ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Doesn't Code Work On Frame 34

Jun 11, 2009

For some reason my buttons don't work when I stop on frame 34. Everything else works, but when I stop on 34 the button/actions won't work anymore. I have no idea why. I checked everything that I can think of. The buttons are labeled correctly on the frame.

Here is the code:

button01.onRelease = function() {
if (_root._currentframe == 1) {


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myData = new LoadVars();
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(ChildOfMain must subclass MainClass).

Source Files 6 kB

For those of you who don't want to download the source files (I thought it would make it easier if you could handle it yourself)

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Objects In Project Library
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on (release) {
getURL ("'','newWin','width=650,height=6 50,left=0,top=0,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars= No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");

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Panel1_mc.BoardMessage1_btn.addEventListener(Mouse Event.CLICK, clickSection);
function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent){
var Panel1Tween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(Panel1_mc, 6, {y:450, delay:1, ease:Strong.easeOut});

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here is my code:



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function onClick_openJTV(event:MouseEvent) :void {
HowTo_maininfo_mc.navigateToURL(new URLRequest("


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//to remove all the splats
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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop Code Doesn't Work After Convert A Button To Movie Clip

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At this point, almost everything worked perfectly. Everything, but one thing. Apparently, the swapDepths command wasn't working. It was then that I thought maybe swapDepths only works on movie clips. And so I converted the button into a movie clip. I modified the instance names, etc, and almost everything worked. Everything, including swapDepths, but one thing: the gotoAndStop command.

For some reason, when I tested the movie clip (containing a button) out, it removed the splat+score and finger_mc movie clips, as well as stoped the background music from playing. However, it did not go to the next scene and frame as specified by the gotoAndStop command. "s1a2" is the next scene, and "gameplays1a2" is its frame.

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Check out the following code; click to define a new position for the large object, then in the next entetFrame event it will move it and perform hitTestPoint -- object turns orange when hitTestPoint is true. You should see the same weird behavior described above.

ActionScript Code:
var circ:Shape = new Shape();;, 0, 30);


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Feb 23, 2009

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When a variable reaches 0 gotoAndPlay frame 4

ActionScript Code:
//Variable Name: ammo
if(_root.ammo = 0;

Doesn't work maybe?

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on (press) {

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Html :: Html - Video Embed Code Doesn't Work In Internet Explorer 8

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UPDATE 2010-05-14: If I'm not mistaken uses Flowplayer and all those flasvars are for that. Perhaps someone here is good with Flowplayer? I've never used it myself.

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Professional :: "Single Frame" Inside Nested Movieclip Doesn't Work, Always Changes The Whole Thing

Sep 6, 2010

I have a character, every body part is a movieclip. Now I wanted to put a movieclip for the eyes inside of the headmovieclip so that I can change them independently from the mouth. So in the eye-movieclip that is inside of the head-movieclip I put two keyframes, one for opened eyes and one for closed eyes. I put it to "Single frame" in properties. Now, whenever I make a pose and I change the frame number under properties so that it displays the closed eyes, it does that for the whole movie, not only on the frames that I changed it.

I wanted to use that to control things like eyes, ears and the mouth individually but like this it won't work, it changes it for the whole animation.

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Professional :: Copying A Class - Frame 4's Class Doesn't Work?

Oct 3, 2011

I copied my actions from frame 3 to frame 4 and frame 4's class doesn't work when frame 3's class works fine and normal, here is the source code:

Frame 3: 
var rowNum:int = 10;
for (var i:int=0; i<rowNum; i++)[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy And Pasted Code, First Code Works, Second Doesn't?

Jun 9, 2011

I've literally been staring at this for 7 hours. I'm missing something.I have two movie clips on the stage. The instance name of the first is puzzleAK. The instance name of the second is pieceAK.The first is linked to a custom class called GeoPuzzle. The second is linked to a custom class called GeoPiece.The code compiles but throws an error (as explained).The code in the main timeline:

puzzleAK.fullName = "Alaska";puzzleAK.abbrev = "AK";puzzleAK.isLocked = false;trace ("made it through puzzle definitions: " + puzzleAK.fullName + " " + puzzleAK.abbrev + " " + puzzleAK.isLocked);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masks - Trail Doesn't Resize And The Mask Still Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2009

I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:

var i:Number = 0;
var myInt:Number;
var t:MovieClip;[code].....

in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: "stop" Inside Frame Doesn't Work When Loaded Inside Swf?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a flash code where i am loading an AS 2 SWF inside AS 3. The thing is if i put the AS 2 SWF on same domain its working fine but if i put AS 2 SWF on different domain it loads the SWF properly but the "stop()" written inside the AS 2 frame doesnt work... and it keeps on playing all the frames continuously...
Here is the loading code..

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); 
if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){ context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain };
var objLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SomeURL.swf");objLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);objLoader.load(mRequest, context);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Width Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Apr 21, 2010

I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.

I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.

navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
navigatorDown_btn.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(navigatorDown_btn.width/2);
trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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Flash :: Relationship Of Code On First Frame Of Main Time Line To Class Code And Library Objects?

Mar 27, 2011

Got to the point where the hole in my AS3 knowledge is getting large!Realising I have confusion about the relationship of:Body of code on first frame of AS3 file.(Which I have so far used to create instances of library objects using addchild and make calls to class code).Is this code called the document code? What do people call it?Numerous classes linked together by extending each other etc.Library objects (usually graphical objects)Should it be done differently? have the following problems due to lack of understanding:Addchild complicated from a class but straight forward in main body code.Cant call functions on the main body code from classes, because class code does not know the main body code exists?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting On-clip Code To On-frame Code?

Mar 19, 2009

converting the following code (i got from some site, i can't remember which) to on-frame code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
// Controls Player Speed


Basically its a movement and hittest script for a maze. It works great but I need it running within an onEnterFrame in the frame code.

Currently the code is on a clip which contains the clip "walls". and player is on the _root timeline.

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