Professional :: Choose A Thumbnail In SWF Player?

Sep 23, 2010

Can I choose a thumbnail? My SWF player I have told not to autoplay, but I want it to display an appropriate thumbnail. how do I set the thumb nail?

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<rss version="2.0">
<title>title goes here</title>
<link> [URL]>
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Thumbnail When Video Player Is Not Playing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Loop - Middle Thumbnail Represents The Photo In Target_mc?

Nov 28, 2007

I have made a image-viewer. I've this AS for the viewer:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....

Now i would like to make a loop for the thumbnails so they don't have a beginning or end(Now when i scroll to the right the thumbnails stop at the last thumbnail, i want it to begin at the first thumb again).I'm also trying to make that the middle thumbnail represents the photo in target_mc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease - Cannot Scroll Thumbnail Until Roll Off The Click Thumbnail

Jul 10, 2007

I am making a gallery, which you can view here:[URL]ok, firstly, when you click a thumbnail, you cannot scroll them until you roll off the click thumbnail, and I'm not sure why. is it just a movieclip thing? or can I put some code in to re-get focus of something? ok, now for the two general questions:

1. When you roll over the thumbs, they go up, sometimes they flick back down though, even though you are rolled over them still. is this just because they are moving?

2. Does anyone know why when I add this:


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Professional :: Video Preview Thumbnail?

Mar 2, 2011

Using Flash cs5I have a simple swfnothing on the stage except a video (flv) playback component.I dont want it to autostart which i see the paremeter for and have set that to uncheckedBut I would like pick a place in the video to be the thumbnail image for the video that people see instead of just a black box. I dont see how to do that.Is there any way to have them see a thumbnail image in the video player instead of a black box when i dont want the video to autoplay?

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Professional :: Separate Two Thumbnail Images That Open Same Picture?

May 22, 2010

Ok the fourth page of the website is a portfolio page with 16 thumbnails (4 across 4 down) which opens a larger pic on the same page to the right.
I can't figure out what to change. The first and third thumb down seem to be linked and open the same image. Same with two and two down from that and so on. I want to separate them so each open their own image. If I edit it in PS both thumbs change...
I click several times and well thumb one and the third one down is:
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 1;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Xml Thumbnail + OnRelease Function On Each Thumbnail?

Oct 11, 2009

Im trying to create via xml and a for() loop a thumbnails wiewer and each thumbnail have a simple onrelease function.....but my probleme is that my 'container' movieClip and 'BT' movieClip dont show when I export the movie...also when i trace()them the output is empty. maybe is because they are inside  x.onLoad(xml){} function ? At the end of the script you can remove // before the trace() function for ckecking in the output panel. here is my code:

xml file: TumbLoader.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><slideshow><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/1.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/2.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/3.jpg" /><photos[code]...

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Professional :: Flash Thumbnail Gallery - Making Window Clip Inactive After Click?

Dec 4, 2011

I am an artist trying to remake my website...I have a picture of a window on my homepage. The window is a movie. When clicked on, the window lights turn on and a grid of thumbnail pics appear. Each thumbnail is a movie clip. When a thumbnail is clicked on, the movie plays and a larger image appears over the window. The problem is, the window is still active underneath the large image, so if I click on the large image, I am really clicking on the window movie clip underneath, and the thumbnail grid disappears-starting the window movie clip over. How do I make the window clip inactive after it is initially clicked? Also, I would like the larger images to end their movie clips after another thumbnail is clicked, so that there aren't large images piled up on top of each other.

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Professional :: Loader Component Works When Publish To Flash Player 7 But Not In Flash Player 8

Jul 5, 2010

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Professional :: Video Doesn't Play In Authoring Player, Does Play In Debug Player

Nov 8, 2010

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It used to run fine in CS4 in the authoring environment.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: To Thumbnail, Or Not To Thumbnail ?

Jul 5, 2007

Yes, I'm making a photo gallery like everyone else. I'm making it so people can order pics from the site. There are going to be about 500 photos per album in 5 different categories. The photos can be shrunk down to about 60kb a piece. If I use the actual pictures as thumbnails, just scaled down, the total size of all the pics will be about 30mb. I know this is a lot.

Either way, the people looking at the album will most likely look at nearly all the pics so they will be using up bandwidth either way. Plus, if I use the actual pics as thumbs the user will not have to wait to see actual pic when it's clicked on because it's already loaded. A preloader is annoying to me. I do realize a preloader would be wise when loading the thumbs. Just dislike them after you click one for the big picture.

So is using shrunken thumbs a necessity or if the big pic is under a certain size it shouldn't matter if I use it for a thumb also?

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Choose Between Flash And Html5

Jun 1, 2011

I am planning to develop a facebook application which uses iframe concept, it involves some rich UI and image manipulation, I am new to html5 but aware of flex

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Xml To Choose Font

Jun 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Choose Movieclip Name Dynamically?

Jun 16, 2010

I hv 5 movieclips on stage mc1,mc2,mc3,mc4,mc5. I m trying this code to run random movieclip on stage

function Randvalue(){var randVal=Math.round(Math.random()*4)this[mc+randVal].gotoAndPlay("over")}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroller To Choose Color?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm starting flash and already familiar with some of the basics (movie clips, coloring them, adding them on stage, events).And while I read a book to follow, and see tutorials here and there, I kinda follow the "learn as you go" approach.I think the most challenging part here is the scroller to choose colors. I already tried to look for online tutorials but I guess my google terms were simply weak and inaccurate.

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May 10, 2010

HTTPService has a property resultFormat which can be set to any of the following: array e4x flashvars object text xml .I looked at the documentation to understand the difference, but still couldn't understand when to use each. I'm looking for the lightest weight of all of them.

P.S. I'm consuming output from my own server, so can change the output format as needed to make it compatible with each.

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Apr 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Choose Specific XML Nodes?

Jan 9, 2011

So. Basically I'm trying to create a news-ticker that feeds of an XML-page that I don't have control over. It rolls horizontally across the screen. (Eventually...)

I'm able to access the different parts of the XML and insert them, but only one kind at the time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Choose Random Text?

Mar 6, 2012

how would i go about choosing one of the following at random?

ActionScript Code:
var example1:String = "hello";
var example2:String = "how are you";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Dynamic Textbox To Display What I Choose?

Jan 10, 2012

ok in theory this sounds brutally easy. Just can't make it fire. On my stage I have an atm movieclip called "atm". In it I have 8 buttons l1-l4 and r1-r4. I add and remove functions based upon what is on the screen. So on the third screen I want when I hit l1 for a dynamic text box to display "20". So my thought is, place the dynamic textbox where I need it, create the instance name, and where it needs to come up use this line of code:

cashdispense.text == "20";

well the box remains blank. I've posted all my code if it makes things easier to understand.
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].........

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Database :: Why Flash / Flex RIA Choose Base64 XML Over AMF

Aug 10, 2009

I have recently been using Charles the debugging app. And noticed a very chatty app named skyrocket (a very very cool slide presentation app) sending a lot of data across the wire. It is built in flex by the looks and I was wondering why they had chosen to send their data using base64 and not amf. Is it because they don't want to be locked into the flash platform? Or could there be another reason. Is it to store it as XML in the database as they don't want to be dealing with amf when handing data to other services/clients (iPhone etc).

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Flex :: Set Datechoose To Only Choose Month/Year?

Jan 20, 2010

I am builder a graph that is going to cover an entire month. The user may change the Month/Year but there is no point in choosing a date for the month as it is going to show the entire month anyways. So is there a way to maybe make the DateChooser date always the first and only allow the user to pick the month and year?

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Dec 2, 2011

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Is there something like that in Adobe Air?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Data Input To Choose MC Load

Jan 7, 2009

I need to have a data field that the user will enter in a zip code, hit submit, and have a specific movie clip load, based on their entry. There aren't different movie clips for every single zip, but there will be 20 or so different clips that would load, based on whether or not that zip falls within a certain group. For instance, if someone enters in a zip for Washington DC, I would need to load a clip that shows that general area ... DC, VA and MD.

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