Professional :: Return To The First Frame Again, The Loader Doesn't Work?

Jul 9, 2011

In the first frame of that movieclip, I'm importing an external swf with Loader class,(Using actionscript2 but my main flash page using Actionscript3),It is loading well but when i pass to second frame and return to the first frame again, the Loader doesn't work. (i'm using addChild(); to show external swf)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Unload Doesn't Work

Jul 18, 2011

I want to unload my loader when i click the unload button, and to check if it unloaded successfully, i typed a trace command [trace("unloaded")] in the eventListener "EVENT.UNLOAD", but when i click the unload button, it doesn't unload.[code]any help on how to make unload work?

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Professional :: "Single Frame" Inside Nested Movieclip Doesn't Work, Always Changes The Whole Thing

Sep 6, 2010

I have a character, every body part is a movieclip. Now I wanted to put a movieclip for the eyes inside of the headmovieclip so that I can change them independently from the mouth. So in the eye-movieclip that is inside of the head-movieclip I put two keyframes, one for opened eyes and one for closed eyes. I put it to "Single frame" in properties. Now, whenever I make a pose and I change the frame number under properties so that it displays the closed eyes, it does that for the whole movie, not only on the frames that I changed it.

I wanted to use that to control things like eyes, ears and the mouth individually but like this it won't work, it changes it for the whole animation.

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Professional :: Copying A Class - Frame 4's Class Doesn't Work?

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Frame 3: 
var rowNum:int = 10;
for (var i:int=0; i<rowNum; i++)[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Does Not Work If Leave Frame And Return

Jul 19, 2011

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Event listeners for tour screen buttons
detailsMovieClip_mc.tour0.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tour0_click);
detailsMovieClip_mc.tour0.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, tour0_over);
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function tour0_click(Event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Return To First Frame After Flvplayer Plays Movie On Second Or Third Frame

Mar 24, 2010

I have a opening movieclip that starts playing for my background and then I have two buttons that come up on moues over event, that if clicked on start one of my two longer Movie Clips that I have as progressive download through a flvplayer on Key frame 2 & 3. I have all that working but I want it to go back to the start or keyframe 1 when the clip is done playing so I can use the same opening menu to click on the second movie clip can some one give me any tips on how to get to go back to the start when the movie is done.

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Here is the code:

button01.onRelease = function() {
if (_root._currentframe == 1) {


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Professional :: Cannot Unload External .swf And Return To Frame 1

Mar 31, 2012

I have tried several suggestions on this forum to resolve my issue, but it is obvious to me I am missing something because I am a NOVICE Flash developer. I have everything working in my Flash file EXCEPT I want to use this code to play a .swf file. When the swf file is done playing OR the user clicks the return to Main Menu button¯, they return to frame 1.[code]The .swf file plays and when I click Return to the Main Menu button, only certain items display from frame 1. The .swf file is still loaded hiding the items that should display on frame 1. I have attached a screen shot of what happens when I click the "Return to Main Menu" button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint Oddity; Doesn't Work Until Next Frame

Nov 23, 2009

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Check out the following code; click to define a new position for the large object, then in the next entetFrame event it will move it and perform hitTestPoint -- object turns orange when hitTestPoint is true. You should see the same weird behavior described above.

ActionScript Code:
var circ:Shape = new Shape();;, 0, 30);


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Nov 2, 2010

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Professional :: Unload Swf After Done Playing And Return To Initial Frame In Containing Swf

Nov 18, 2010

I have a Flash animation that loads a quick animation and then on a button click loads and external swf while at the same time moves the playhead on the timeline to frame 2 so that it has a blank stage to play on. The external swf then loads and plays. At the end of the external swf's animation I would like it to unload and then return to frame one of the containing movie. I am assuming that on the last frame of the external swf I should be putting some actionscript that will unload the movie and then talk to the initial containing flash telling it to return to frame 1.
The main swf button that loads the external swf is using a code snippet from the AS3 CS5 library and looks like this...


It is also using gotoAndStop(2); for the same button.
So to unload the external swf and return would I use something like... this.unload(gotoAndStop(1));

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ActionScript Code:
//Variable Name: ammo
if(_root.ammo = 0;

Doesn't work maybe?

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on (press) {

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Professional :: Copy Of Frame 1 Pre-loader

May 11, 2011

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Professional :: Preloader Doesn't Want To Work?

Oct 13, 2010

For this website I've put a preloader on the 1st frame and the site on the 2nd.I've tested the site after having created a small animation which makes appear the main menu, a logo and an image.Everything did work good, so I went on building the site.Now that I have created some pages I've tested again the whole site and the preloader doesn't work anymore.Testing the site on the "ctrl+enter" window and simulating the download I have a white background (both the preloader and website background are yellow) then I see the preloader for a fraction of second and suddenly the site appears.

Publishing the site on my web space the background is correctly yellow, but the preloader doesn't appear, the browser's loading bar stops at half then the preloader appears again for a fraction of seconds and suddenly the site appears (tested on Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome and Safari, same behaviour with all of them).It looks that the preloader is become part of the site and that there is an invisibile preloader.The setting in: Publish settings -> Flash -> Script Settings -> Library Path -> Default Linkageis set to "Merged into code"the same happen if I set "Runtime Shared Library" and "Custom Preloader Loop".

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Professional :: Find And Replace Doesn't Work In CS3?

Nov 24, 2007

Here's an unexplainable problem, at least for me... I'm trying to use Edit --> Find and Replace in Flash CS3 to replace a line of code that occurs in many frame scripts throughout the FLA, but when I click "Replace All", it says "No items found". I'm sure everything is set up correctly in the Find and Replace window:Search in: Current Document, for: Text, and I'm sure I'm typing everything correctly. I have "Frames/Layers/Parameters" and "Actionscript" checked below, and everything else unchecked.

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Professional :: Swf Export Doesn't Work Correct

Mar 17, 2010

I created a website and exported the project into an swf file. Unfortunately some of the pages exported are correct and others show something else but not the stuff I created in CS4. Actually it is only text so nothing difficult. The result I get is something I had before, only bolt text parts or only the grey letters and not the colered letters...Iam using version 10.

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Professional :: GoToAndPlay Doesn't Work Second Time

Nov 21, 2010

I have made a simple animation using only the timeline. The animation is covered by a button "Knapp"  (alpha 0) wich activates the actions. The whole thing works fine the first time. The last action says go to and play frame 2, wich has two actions: stop + go to and play frame 4. But this action does not work the second time. I tried to set the action to frame 3 instead of 2 and the same problem occured on another action on the timeline as well.
Here is the last action on my timeline:
Knapp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndPlay(2);}


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Professional :: 3D Rotation Tool Doesn't Work

Nov 24, 2010

I am using Adobe CS4 Web Premium on Windows 7 Home Premiukm 64 bit. I am in the learning stages and my tutorial is explaning the 3D rotation tool and its use. However, I can not get the tool to show up on the stage, much less use it.

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Professional :: Flash CS5: Export SWC Doesn't Work

Nov 25, 2010

I have Flash CS5 and I'm trying to export SWC from it to use as a library with Flex SDK (FlashDevelop). I have "Export SWC" checked in publish settings and for a while it worked. Now, even if it still is checked, SWC isn't created (at least in the same directory as SWF). I even tried creating a completely new FLA and copied everything from the old library in there. Still it doesn't work.

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Professional :: Space Bar Doesn't Seem To Work In Flash?

Nov 26, 2010

This sounds quite ridiculous but my space bar doesn't want to work in Flash CS3. I'm a web designer and started recently for a new company. They asked me to include a flash image on one of our websites. When I try to add text to the stage, I can't make spaces. That is all. I've used flash before and I've never ran into this problem

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Feb 1, 2011

I have a flv that is loading from a subdirectory off my flash swf.Everything works fine when I load the video from [url].....However, when i start the video from, the video is not located.What can i do to remedy this?  I'm not using an absolute url in the component parameter inspector.For example
should I use a different path?

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Feb 16, 2011

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Mar 25, 2011

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Professional :: 5.5: FLVPlayback Doesn't Work On IPad?

May 5, 2011

I have read that the FLVPlayback component has been optimized for the iPad, but I can't get it to work at all.I had it working, albeit poorly, in CS5.But the same app, published with CD5.5, just shows a flickering FLV icon instead of video.

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