Professional :: Give An Animation A Mirror Effect?
Jan 26, 2011
flash and followed a tutorial online on how to make a animated spectrum analyser here - [URL]
What I wanted to know is if it is possible to have a small mirror effect underneath the animation, sort of like this image
It obviously needs to be a proper mirror and not just a static image.
The animation itself is 940px wide, 200px high so I will only need the mirror effect to be around 50 - 80 px high.
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm trying to make a UCI (user created interface) for the music player, Cowon D2. Basically, I am trying to create mirror effects for album art movie clips.
I have searched high and low but have been unable to find a suitable solution which would work on Flash Player 7 with Actionscript 2.0. I had started to lose hope but decided to ask on this forum as a last attempt.
I have previously just flipped the movie clips then set alphas on them. However, it does not look very nice. I would prefer a gradiented mirror image.
BitmapData and Matrix classes are however not supported by Flash Player 7.
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Attachments: dummy14.swf (17.7 K)
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x=400,y=600 height=550,width=100.
My problem was that the When I apply the zoomIn effect of image,It is not actually inside the MovieClip.Image is coming out from the MovieClip during the zoomIn effect.
I want to apply a zoomIn effect for the image in the MovieClip only.
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this.clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
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Each page has like the first page "Welcome" followed by a brief paragraph followed by a "read more..." link/button which opens to a small popup window with additional 3-4 paragraphs. So the main page has "WELCOME" > small paragraph > read more button.
Below that has "LATEST WORKS" > small paragraph > read more button
Both of those "read more..." lead to the same popup window but have their own title "Welcome" and "Latest works"(don't know where the mini title file is) but the paragraphs are the same which I don't want. I want each "read more..." to open to its own little popup.
Still learning script but is their anything in the script to change or something on stage? Or just redo everything somehow
on (rollOver) {
} on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
} on (release) {
_root.popup.label.text = i;}
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Jan 16, 2011
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that's my code:
- i have a class that (everytime the function is called by the timer) add an object(class "Monster") to the stage.
I also tried to avoid the problem changing my point of view; so i inserted the hitTestObject test into the loop for each ( var enemy:Monster in army ) but the same problem occurred, i have a lot of balls that doesn't have an instance name (or they have all the same one).
This is what i created until now [URL]
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Jun 6, 2009
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Jun 21, 2009
I'm animating a series of vector based objects (brought in from Illustrator and converted to movie clips - want to keep them as vectors as I'm changing scale a lot and want to retain the clean vector edges etc) which I have applied a blur effect to in the motion editor (to give the appearance of 'motion blur').
Once I add the blur filter to the given Tween Span and test the movie, that particular part of the animation is very slow and jerky and I get the Output error:"Warning: Filter will not render. The DisplayObject's filtered dimensions (3745, 4692) are too large to be drawn.
Now I realise that the vector is too large to apply this filter to at this point in the animation and thus is affecting performance etc, but as I need to keep the image large, as I want to have a part of it go full screen at one point in the animation.
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Jul 12, 2009
i want [URL] type effect without cooliris tag.
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Nov 25, 2009
Here are the two texts
I want the button to be "products" and when you mouse over it products fades out and innovation fades in and moves to the top right, like an animation.
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Nov 18, 2011
I want to create a flash preloader effect in my flash animation. How should I do this?
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Aug 28, 2011
I have been trying to see how this splat effect animation from some sort of "paintball game" works. I think this is using an open-source APE(Actionscript Physics Engine).Actually, I guess it's the one from cove.orgAs I cannot post links yet I'll tell you where it is.If you don't feel like wanting to look for it,I can PM you with the link to it.Write this in the google bar : "Minijuegos"+"Battle Paint" // that is the name of the game.There is a class named "Floor" which is used in the menu of the game, where random splat shots start appearing in the background. I am trying to figure out how it works.This is the class code: I think everythig related to the splats is in there, but still don't see which functions make the whole animation.
The key must be in functions: generateSplatter","createSplotch","generateSplotch","generateSplatterHd","addSplatterHd","addColor"(I think this function adds color to the splatters, which is not so important right now) and that's all with the functions.There is an array, ThePaintSplatArray( must be an array containing a lot of particles, which are bitmaps of small circles i guess)I'm not used to working with AS.That's why I'm doing a deep analysis of the code to understand the way it works.he code was way too long to put it here. SO I zipped it up. YOu will found the floor and particle(what makes the physics stuff work) .as files.
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Aug 27, 2009
I am looking to create a 'tentacle' like effect for a flash animation. A frame by frame animation is not ideal as it is arduous and not very easily manipulated.
I have attached an fla of the effect I am looking for. Ideally it would be a line that snakes in and grows thicker at the back end. I can create it in the way included in the fla but it is not very portable and i cannot overlay different tentacles.
I think that a layer mask would be good but I cannot think of a way to go about it.
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May 11, 2004
I wanted to do a simple blinking-effect for my animations.
var timeDelay = 2000;
setFrameTimer = function(){
if ( (Math.random(1)*100) > 90 ) {
}} setInterval (setFrameTimer, timeDelay);
Nice and easy, right, giving the eyes a 10 percent chance of blinking every two seconds. Well, it works nicely in the beginning. But then, after a while, the blinking increases until finally the animations are blinking constantly.
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Dec 6, 2011
ok lets say you create a button that when held down play an animation of 20 frames if realsed it goes to frame one and stops if held down it plays out this animation. for the topic lets say you have a fire animation and you want the fire to apear and if the user hold its down the animation reaches the end of the time line and loops back and plays the last 5 frames of the animation and as soon as it is let go it goes to and stops at frame one. Well i know how to make a button that when held down plays out an animation. And i know how to say when released goes to and stops at frame one. What i dont know how to do is to loop the fire at the last 5 or 6 frames so the user can hold it down all day long and play out that animation.
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