ActionScript 2.0 :: Activate A RollOver-function When The Mouse Rolls Over A Movieclip Inside Of A Movieclip?

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to activate a rollOver-function when the mouse rolls over a movieclip inside of a movieclip.On the main window (root), first you rollOver a button where a window shows up with more options (movieclips).From stage, my first movieclip is called "catapultas_read_more" which leads to amother movieclip called "pic1_mc". The label that is going to play when mouse over on pic1_mc is "rollOn".I tried this.gotoAndPlay("rollOn); directly inserted to the movieclip, but the movieclip inside pic1_mc never starts

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activate Function While Mouse Is Over Movieclip?

May 31, 2010

Im trying to make a image gallery, that then the i get to the left side of the movieclip is moves to the left and when im in the right it does that way

I already made this using tweens... But i want that while im over the left side of the movieclip it keeps doing tweens to the left... same for the otherside ofc

Im not finding a way to keep it always doing the tweens... i have to move mouse so it animates.

i got something like this:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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i want to setup this interface so that when you click on this movie clipsomething happens. but whenever i try to click on the movie clip i get nadathis is the location of my movieclip:_root.mc_gallery_content.mc_empty_1the AS that i want to use to be activated by "mc_empty_1" is inside "mc_gallery_content"

thought i could use this code to get "mc_empty_1" to initiallize a function:
_root.mc_gallery_content.mc_empty_1.onRelease = function() {
//preform function xyz


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover Buttons Inside Movieclip Doesn't Work

Oct 5, 2008

I still can't figure the way to make my buttons work


here is my fla file... Basically I have a rollover buttons inside a movieclip and my action script in the first frame of the scene is the following


b1_01 is the instance of the button inside designer_mc movieclip~ however I ealized that buttons won't work in movieclip and i just don't know what's other solution

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on (rollOver) {;
But this is not working.

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public var myboolean:Boolean = new Boolean();
public function Function_One()


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for (k=1; k<7; k++) {
this["btn0"+k].onRollOver = function() {
var yBtn:Tween = new Tween(this["btn0"+k], "_y", Strong.easeOut, this._y, this._y-8, 1, true);

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mc_boxholder <---This mc contains the function that makes little boxes

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Simple as...

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Aug 4, 2011

In fact, when i publish my FLA with player 9, there is no prob. When i publish with selecting player 10, there is this problem.
I paste my code :
var leng:int = MovieClip(root).program.websiteXML.pages.titlePage.length();
trace ("leng"+leng);
setInterval(function () : void {


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May 20, 2009

I'm not proud of my subject line, but it was the best I could do.I'm using this while loop to activate the function buttonpressed from one of five buttons named thumb0, thumb1, etc.:i = -1; while (i++ < 4){this["thumb"+(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,buttonpresse d);}I want the main timeline to jump to the labeled frame corresponding with the targeted button's numberfunction buttonpressed(evt:MouseEvent):void{MovieClip(root) .gotoAndStop("clip"+[i]);}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activate Movieclip Via FLVPlayback CuePoint?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm working on a more interactive movie. It basically just has effects over the video that go outside of the FLVPlayback's dimensions to seem more "realistic." It seems very basic, but I am unsure where I would begin. Let me tell you the basics: It's offline, I imported the video from my computer and used the "Load external video with the playback component."My FLVPlayback on the stage is called:

fla_movieTrailer It has cuepoints already in the .FLV video. I have one Event one named "blacksmoke." If the video reaches the cuepoint "blacksmoke" I want it to play the MovieClip named fla_blacksmoke. So how do I have it activate fla_blacksmoke?

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Activate MovieClip To Play Reverse In Timeline?

Nov 5, 2009

I need to have the ability to spin or rotate an object such as a globe. I have 2 rollover mc's that spin the globe but I am having trouble getting it to loop on the backwards spin. Right now I have it acivating the mc to play fowarding in its timeline then loop but what is the best way to get it to go in reverse. My .fla can be found here [URL].

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Call Function Inside Movieclip In Library Panel It Is Not On Time Line

Mar 15, 2010

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Oct 4, 2010

I'm having a bit of a hard time with calling a function in the main timeline through a button in a movieclip. The mc is in the main timeline and in it I added a button with this.removeMovieClip(); and so far it works, but when I try to call a function from the main timeline it just doesn't seem to work.

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