Professional :: Stop Caching URLLoader Accesses In Flash Development Environment?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm loading an external XML file when in the Flash development environment. ActionScript 3.0 (CS3) accesses the XML file using URLLoader. Everything is fine until I have to make changes to the XML file. When testing the Flash application while in the development environment, it does not see the changes I made to the XML file, because the URLLoader is somehow caching the results. Thus, the XML file looks exactly the same. This is very frustrating. Is there any way I can blow out this cache so that URLLoader is forced to load the XML file? Currently, I either have to re-start the Flash environment or change the name of the XML file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Detect If Swf Is Executed In Or Out Development Environment

Aug 13, 2010

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- Another one for production only, named "www" (with *.swf, *.html, *.js etc)

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When not cacheing an HTML page, any movies or anything you load INTO that flash file through loadMovie or loadVars still gets cached... I use senoculars script to prevent this...


and 2) Yes you can stop the cacheing of your page...


Use this information wisely my friend

i came across this post by lostinbeta to stop cacheing, but the link for the one to stop cacheing files loaded through loadMovie and loadVars doesn't work. know how to get to it, or what the as was?

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Feb 2, 2007

I need a way to stop XML files from caching. I have tried the xmlfile.load(file.xml?uniq=somerandomnumber) method, and it doesn't seem to be curing the problem. I understand that this can be stopped with PHP, however, I cannot use PHP for this task.XML caching is not a problem locally, only online, from the browsers, I cannot use any browser addons either as this file will be displayed to a vast audience and I can't expect anyone to;

a) get an add on

b) clear their cache everytime they want to see the file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Caching You Damned SWF

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if (pause!=true) {


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Mar 25, 2010

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Mar 29, 2011

Looking for any help you might be able to give me with this one. Recently upgraded from Flash CS3 to Flash CS5 Pro. When I publish a movie produced exclusively with CS5, the resulting SWF will work everywhere but inside my company's highly restricted/locked down network. When I attempt to load the SWF in a browser from within the network, all I get is what appears to be the standard Flash preloader - the 5 little dots that crawl across the middle of the screen.

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Aug 29, 2010

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Professional :: "Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment

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i can open the fla successfully , but when i try to export the fla to the swf
it appear the message : "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment , You may need to reinstall Flash."
result : the swf is gen but the frames move "non-stop" automatically
i had tried use different OS (winXP , Win7 ) and JRE


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- Re-install Flash or Java (32 & 64 bits)
- Delete CLASSPATH in environment variables
- Reduce (or raise ?!) -Xmx128M environment variable
- Launch application with XP SP3 compatibility
Is anyone here had the same problem and succeed to pass through in any kind of way

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Professional :: Internal Workings Of Bitmap Caching?

Aug 28, 2011

1.  I've read that when Bitmap Caching an object, if the objects you are caching are bitmaps that all point to the same bitmapData object, than only one instance is cached and used by the GPU.  However, if the bitmap contains a scale, does this hold true, or is a new bitmap cached for each object because of the new scale?  I'm pretty sure its the second one, just checking.
2.  When using cacheAsBitmapMatrix, I've seen examples setting the matrix to identity, and setting it to the concatenated matrix of the bitmap object.  Can someone explain the difference between the two approaches?  I would assume setting it to identity doesn't scale it up or down when caching is as stated in the documentation:
"The matrix transformation you apply to the cacheAsBitmapMatrix property is applied to the display object as it isrendered into the bitmap cache. Thus, if the transform contains a 2x scale, the bitmap rendering is twice the size of thevector rendering. The renderer applies the inverse transformation to the cached bitmap so that the final display looks the same."
But if this bitmap is nested in a sprite that moves throughout the scene, will the bitmap still move with it?  Or will I need to update the matrix's x/y everytime I update the sprite's x/y.  If this problem exists, does using the concatenated matrix get around it.
3.  Finally, I have seen some sites state that more gpu memory is used when cacheAsBitmapMatrix (such as an additional copy of the texture being pushed into the gpu), but I was under the impression that this would just rotate and scale the texture in memory using openGL matrices.  Why would more gpu memory be used when cacheAsBitmapMatrix is set?
My understanding is that when designing for mobile, if the graphic isn't too large, and the object doesn't contain nested animating objects, the best approach is to cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix on the object to ensure it won't be pushed to the gpu each frame, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.  Adobe states "Always set the cacheAsBitmapMatrix property whenever you set cacheAsBitmap to true in content created for mobile devices."

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Web Development :: Web Development - Browser Support Like For Bare SWF Files?

Aug 31, 2009

Does anybody use bare .SWF files as webpages? I know it's possible; it seems to work fine for me. Why would I embed a SWF inside an HTML page if it's just going to be full screen (I mean the size of the browser's normal viewable page area, not COMPLETELY fullscreen)?

Is there a lack of browser support? Or is this functionality determined by the browser's Flash plugin?

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May 10, 2010

I want to have a web site which switches the web camera of users, makes a video recording and send results to my web server.Is it possible to do that? I think it should be. For example such sites as starts web camera. Should it be done with the Adobe Flash technologies? Is it hard to do that?

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Jan 12, 2011

If I load a web page full of other files, e.g. images, my browser doesn't load them all at once.I seem to remember reading that IE will only have at most 3 requests open at a time for a page. The rest will be queued.If I have a flash movie on the page which is continually making image requests, how does this affect the maximum number of downloading files in the browser?

Is this browser limit accurate, and is it generally the same across browsers? Does flash share the requests of the browser? If not, does flash have a limit and what is that limit?
For some background, I do have a flash movie that is continually loading files so there is a queue of Loaders waiting to make requests.My idea was that if there was a different request that I needed to be executed straight away I could make it jump the queue by making a javascript call and allowing the browser to make the request instead.

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Aug 2, 2010

Are there any panels in CS5 created for mobile devices/Android app development? What are the commonly used tools/panels for app development?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On Another Greeting The Original Greeting Still Plays In Ie - Swf Caching Or XML Caching?

Dec 30, 2009

I have this PHP page that lists several people. When someone clicks on one of the people they are sent to another PHP page that has their video greeting in a .swf embedded into the page. This works by the php writing the path to the greeting video to the xml file that the .swf loads and plays.

Well in firefox it works perfect, but in IE when they try to click on another greeting the original greeting still plays. Its like the swf is caching the first greeting and refresh of the page does nothing to alleviate this. Is this a problem with the swf caching? or XML caching? or am I totally clueless?


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Professional :: Which IDE For IPhone/iPad Development

Jan 5, 2011

My OS is Win 7 and I have the windows test versionof Flash Builder Burrito.There I can only develop for Android devices.I've heard it's only possible to develop forthe iPhone/iPad with a Macintosh computer.Or is there a trick to develop for iPhone/iPad on Windows PC with Adobe software(because I don't want to pay a second time for Adobe software for MAC)and only copy the result to a Macintosh?
Is it possible in the MAC version of Flash Builder Burrito to develop for iPhone/iPad (and also for Android)?Or have I to use a different IDE for iPhone/iPad apps becauseApple wants native apps and Flash builder burritois only for AIR/Flash app development?

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Professional :: How To Clear Cache During Development

Mar 29, 2011

I don't want Flash to store the video and image files it pulls in when I test publish the swf. Somewhere it's keeping those files in cache, making it impossible to test a realistic download situation ( such as loading indicators, buffering bars, etc ) because the 'loading' file is immediately available in its entirety due to being stored in cache.

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