ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse_over And Mouse_out Events - Rectangle Flashes

Mar 11, 2009

I have a problem with mouse_over and mouse_out events. Well, I have two rectangles, a red A and a blue B. I want to show the A when the mouse is over the B. The A appears exactly over the B. Then the rectangle flashes.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Mouse_over Mouse_out ?

Dec 3, 2010

So I am making a basic Mouse_over/ mouse_out event, but if I pull the mouse off before the object reaches frame "box_big" then the mouse_out event will not activate. What is a way around this?

Code: Select allstop();

//box wip
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Box_Expand);
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Box_Contract);[code].......

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop The MOUSE_OVER When MOUSE_OUT?

Jun 28, 2009

When I MOUSE_OUT before the MOUSE_OVER mc is still playing, it doesn't see the MOUSE_OUT. I tried adding a stop(); line to the beginning of the Button1Out function, but that didn't do squat.

Code: Select all//Button 1 Listeners and Functions
Btn1_hit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Button1Click);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Making A Mouse_over/ Mouse_out Event?

May 18, 2009

So I am making a basic Mouse_over/ mouse_out event, but if I pull the mouse off before the object reaches frame "box_big" then the mouse_out event will not activate.

Code: Select allstop();
//box wip
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Box_Expand);
MainBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Box_Contract);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stabilising Mouse_Over And Mouse_Out Animations

Apr 5, 2011

For the main page of my web site, I have six characters that represent the different sections of the site and act as buttons. They are different kinds of fish, so they are all irregularly shaped, and that is wreaking havoc on my rollovers. I have created hitArea clips for handling them, but that is not helping. My site has aquatic puns for section titles, so a rollover brings out a little character with a sign about the section's contents. It would be fine by me if the helper character comes out and stays until another main character is rolled over, but it needs to play the quick animation of him leaving before or along with the new helper coming in (we're talking about a half second or so animation).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Cursor Switching MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm making a simple point and click shooter with a custom cursor and I seem to have a bit of a problem. It is very similar to a problem that I've read here. It seems that when the cursor is over the button it constantly switches between the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT state (and...preventing any clicks i assume). Now the solution on the previous mentioned post doesn't work for me since the custom cursor always needs to be on screen.

Here's a piece the code I'm using (customCursor is already added on the stage):

PHP Code:

function follow(evt:MouseEvent) {
//I use this to keep my cursor on top.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip - Controlling The MOUSE_OVER And MOUSE_OUT Animations

Feb 26, 2009

What I would like to do is have various MC's act as buttons so I can have animations in their various states. I have no problem controlling the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT animations, but I want another animation to happen with the MOUSE_DOWN action, and at the same time I want to disable the button controls. When I call a myClip.mouseEnabled=false;, myClip plays on, instead of remaining at the frame it is at, like it did with AS2. One solution I found was to create a second mc and have it cover myClip, but the animation I'm using makes it unusable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Cursor Switching MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT

Jan 19, 2010

It seems that when the cursor is over the button it constantly switches between the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT state (and...preventing any clicks i assume). Now the solution on the previous mentioned post doesn't work for me since the custom cursor always needs to be on screen.

Here's a piece the code I'm using (customCursor is already added on the stage):

PHP Code:

function follow(evt:MouseEvent) {
//I use this to keep my cursor on top.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse_out, Mouse_over, Mouse_up Handler In A Loop?

Aug 17, 2009

How do I write a single function that would handle all three events of a single button? I am finding myself with 3 listeners and 3 different functions!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips MOUSE_OVER - MOUSE_OUT Event Doesn't Fire

Jan 25, 2010

I have some MovieClips with mouse linteners, but if I mouse out of a movieclip instantly on to another one the 2nd movieclips MOVE_OVER event doesn't fire. Is there a work arround for this? If you don't know what i'm talking about the flash can be found here [URL] Try mousing from one movieclip to another without hitting the background and the tooltip wont show up. I was thinking of finding the movieclip i'm over by looking at the x and y position of the mouse and comparing that to the x y and z of all the movieclips but i'm hoping theres an easier way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Found Great Tutorial About Creating XML Menu - MOUSE_OVER And MOUSE_OUT

Apr 28, 2009

I've found great tutorial about creating XML menu. Originally in the background of button was dynamicaly created shape. AS was adding filter to the shape on MOUSE_OVER state. I created movie clip and wanted to use gotoAndPlay() action to go to one of frames in movie clip on MOUSE_OVER state and MOUSE_OUT. Here's the problem. I've tried few solutions but I failed :/ Always was something wrong, often nothing was working.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEvent.Mouse_Over / Mouse_Out - Continuously Flickers And Doesn't Stop

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a preview of which tower is selected for my game. I've set all of the 'background' of the level up with a class called EmptyBlock, which has buttonmode set to false. I then added event listeners to each one (this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver ); ) for both MOUSE_OVER, and MOUSE_OUT. Inside my onMouseOver function, I'm manipulating the x/y position of a MovieClip, and setting it's visible status to true. Inside the onMouseOut function, I'm setting the x/y position of the MovieClip to -25, -25 (Offstage, just hiding it from view), and setting it's visible status to false.

However, when I run the code and hover over this class (EmptyBlock), the MovieClip I'm manipulating flickers. It continuously flickers and doesn't stop. I tried creating the MovieClip's class and removing it (Creating in OnMouseOver and removing it in OnMouseOut) but that too flickered. Traces say that it's running the MouseOut constantly while the MovieClip is over it but not when it's not. What am I doing wrong here? I'm probably making a stupid mistake but...

On a second, smaller note: Once this MovieClip's class is created, it obviously intercepts the clicks I want to go to my EmptyBlock class. Is there anyway to forward the click onto my EmptyBlock class? The MC is not a child of my EmptyBlock class (but it is added as a child after the EmptyBlock class).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Mc MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OUT Without Events?

Aug 19, 2009

How to detect mc MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OUT w/out events?

Is there any way on how to detect MOUSE_OUT/ROLL_OUT event in a MovieClip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSE_OVER Listener - Animation Is Triggered Both On Mouse Over And Mouse Out Events

Aug 2, 2009

I have a movie clip I am using as a button (instance name btn1) and I added an event listener to it (using the following line): btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, animate1); the function "animate1" triggers some small animation when the mouse is over the movieclip. my problem is that the animation is triggered both on mouse over and mouse out events.

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Actionscript 3 :: Scrollbar With Sprite And Rectangle Won't Move Text, Just The Rectangle It's Painted On?

Mar 8, 2010

For those of you still with me, I am tasked with making some scrollable content in Flash. Load in a TextFile using LoadURL(), then display it. To get the text, we've written our own class TextFieldExtended, which is basically just there to give the textfile location to the constructor and then have the class do the various steps of getting it and loading it for you.So I needed to get a Scrollbar, which I got hereThe thing is, it works with Sprites.After trying to get it to accept TextFieldExtended, I bumped into a block, since the scrollbar relied heavily on a Sprite property that TextFieldExtended didn't have or could have.

So I tried adding the TextFieldExtended instance to a Sprite instance using addchild.A problem occurs here that I do not know how to handle. It seems that a Rectangle is drawn and the Text is drawn on that. I say this because the scrollbar moves the Rectangle up and down a bit, but the text doesn't scroll, just the Rectangle it is positioned in and the text then moves along with it.My question: can this be fixed, or is does this implementation of scrollbars need a lot of adaptations before this is possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Some Computers Cannot Show Some Of Flashes

May 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Rectangle To Curved Rectangle?

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to convert a rectangle(actually multiple rectangles) to a curved rectangle. I think it should be pretty easy but I guess i am stupid. Basically I would have a start position and stop position (many of these), and they would be converted to curved rectangles and follow in a cicrle around.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Rectangle Inside Of A Rectangle?

Jun 26, 2010

I would like to create a rectangle inside of a rectangle, starting approximately 15% inward from the right side of the other rectangle.

I know how to create rectangles with:

var newHotRect:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;, 0, 100, 100);

But how would I make another rectangle on top of that (the black one pictured) that is approximately 15% from the right?

I toyed around with .right, and .bottomright with no success. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? or even finding the x and y of the upper right or bottom right side of a rectangle?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rectangle To Rectangle Collision Response?

May 20, 2011

how to respond when a rectangle hits another rectangle? I already know how to detect the collision, I just don't know how to respond to it. I'm just trying making a simple side-scrolling platform game where I have platforms I can walk on and bump against on all sides. I have searched everywhere and just can't find the tutorials I'm looking for.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Virtual Joystick - Flashes Back And Forth

May 20, 2009

I have a virtual joystick that I am making for one of my games, and I'm having a problem with the KEY_DOWN command.

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, joyKeyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, joyKeyUp);
function joyKeyDown(joyEventGo:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (joyEventGo.keyCode==Keyboard.LEFT) {
function joyKeyUp(joyEventStop:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (joyEventStop.keyCode==Keyboard.LEFT) {

My problem is that I cant seem to get it to stop looping. I have a joystick in normal position in frame 1 of the joystick MC, and other positions in the other 4 frames. Here's what my code makes the joystick do. It flashes back and forth. I cant get it to stop pinging the function for gotoAndPlay, so it wont stop going to the right position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game When Played / Flashes From Scene 1 And 2 Over And Over Again

Jul 25, 2010

As stated in the title, when played, the game I am creating flashes from Scene 1 to Scene 2 very quickly over and over again. It only has two scenes, and it says that there are no errors. Because it flashes so quickly, it doesn't allow the player to do anything but possibly get a seziure from the constant flashing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Fonts - Blank Screen Flashes On / Off

May 25, 2009

Everytime I try to load a font, I get a blank screen that flashes on and off and have to shut my computer down for it to stop. I use to be able to download them all the time. I don't know what changed on my computer to make this happen.

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RollOver Menu Flashes Rapidly When Placing Button

Dec 31, 2009

I'm creating a roll over menu where, when your mouse is hovering over a button, a menu below that button appears, and then you can go over that new menu and click another button which links to a different page. My problem is that when you hover over the new menu that appears, the whole menu flashes rapidly. This only happens when I try to place a button on the new menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Flashes White Just Before Images Load

Mar 23, 2010

I have developed a Flash slideshow that loads 6 images from the web server using an xml loader (the image names are in anxml file), then loads these images into an array.  I have an xmlloader to read the xml file, and a Loader that loads the images from the array,and then changes the images every 4 secs or so.
My problem is that when the web page is opened from a client, the space where the flash object is located (in a table)flashes white until the images are loaded.  I thought I could fix the problem by making the stage the same color as the background on the web page. No dice, I still see a white box (800x320 px) that is the size of the stage, and the size of the images.When I compile it on my computer, if I look fast I can see a quick flash of white just before the images load!I did not develop the page, but put the Flash code in the index.html page.There is quite a lot of javascript on this page, maybe developed in Dreamweaver.I can attach the action script code if desired, for more clarification.  Let me know on this.Basically, the images reside in a folder on the web server, the xml file has the image names, the xml loader reads the xml file,and when it is complete, goes to a routine that takes the name of the image from an xml list I create, and then loads an array.I load the image into the loader, etc.  This is clearer with the code.  I am using CS4 and a document class,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Flashes Up Normal-sized Player?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a really annoying bug with the Flash player. When I go into fullscreen then an image of the normal-sized flash player flashes up momentarily in the top left-hand corner of the player.It's really ugly and I can't seem to find a quick fix to get round this. The only answers I have found are to use a NetConnection and NetStream classwhich I simply do not have time to do

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashes Combo Box To Change Value Without Selecting One From Dropdown List

Aug 5, 2009

IS there a way with flashes combo box to change the value without selecting one from the dropdown list.I tried [code]

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Flash :: Simulate Guitar Strings/chords With Flashes Sound Synthesizer?

Apr 5, 2011

I've just developed a function to ring frequencies, but I can't make it sound like a guitar string, I can only change it's frequency. Is there some way to change other parameters of a generated sound?

function sineGenerateSound(event:SampleDataEvent):void
for (var i:int=0; i<4092; i++)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML - Preload Bar Flashes Slightly At The Start Then Is Visible As Scroll Through Each Image In The Galleries

Oct 16, 2006

Have set up a file which preloads all of my images from an XML before displaying. However I'm having problems, one is the preload bar flashes slightly at the start, then is visible as I scroll through each image in the galleries. I've attached my fla file >> here <<

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSE_OUT Not Working On Mac

Aug 28, 2011

I'm having an issue with a drop down menu not returning to it's regular state after you have rolled over it. This issue is occurring in Firefox, and Safari and on my Mac. I visited the site [URL] on a oc and the drop down menu worked just fine. Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening? I thought it might have something to do with my MOUSE_OUT property but I'm not sure.

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