Over?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a item1 that needs to have a MOUSE_OVER effect when item2 is dragged over it. How can I do that?

PHP Code:
item1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, backover);function backover (e:MouseEvent):void this.item1 .gotoAndStop(2);} 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ChangeWatcher - Handler Function Doesn't Fire?

Jun 19, 2007

I am having problems with a ChangeWatcher.Everything seems to be set up correctly.The canWatch method returns true, the isWatching method returns true and if I query the return value of the getValue method I get the correct information, including changes. But for some reason the handler function just doesn't fire.

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MOUSE_OVER Event To Display An Invisible Movieclip?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm using a MOUSE_OVER event to display an invisible when user hovers mouse over movieclip it tweens from 0 alpha to 1 alpha. However, I'm having problems with it. The movieclip is a MusicPlayer, which contains other movie clips within it.  When I move the mouse over the music player's background it appears....I then move the mouse over the Play button and briefly the MusicPlayer disappears then reappears. This happens every time I move the mouse to different elements of the MusicPlayer? It quickly flashes invisible, then becomes visible again and its a pretty annoying effect.

Are there any alternatives to the MOUSE_OVER event? I was thinking about maybe drawing a rectangle that covered the area of the music player but was separate to the music player, so whenever the mouse was within the rectangle's x and y coordinates the MusicPlayer would become visible.

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Actionscript 3 :: Android - Tablet Doesn't Fire KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN?

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to proven the default functionality of the Android home screen button but the KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event does not fire when the home key is pressed the the tablet i have.eee transformer prime) Is there another why to detect and stop this functionality?
Here is the code that i am trying to user

// Add the hardware key event handlers to the stage.
protected function appCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStatusEvent / MetaData Doesn't Fire Until Video Is 100% Loaded?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm having a bit of an issue with a video player I'm building out. I THINK that it might be the encoding process on the backend that's causing this, but I can't be sure. Basically, when loading an .flv from a server, the NetStatus events and onMetaData received doesn't fire until the video is 100% loaded. This is causing some pretty major issues including not being able to play the video until it's fully downloaded (and these videos could be 20 minutes long for all I know).

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