Professional :: Template Site - Update XML And Provide New Assets

Jan 27, 2010

I had someone create a template site for me that is pretty simple - a single swf that pulls resources from a directory of xml files and assets. In theory, I should be able to update the xml for my site and provide new assets. I know some code and within the xml there are some <font> tags that over ride the swf's formatting or provide and href.

My problem is that I now have to update our logo, which is hard coded into the source .fla file, which I know how to get in and swap out (the guy who did the work is not available). My problem is, when I publish, the new swf with the new logo does not want to read the <font> tags anymore. I have tried everything and I can't crack this. I've narrowed it down to two possibilities:

1. Something in the Publish settings, though I've tried every conceivable variation to no avail.
2. Something in the .as file that defines page template.

I know I need to provide more info but this is a start. I'm working on a Mac (as was the coder) and we were both using CS4.

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Name: OLDclip.wav
Effect: -- (blank)
Sync: -- (blank)

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Name: NEWclip.wav
Effect: -- (blank)
Sync: Event (<-- I can't change this back to being blank)

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May 6, 2010

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Sam Young. Not Uncle Sam, but here to serve you!
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Jul 11, 2010

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Jan 20, 2010

On the About Us and Services pages there is a link to open up a pop up box. This works fine but for some reason if I change the text in one section, for instance the "our team" pop up box text the pop up box on the Services page "read more" and "paranormal info" box has the same text displayed.I can't seem to find where to change the text for each box individually. If you visitI've uploaded the .fla file to the server also if someone is kind enough to have a look for me and point me in the right direction. You can download this from:

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Dec 10, 2010

For the current site I'm working on, I need to display an intro video while other ssets(mostly flv files)load in the background.The issue is the framerate drops from ~30 to about ~1 because of the loading. When the videos loadinto memory, it grows by about 266MB~ and until it's 'written' the framerate drops.Is there any workaround/solution that will allow me to play an intro video while the assets load intomemory ?

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Professional :: After Saving, Closeing, And Reopening .fla Files, Assets Are Missing From Timelines?

Jun 19, 2011

Well ok so, I've been looking, and I see similar things, but not really going anywhere. And I also can't make it happen at will, it just happens.But often enough to make it really frustratrating and scary to close a file.It's easy to explain what happens when it happens.I open a file, work on it for a while, during which time I've imported some images or wav files and placed them on the main timeline or movie clip timelines.I can test and save the file often while I'm working and everything seems fine.  Eventually I close the file.When I reopen the file, the imported images are all missing from the timelines. It's very odd.All of the edits are still complete.The keyframes where the assets were placed are still where they belong, and the assets are all in the library.So I have to go through to each location and put the image or wav file back in its keyframe where it belongs.So far, it seems like after I go through this exercise once, it doesn't happen again.Here are the only details I can really offer.
Don't know about new files.The files I'm working on originated on a Mac, and they may have gone back and forth between CS4 anc CS5 versions, and finally are going to CS5.5 on a pc.I have seen this problem now in both CS4 and CS5 on both the Mac and the pc.It only seems to affect newly imported assets.Doesn't seem to matter how they're imported.Sometimes I use the menus, sometimes I drag and drop them into the library, sometimes I copy them from other Flash files and paste them into the current one.So far, I'm not sure that his problem has been seen on my own equipment.Just at my contractor location.Because of the things I'm seeing around, I'm beginning to suspect that this could have something to do with these RAID systems these guys usually set up, which I know virtually nothing about. RAID5 on these new machines.But I'm wondering if some caching of something is going on somewhere, and somehow not being saved somewhere else

I'll probably start trying some things like importing assets, saving,closing and re-opening before I do anything, or some such exercises, in an attempt to make it stop happening.Like I said though, it's virtually impossible for me to reproduce.It really seems to be one of those things that just likes to happen out of the blue.Maybe 15 to 20 percent of the time.Probably whenever it'll do the most damage.

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