ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieving Image Name From Xml Then Will Be Echoed Inside The Movieclip
Nov 15, 2011
I just want to ask sometihng on how to show the image inside the movieclip by pulling the image name inside the xml file. this is my xml file.
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I finally found out how to make my own sound control buttons but the problem is i'd really like the sound to start up when the flash movie loads and then use the stop and resume button to control it? But when I place the sound on a layer and then click the resume button the sound begins again and is echoed?
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Nov 8, 2009
how would I LOAD an image.. into a movieclip.. then resize the movieclip to the size of the image..
now I know how to put the image inside of the movieclip with addChild(), but then when I try to resize the movieclip to the size of the IMAGE, it changes the size of the image inside the movieclip.. now I know that when a movieclip scales so does everything else.. so my question is.. how to go about modifying this to make it work no matter what
basically I have a editor so to speak and when you drag the blips it will resize it.. but the problem is actually LOADING the image into the movieclip because once it is same width/height as the movieclip (and shows that way on the screen) my script will handle it perfectly. is there a trick to this.. here is the code I've got so far..
function dispatch(e:Event):void {
var l:LoaderInfo = imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo;
the loader can change so I remove it from the movieclip when the dispatch function gets called, imageLoader is the loader which loads the image.. sizes just returns either max sized resized proportions or regular height of the image.. note "this" or rather the element I'm using is by default 100x100.
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Jul 5, 2011
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Dec 10, 2009
Suppose position of MovieClip is x=400,y=600 height=550,width=100.
My problem was that the When I apply the zoomIn effect of image,It is not actually inside the MovieClip.Image is coming out from the MovieClip during the zoomIn effect.
I want to apply a zoomIn effect for the image in the MovieClip only.
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Oct 31, 2011
I have 170 images that I need to place on the same place on the left side of the stage and and have them move across the stage one at a time, increase in size and then fade out after 10 sec. The sequence then continues for all 169 images. My initial thoughts are to animate the first image inside a movie clip, duplicate it and swap the image. When I tried this it worked fine until the image had shape tweened to the larger size (at this point the image displays for 10 sec and fades out). At the key frame at this point the image changed back to the original one. What do I need to do to make the new image visible throughout the whole movie clip when I swap the image like this? Is there a better way to produce this type of animation? I am using Flash Professional 8 and quite new to the world of Flash and Action Script.
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Dec 10, 2009
Suppose position of MovieClip is
x=400,y=600 height=550,width=100.
My problem was that the When I apply the zoomIn effect of image,It is not actually inside the MovieClip.Image is coming out from the MovieClip during the zoomIn effect.
I want to apply a zoomIn effect for the image in the MovieClip only.
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Apr 16, 2011
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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
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Jun 8, 2010
i'm trying to access the width and height of an image that is added to the stage via a custom LoadImage class. the trace results are 0 even though the image displays correctly.
//frame script
var image:LoadImage = new LoadImage("myImage.jpeg");
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Mar 23, 2011
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May 1, 2011
I am creating an application in Flash CS4 that will load data from an XML file and add a movieClip for each item to the stage. Each movie clip contains a NumericStepper component and Input text field.
The user needs to be able to change the fields and update the XML file for the event.CHANGE event.
The XML file needs to be formed like this. I need to be able to navigate between sections and load the data for each one.
I just need a push in the right direction. I using the Object Oriented Programming methods with a Document class and movieClip classes to control my application. I have been spinning my tires creating several crippled versions.
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Feb 2, 2005
I am trying to create a gallery where each thumb is housed inside of it's own movie clip that will have more data, but it keeps failing because it won't let me refer to the newly created instance of the movie clip. Below is what I am trying to do.
var xml:XML;
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("xml.xml");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Apr 17, 2010
I am trying to activate a rollOver-function when the mouse rolls over a movieclip inside of a movieclip.On the main window (root), first you rollOver a button where a window shows up with more options (movieclips).From stage, my first movieclip is called "catapultas_read_more" which leads to amother movieclip called "pic1_mc". The label that is going to play when mouse over on pic1_mc is "rollOn".I tried this.gotoAndPlay("rollOn); directly inserted to the movieclip, but the movieclip inside pic1_mc never starts
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May 4, 2011
I have the scenario below. I have a movieclip on the stage (root). Inside this movieclip I have a frame with the action below:
_root.MCHappy.visible = false;
_root.MCSad.visible = false;
_root.MCNormal.visible = true;
I cant get this working with AS3. How is the correct way to do that inside a MovieClip with AS3?
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Oct 21, 2005
I'm creating a menu bar that is a movieclip and inside the movieclip consists of the buttons.Now the menu bar is twice as WIDE as what is visible on the stage.The only part you can see is the text 'menu' on a bar.Then when the mouse hits the bar, it flies across the screen to the otherside of the bar where the menu buttons are.Now the menu bar does its animation over 20 frames - the last frame being the frame where the menu buttons are now visible.
On the last frame i have the 'stop;' code
On the first frame I have this code:
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
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Jun 23, 2009
I have been using TweenLite for all of my easing. I was wondering what the code is for having a button inside a movieclip not active while the movieclip is tweening.Then when the movieclip does finish tweening the button then becomes active.
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Feb 16, 2010
How can I get a button inside a movieclip link to a frame in another movieclip on the scene? I tried this code:
function gotoCenter(event:MouseEvent):void {
skruetest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCenter);
..where "skruetest" is the button, "centermc" is the movieclip where I want to go to frame 2. I don�t get errors with this code, but nothing happens when I click the button. What can I do?
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Dec 4, 2011
I want to apply actions to a movieClip nested inside a dynamicly attached movieClip, with the attachMovie method; it doesn't works when the movieClip is attached by a button:
1.when the swf movie loads with an attachMovie method the remove_btn clears the window_mc
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Oct 23, 2009
I have a button inside a movieclip, to which I would like to apply a rollover function. When rolled over, this button (inside MOVIECLIP 1) would make (MOVIECLIP 2) jump to second frame. I'm using Flash 8.This is turning onto a real headache for me, since i've searched every single forum and thread concerning this matter, and nothing seems to work.
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Oct 27, 2011
i have dynamic buttons in movieclip and i want the movieclip goto 2nd frame once some one click single movieclip while rest remains in 1st frame.the movieclips can be in arrayi have some code here:
Actionscript Code:
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();for(var i:int = 0 ; i < numberOfButtons;i++){ var btn:MovieClip = new button();
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a movieClip button in my library that I dynamically add multiple instances of to the stage using code (so each instance has a unique name). The button has two frames, so it has a basic rollover effect (just changes color. To make the rollover work, I've had to dynamically add an event listener to each new instance of the movieclip, which triggers the rollover function.
I was wondering, instead of adding an event listener each time, can I somehow have an event listener within the movieclip to take care of the rollover? Or will it not make any difference to the number of event listeners, as it will still add a listener with each new instance of the clip?
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Dec 3, 2006
I have a movie clip, circle_mc, and in it is embed another movie clip, point_mc. I made the circle draggable with this:
circle_mc.onPress = function() {
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May 18, 2010
On the stage I have a movieclip called mc_back. I also have a movieclip on the stage called mc_content. Now, inside mc_content I have a bunch of code and some of it adds, or should add, an EventListener to mc_back as well as a a function that works when mc_back is pressed.
So basically, all code is written inside mc_content and some of it needs to interact with mc_back.
how to target mc_back from inside mc_content. Using stage.mc_back or root.mc_back doesn't work and Google should be my friend, but in this particular problem, it's acting more like my enemy.
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Aug 3, 2009
Is there any ways to set a movie clip(item2) invisible but set another movie clip which located inside item2 visible?
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May 17, 2011
I am brand new to AS3 and just about muddled through with AS2. I have a problem which should have a simple solution but everything I try gives errors.I had a load of buttons on the main timline which worked fine. I have moved a load of them into another movieclip called flyoutMenu. Now none work and I get the error:Error #1065: Variable about is not defined.This is the code stripped down to one button:[code]
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a movieclip running inside a movieclip and i want trigger an action on the timeline in AS2 I would put _root.gotoAndPlay("start6_fl"); or _parent.gotoAndPlay("start6_fl"); depending on were I wanted to go.How do you do this really simple action in AS3?
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Mar 17, 2010
I have a movieClip called "mcUnitedStates" inside another mother movieClip.
I have two instances of the mother movieClip. One entitled "mcWorldMapTop" on its own layer and the other entitled "mcWorldMapBottom" on its own layer.
I thought having two instances of the same movieClip and applying different filters to the mcUnitedStates movieClip in each.
Error I get is: Access of unidentified property mcWorldMapBottom
I'm doing this because the colorTransform is making the glow the same color as the colorTransform instead of the color I want the glow to be.
I am getting a Compiler error with this code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
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May 3, 2011
I have a mock up fla file showing what i am trying to attempt. I have a button nested in a movie clip on the second frame on main timeline called PageBackBtn. I am trying to get this button to target a label within a movieclip on the first frame of the main timeline. The label also is called PageBackBtn within the movieclip on frame one.
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