Sound In A Site Template?

Mar 10, 2010

I downloaded a flash template for a website and it includes a looping .wav soundclip that starts automatically when the page is loaded. There is an ON/OFF button that stops it, then starts it again.What I want to do is change the soundclip to a soundclip of my own. The instructions that came with the template say that to change the music, all I need to do is change the sound_Bar movie clip.

When I double click the sound_Bar movie clip, and select the "music" layer in the timeline, in the properties tab I see the following options:

Name: OLDclip.wav
Effect: -- (blank)
Sync: -- (blank)

I've imported my custom sound to the library, but when I select it, the values change to this:

Name: NEWclip.wav
Effect: -- (blank)
Sync: Event (<-- I can't change this back to being blank)

Anyways, what happens when I change the clip is that when I click the OFF button, the sound does not stop. Then if I click the button again to turn it ON, it starts the clip again, but overtop of the one that's already playing.Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it? I don't really know too much about flash, that's why I bought the template far I've been able to edit everything else, and the music seems to be the last step but is giving me the most problems.

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