ActionScript 3.0 :: Give ZoomIn Effect In An Image Inside MovieClip.?
Dec 10, 2009
Suppose position of MovieClip is
x=400,y=600 height=550,width=100.
My problem was that the When I apply the zoomIn effect of image,It is not actually inside the MovieClip.Image is coming out from the MovieClip during the zoomIn effect.
I want to apply a zoomIn effect for the image in the MovieClip only.
Suppose position of MovieClip is x=400,y=600 height=550,width=100.
My problem was that the When I apply the zoomIn effect of image,It is not actually inside the MovieClip.Image is coming out from the MovieClip during the zoomIn effect.
I want to apply a zoomIn effect for the image in the MovieClip only.
I'm brand-new to Flash (taking a course in it), and I'm wondering if the effect I'd like to achieve is possible or not:
I have a graphic of a silk background. I'd like to add bones inside it and set poses so that the silk seems to ripple slightly. Is this possible with a bitmap image? Or only with shapes? (I've had no success so far -- as soon as I attempt to set a pose, the image disappears.) I wish I could draw silk, but I can't make it look realistic.
flash and followed a tutorial online on how to make a animated spectrum analyser here - [URL]
What I wanted to know is if it is possible to have a small mirror effect underneath the animation, sort of like this image It obviously needs to be a proper mirror and not just a static image.
The animation itself is 940px wide, 200px high so I will only need the mirror effect to be around 50 - 80 px high.
how can i give the thumbnail effect as seen in youtube .I have converted kirupa's so helpful gallery into a video player.But just not getting how to code that script..
I have tried looking through the tutorials for what I am looking for but to no avail. I am embarking on a mini solo project (building my first website) and I wanted to give my buttons a "rocking" effect on mouse over.
I am already able to do the simple on mouse over change colour etc so wanted to try something different.
I have a swf file and i want to give it a transparent background to the stage. I understand that it's possible to give it the transparency through the HTML publish setting using the 'transparent windowless' property.However, i wanted to know whether there's an actionscript property to give the same transparency effect to the stage. like the opactiy or something (sorry, I might be wrong) The thing is I have a external preloader which loads the content swf and when it gets loaded, the stage loses it's transparency.
I use this method to give a fade in effect to my galleries, but there is a problem with it when i m viweing it in the browser if i go to another tab then go back to the tab wich has the sef with this fade in mask t messes all up the mask get smaller or dissapear anyone knows how to fix it or another way of making an fadein/out mask? here is the code i use
I'm trying to kind of create an effect of 3d with a movie clip that rotates round its centre on all three axis. Is there any way of using just xscale, yscale, and _rotation properties of an image to give this effect (once you know rotation round z axis, y axis and x axis). I know it can be done I just can't get my head round the flipping over. Its ok when its at only one angle like imagine a photo spinning like some spinning doors but as soon as the angle changes is where I'm having problems. This is as far as I've got but its clearly wrong, it shrinks to zero size. Use right up and down arrow keys [URL].
I am trying to unmask an image using a movieclip when the mouse hovers the stage. (like a paint brush effect). my_mc = image my_mask = mask movieclip (square)
this is what I have so far
ActionScript Code: package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; //Main Class public class Artist extends Sprite{ private var drawing:Boolean; [Code] .....
I tried putting the masking property in the constructor ( image.mask = imagemask ). but that gave me an error because imagemask is defined in the draw function. If I define imagemask (privately) ontop of the constructor and add the masking properties to the constructor it doesn't work correctly.e
how would I LOAD an image.. into a movieclip.. then resize the movieclip to the size of the image..
now I know how to put the image inside of the movieclip with addChild(), but then when I try to resize the movieclip to the size of the IMAGE, it changes the size of the image inside the movieclip.. now I know that when a movieclip scales so does everything else.. so my question is.. how to go about modifying this to make it work no matter what
basically I have a editor so to speak and when you drag the blips it will resize it.. but the problem is actually LOADING the image into the movieclip because once it is same width/height as the movieclip (and shows that way on the screen) my script will handle it perfectly. is there a trick to this.. here is the code I've got so far..
Code: function dispatch(e:Event):void { this.removeChildAt(2); var l:LoaderInfo = imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo;
the loader can change so I remove it from the movieclip when the dispatch function gets called, imageLoader is the loader which loads the image.. sizes just returns either max sized resized proportions or regular height of the image.. note "this" or rather the element I'm using is by default 100x100.
OnRollOver of a Button I want to slightly zoom it and OnRollOut i want to slightly zoom out the Button. And the conditions are I should not use TimeLines/Stage Assets etc. Every thing has to come dynamically. Including the Button creation/ZoomOut/ZoomIn effect etc. and mainly i need it in Flash Cs3/Flash Cs4.
I have 170 images that I need to place on the same place on the left side of the stage and and have them move across the stage one at a time, increase in size and then fade out after 10 sec. The sequence then continues for all 169 images. My initial thoughts are to animate the first image inside a movie clip, duplicate it and swap the image. When I tried this it worked fine until the image had shape tweened to the larger size (at this point the image displays for 10 sec and fades out). At the key frame at this point the image changed back to the original one. What do I need to do to make the new image visible throughout the whole movie clip when I swap the image like this? Is there a better way to produce this type of animation? I am using Flash Professional 8 and quite new to the world of Flash and Action Script.
I have 4 Movieclips on stage, each called btn1, btn2, btn3 and btn4. Inside each movieclip is an image and then a layer above it called cover_mc.The piece of code i have here, which is located on the main timeline, should be registering a MOUSE_OVER command and then fading out the cover_mc movieclip from within that particular Movieclip im hovering over.
is it possible for me to give a movieclip the same position as another movieclip. meaning they will be on top of eachother and when one moves the other moves as well.i know you can do it with the mouse:[code]It would be a great way to cheat the program as im having some problems, but this would fix it. the 2 movieclips though is in a class and the other is on the stage.
How to give image to halo button in flex 4?i am also going to mousrover and mouseout the button that wil change image respectively.and when i click on it it will show alert button.
I wanna link a movie clip which has instace name test1 to a external urlI am using a menu list which has main movieclip instance name as 'Primary_Menu'. And inside this main movie clip there are 7 menus (home, about us etc..) each menus are movie clip and has instance names.Below code is written for linking them to respective frames. but i need to give external url for last menu (test1)
When i put a movieclip on the stage, every time i do that, i have to click on it, press f9 (to show the movieclip actions pannel) and past a code on it... and i will use this movielcip a lot of times in my project, so, everytime i put it on the stage i have to put the code on it again... is there a way to attribute the same code to my movieclip (automatically) everytime i put my mc on the stage?
Is there any way to dynamically give a movieclip an instance name? This little process is gonna be spread out to a couple hundred dots, and while it's not really all that hard to type in the variable by hand (in fact it'd "only" take half an hour or so), but the more done dynamically the better, I think.
What I want to do is have a simple movie clip which checks it's own instance name as a variable, and then gotoAndPlay("thatvariable");. For example, say I have a movie clip with instance name "a1". On the clip I'd like to put onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.a1); //but in place of "_root.a1",
I'd like to be able to call the instance name so that I can copy and paste the code to multiple movieclips without manually changing the name. } _root.a1 is a variable which contains the name of a frame inside of a1, so when you boil it down, it's just telling itself to gotoAndPlay("framename") in a roundabout way. Is this at all possible?
I'm working on building a 'cover flow' similar to the scroll through iTunes uses for it's album covers. The only difference is my 'cover' needs a background MovieClip that will sit behind it and animate when the images are scrolled to get it a 3D effect. So I have a MovieClip I'm exporting called coverflowItem. This is the movie clip that will sit behind each 'cover' image and have the timeline I want to control from a different .as file. That file is called where all of the elements are assembled and animated.
What I need to do now is find out how to control each instanced coverflowItem so when the arrow buttons are clicked, not only do the covers slide to the appropriate side which they are currently doing now, but also have the associated MovieClip play giving the 3D illusion. I can call the functions from the in the but have had no luck actually getting the movie clips to play properly.
//Create CoverflowItem var cover:CoverflowItem=new CoverflowItem(_data);
This code lets me assess the functions but not actually manipulate the MovieClip. I'm sure my logic if flawed.
I have a pendulum that swings infinitely. I'd like to set the maximum angle to a random amount to give it a sort of "blown by a random wind" effect. I'm not great at code, so I can't figure out how to randomize "maxAngle" without making the animation jerky. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? Here is my code and FLA...