Professional :: Template And Some Of The Code Is Do In A XML File?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a flash template and some of the code is do in a XML file. Where can I find the correct color numbers.
I tryed using the color numbers in flash and it didn't. This is the first I am using this method.

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Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to delete some files from a flash template I purchased, when I open the .fla file in flash and go into the library, I would like to delete the contact box and the mp3 player, when I locate those files  in the library and delete the files, the website no longer opens up (it  will not work when I delete those files from the library)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Code In Wordpress Template?

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I used this code as a preloader on a site a made a few months ago.I'm trying to use it again in a wordpress template using PHP and it's not working.The movies loads, but doesn't load the main .swf??why this would work on one site and not another? Is it a PHP conflict?

var l:Loader = new Loader();l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);l.load(new URLRequest("ns_headermovie.swf"));


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Make Multiple Flash Files From The Same Template And Then Edit That Template

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<image url="images/pic3.jpg">
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Mar 16, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Flash Template With Xml File?

Jan 7, 2010

i am using a flash template with xml file.i have to made a link here

<image imageUrl="_pic1.png" link="asfunction:_root.more_click_func, termsofuse"/>
<image imageUrl="_pic2.png" link="#"/>
<image imageUrl="_pic3.png" link="#"/>

i would link to link this to an interne part of the flash wich is already linked in the flash menu, but i can't !the xml function is :

function more_click_func(number) {
tempNumber = number.split(" ");


I tried something like :

function test_link(string) { _root.gotoAndPlay("s1"); }
<image imageUrl="_pic1.png" link="asfunction:_root.test_link"/>

but it didn't work !

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Professional :: Adding Text To A Template?

May 6, 2010

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I would like to add text as it opens, going across the flag, something like this....
Sam Young. Not Uncle Sam, but here to serve you!
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Flash :: Professional - Edit The Whole Xml Template In CS5?

Jul 11, 2010

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Professional :: Prebuilt Template In Flash?

Jan 2, 2011

I purchased a premade Flash template last night that is almost perfect for what I need right out of the box.The template is divided into 2 sections, the top being the flash portion and the bottom HTML editable The problem I am running into is editing the the buttons. When I dbl click the menu icons it just keeps jumping back and forth between layers, never allowing me the chance to alter the text.I can upload the SWF file if that would help.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Template On Template Monster?

Mar 29, 2004

Jesus Christ - I thought I was really good in flash.Got this template and I can't see S***.
WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
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Sep 29, 2010

I used the CS5 Flash templates>sample files>preloader for external file, to create my preloader.The problem is that when the preloader is done and my SWF is loaded, my SWF has already started playing.It is an animation that builds for 200 frames then buttons appear.By the time the SWF appears it has already gotten to the button frame.Depending on connection speed I have caught the animation building.

Here is the preloader action:
var contentLoader:Loader; loadContent("stage002.swf");   function loadContent(url:String):void {   contentLoader = new Loader();  


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Toggle On Template File?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a Template file I am editing that plays music in the background. I want to shut it off when a Video is loaded so I added a stopAllSounds to the button. Works fine; however, I cannot figure out how to turn it back on again, as the template designer placed the sound file into a button rather than creating a sound Object. Was hoping someone could help me figure out how to restore sounds (I have tried adding Frame Labels to his sound movie/button but it returns me to the opening on the animation.

I have posted the file here if anyone would like to help. If no time for that, is there a simple way to output what is happening when I hit the toggle button, so I can copy that and try it?

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Professional :: Adobe Flash Template Pop Up Box All The Same Info?

Jan 20, 2010

On the About Us and Services pages there is a link to open up a pop up box. This works fine but for some reason if I change the text in one section, for instance the "our team" pop up box text the pop up box on the Services page "read more" and "paranormal info" box has the same text displayed.I can't seem to find where to change the text for each box individually. If you visitI've uploaded the .fla file to the server also if someone is kind enough to have a look for me and point me in the right direction. You can download this from:

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Aug 4, 2009

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Professional :: Template Site - Update XML And Provide New Assets

Jan 27, 2010

I had someone create a template site for me that is pretty simple - a single swf that pulls resources from a directory of xml files and assets. In theory, I should be able to update the xml for my site and provide new assets. I know some code and within the xml there are some <font> tags that over ride the swf's formatting or provide and href.

My problem is that I now have to update our logo, which is hard coded into the source .fla file, which I know how to get in and swap out (the guy who did the work is not available). My problem is, when I publish, the new swf with the new logo does not want to read the <font> tags anymore. I have tried everything and I can't crack this. I've narrowed it down to two possibilities:

1. Something in the Publish settings, though I've tried every conceivable variation to no avail.
2. Something in the .as file that defines page template.

I know I need to provide more info but this is a start. I'm working on a Mac (as was the coder) and we were both using CS4.

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Flash :: Professional - Template In CS4 - Changing The Pixel Size

Feb 10, 2010

I am new to Flash and was trying to start a website for my photography business. I have an up and running version of Flash Pro CS4 with all updates. I purchased a full flash template from [URL] hoping to just open the .fla file and go to work editing. No such luck. When I click on the main.fla file, all the components seem to load in the library, however in the timeline, I only show like 9 random layers. When I run the timeline, all I get is a bunch of lines, squares, etc running on and off the stage. When I click "publish" the layers and components run fine with all the default content. The template came in a ZIP file and after extracting, I get the usual files, .fla, .html, .XML, .SWA, etc. All the components seem to be in the .fla file. What am I missing? I know there should be more layers in the timeline, but I cant find them. My troubleshooting has been to confirm that the template is good with CS4 and ActionScript 3.0. I've tried different settings to include changing the pixel size, but nothing.

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Professional :: Flash Template Modifications For Character Font?

Feb 21, 2010

When the files are downloaded to your computer there are several file folders included.  Some are for pictures and there is HTML as well as the SWF files and the INDEX.  In very short order I determined that you could simply replace there pictures with your pictures and even change the text on the buttons as well as the body of the site.  It seemed very painless.  We are now down to just one issue that I cannot figure out.  On the main page there is a place on the page for the company name.  I went into the HTML and changed that which worked fine. 

My issue is that she already has a predefined font for her company.  It is Trajan Pro.  I cannot find anything in the HTML that has to do with the font.However there is a folder included in the download which is entitled "fonts".  Within that folder is the various fonts used in the website.  how I can change the font that is being used?

PS -- There is a folder full of Photoshop images which are basically the pages of the site.  They have many layers.  I tried to change the company name and font in Photoshop but it had no affect.

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Professional :: Flash Template - Photos To Move Automatically?

Aug 11, 2010

I purchased a template website that has a flash banner which rotates three photos.I was able to get my own photos into the flash but I don't know how to have each photo be a different hyper link.Also the flash template has a next and previous button to cycle through the photos but I would like the photos to move automatically but again don't know how to do that.

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Professional :: Insert A Slide Show Into A Flash Web Template?

Mar 5, 2011

I have a website that I created using a flash template from Hostgator. I  have the text portion complete and now want to add some of my own  pictures into a slide show or gallery on a serperate page linked to my site. Is there a  way to do so. have little experience using them. I thought I could insert the slide show directly into the template like an HTML page.My site is live now and it will give you a better understanding of what I want because I am pretty ignorant when trying to describe issues that I have.My goal would be to have a seperate page not linked to the bones buttons on the top, just a page that I have in my public html folder that are hyper linked to words in the website itself

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Professional :: Perform The Animations Of The Blank Character (template)

Apr 22, 2011

I have an animation of a blue ball falling from the top of the screen, bouncing off the bottom and exiting through the top. This animation "Bounce" is an action all "Ball" objects can perform. How do I apply this animation to other "Ball" objects? I thought of making a second layer (the skin of the ball object) that follows the first layer animation.

I am asking because I have an animation of a blank character performing actions, i'd like to be able to design and decorate several characters for my animation that can perform the animations of the blank character (template). My game randomly designs different faces/clothing for these character objects, but i'm not sure how to animate them based on an already made animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Air For Android Template Missing From Flash CS5 Professional?

May 17, 2011

I am trying to get started with developing android apps in flash. Most tutorials begin with my selecting the Air for Android template in Flash CS5 Pro. This option is not available to me  When I try to install the extension I get this: [URL]

I am running the latest update for CS5.

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Professional :: Flash Template That Track And Calculate Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I am interested in creating training that track and calculate data and then give detailed results based on responses.  Is there a way to create, track and give that feedback in Flash?  Something like personality test tracking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Template - Preview SWF File Into Modal Window

Jun 30, 2011

I have a flash template that I am working on, and have customized it via the XML files. It's an AS3 template. I also have a Flash poll script that I am attempting to integrate into the template. This is where it gets a bit tricky...I have decided to use a modal window (which supports swf files) to open the poll that I am using. If it were as simple as to load the swf file, I would be fine, but the poll also includes XML and PHP files, which I don't know what to do with.

The files included are: preview.swf, preview.fla, the xml file, config.php, edit.php, index.php and then "caurina" and documentation files. What I'm thinking I need to do is include the preview.swf file into my modal window, but I'm not sure what to do with the rest of these files, do they go into a new folder in the main template folder or what?

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