ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading The Site Assets?

Aug 28, 2009

we all know how the Loader class works, and it is definately a god flex project uses external swfs as assets (buttons, pages, etc).now the problem is that because these assets are loaded after initial application creation, it is sometimes visible to the viewer that these assets are being loaded, (buttons appearing slowly etc).i need to be able to include the loading of all the assets during initial site startup. is there a way to get all the assets into the viewers cache before the site has finished loading?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Too Many Assets Cause The Browser To Freeze/crash?

May 20, 2008

I am using the preLoadAssetManager from [Url] to preload 14 FLVs which range from 500K to 4MB in size to the users cache. Some users have complained that when they try to play a video, the browser (IE 6 & Firefox on Windows) completely freezes and they have to close out out of the browser. So my question is: Can preloading too many assets cause the browser to freeze/crash?

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Professional :: Template Site - Update XML And Provide New Assets

Jan 27, 2010

I had someone create a template site for me that is pretty simple - a single swf that pulls resources from a directory of xml files and assets. In theory, I should be able to update the xml for my site and provide new assets. I know some code and within the xml there are some <font> tags that over ride the swf's formatting or provide and href.

My problem is that I now have to update our logo, which is hard coded into the source .fla file, which I know how to get in and swap out (the guy who did the work is not available). My problem is, when I publish, the new swf with the new logo does not want to read the <font> tags anymore. I have tried everything and I can't crack this. I've narrowed it down to two possibilities:

1. Something in the Publish settings, though I've tried every conceivable variation to no avail.
2. Something in the .as file that defines page template.

I know I need to provide more info but this is a start. I'm working on a Mac (as was the coder) and we were both using CS4.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading For Site Isn't Work

Jan 11, 2012

I try to use anyone of theese codes for the preloading of my site,but no one works.[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloading Main Site Swf And Intro Swf Within One Preloader?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a full flash website which is broken down into:
- Main movie which contains navigation and interface components

- Several content movies which are loaded into the main movie on demand

- An intro movie which is around 3MB in size; its a full CG movie.
At the moment the main movie preloads and then the intro movie preloads afterwards in a sequence; like so:
Main Movie > Intro Movie > Content Loads
There is a skip intro option which will skip the intro movie step and jump right to the content load once the main movie has loaded.
My client wants me to do something which is proving very difficult and I am starting to wonder if its even possible as searches on the net have given results which don't really work properly.
Here is what I need to do:
When the main movie is requested, its preloader appears which it has a load bar and a "skip intro" button. The difference being, this preloader will be loading the main movie AND the preloader; which the load bar representing both movies load progress.
To complicate matters, if the skip intro button is pressed, the preloader needs to drop the intro movie from the equation and just account for the main movie & thus skip the intro; straight to the content.
The way I have tried to do it is to have a preloader code in the intro which sends the total size and bytesloaded back to the main movie which deals with those values, adding it onto its own size. This is proving cumbersome and although appeared to be working, isn't working propery.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Site - Have A Document Root Also For Loader.swf?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a document class called Racine in which I add all the resize events so that the stage takes all the available screen. extract of Racine class :


As a standalone site, it is ok, but now, I want to make a preloader, and I am wondering what is the simplest way to achieve that by making less modification as possible in my Racine class? Suppose I create a swf called loader.swf loading my site, site.swf, is it possible to have a document root also for loader.swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Entire Flash Site With External SWFs

Jul 13, 2008

I've got a Flash site up that is almost finished, but it just needs preloaders. [URL]. I plan on using this type of preloader in the gallery section and before the root movie is launched. I'm looking for a preloader that preloads the _root movie, and all of the content it loads on it's level, which will be external SWF files. I plan on using the loader in two ways for the site:

- For the preloader that I will insert before the entire movie, I plan on loading the tattoos/merchandise/contact/news external SWFs which will makeup the content of the _root movie.
- For the preloader used in the tattoos/gallery I plan on using it to display a loading bar on top of the button thumbnail clicked, then displaying the pop-up enlarged image (which is an external SWF file) of the thumbnail on top of the entire movie once the loading is finished.

I've tried some of the preloader examples given in the tutorial section without much luck.

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Flash :: Self Updating Air Application Assets Without Re-downloading Assets Already Downloaded

Feb 10, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Flash Site With Scroll - See The Complete Site

Feb 25, 2012

i have made a site in flash. stage size 955x600 i have exported it as fullscreen with no scale. the problem is that if i browse the site with a resolution of 800x600 (760x420 if i'm not wrong), the browser dont' add scrolls and its impossible to see the complete site. How can i fix this without resizing the site. i want the users to see with the proportions that i have now.. ijust want a scroll on the browser.

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Published Files Work On Local Site But Not On Remote Site?

Nov 4, 2009

the flash4 published set of files, with a variety of skins tried, works well on the local drive, even when moved to a different folder structure. when index.html is opened on the remote web site, the browser (firefox3 and ie7) displays the player conrols and a rotating horizontal barber pole, green and black, but no flash video.some of the skins i've used are: SkinOverPlaySeekFullscreen.swf, nOverPlayStopSeekCaptionVol.swf and SkinUnderPlay.swf. all work locally but do not play the .flv file on the web site. no problem playing flv movies on the remote web site if the file set is created by dreamweaver.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Coding To Move From One Site To Specific Part Of Another Site?

Jul 28, 2011

Forgive if I am not explaining this very well- here goes. I have one major site with three other gallery sites that are related. From one of the gallery sites I need to create a button that takes you back to a specific page on the major site.


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Build A Html Site Aswell As Flash Site?

May 20, 2009

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Logging Into PHP Site...Another Log In For Flash Site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Assets From A SWC?

Apr 22, 2009

Wherever I look it says that loading external assets(.png, .jpg, gif) from a SWC is supported. However, I can't find a single example of doing this with anything else than Classes and Components.

I have 7 swf's that are loaded and unloaded by a main swf, a sort of menu system. These swf's all rely on loading in some .png's at runtime.

I made a new "Library Project" in Flex, filled the scr folder with my .png's, set the loading type to "external". Because I don't want the .png's compiled into my application .swf.

But how do I get a hold of my raw .png's from within my classes?

I can do:
var obj:AComponentFromSWC = new AComponentFromSWC() no problem.

But I want to do:
var pic:Bitmap = BitmapFromSWC();

Is this possible or did I completely misunderstand the use of SWC's?

This way I could let all the apps use the same SWC and it is easy to distribute all the graphics as one package and the loaded swf could share common graphics.

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Loading Assets From Different Libraries

Sep 8, 2009

I currently have a "container SWF player" that loads SWFs externally and plays them.The sound file for the SWF is in the library of the container SWF player, because the player is using the duration of the sound file to determine how long the scrubber bar goes.The problem is, it sort of defeats the purpose of having a container SWF player if I have to create a different container SWF player file for each external SWF because there's a different sound for each external SWF.Is there a way to pull the sound file from the library of the externally loaded SWF into the container SWF player?So that depending on what external SWF is playing, it will pull the associated MP3 file from that SWF's library?

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Collect All External Assets?

Mar 25, 2011

Is there any way to collect all external assets (images, videos, etc) and put them in one selected folder?

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How To Get XML Library Assets Back Into New FLA

Dec 15, 2010

I started using Flash CS5. I spent many hours working on a .FLA file. Saving as I went and at one point Flash CS5 crashed during the save. The .fla file is now corrupt. The new .fla format is essentially a .zip file. So I was able to change the file name to *.zip and explore inside of it. The DOMDocument.xml file is corrupt and dead. The DOMDocument.xml is the timeline so all my placement and animation is gone. However, my LIBRARY folder is in tact and has all of my library items as *.xml files. How I can get those library items into another .fla file so I don't lose ALL my work? I've tried creating a new .fla file and dragging the LIBRARY folder into the new .fla, but my library items don't show up when I load the new .fla in the Flash CS5 IDE.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Packaging Assets In A SWC?

Jan 27, 2009

i am currently working on a project that would be greatly advanced if i can find out how to package a number of assets into a SWC file so i can use it as a theme pack.I have looked everywhere on the web and in a large number of books i have sitting in front of me and cant find out how to do it.

I want to put a bunch of images and movieclips into a SWC file and then retreive the swc dynamically at run time, however i do not know how to access indiviual assets within how to load an SWC and then gain acces to its assets?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get SWC Assets With Children?

May 18, 2011

How do I publish and import a SWC in a way that allows me to access the exported symbols as well as their children? working on an action script project in Flash Builder 4. In my SWC I have a sprite called SP_ViewHome. That sprite has a child called mcContent which is another sprite instance.I've included the SWC so that the FB4 recognizes the class SP_ViewHome (and auto completes when I create references to them). But my problem is that I can't access it's child by using the regular syntax for accessing children (compiler error 1119: "Access of possibly undefined property mcContent through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite")

public class ViewHome extends Sprite
private var s:Sprite;[code]....

I can access that child with the getChildByName() function. However this seems inefficient both in terms of development and run time performance.I need to do to be able to access children of SWC classes more easily?

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Protect External Assets, XML On CD?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm developing some elearning material to be distributed on CD. The main swf loads text, images, sounds via an XML file. protecting the assets/XML from being edited/stolen?

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Assets :: One Big Image For Them All, Or Many Separate Ones?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm now writing a simple socket application for my own learning purposes. It will be a really simple BlackJack application.I was thinking for ways to manage 52 different cards in my app. I could make those 52 cards, as 52 images and then, maybe load them into movieclips at runtime. Or, I could take one big image with all of the cards on it, and create a masked movieclip, and then, shift and slide the image's position, so that the correct graphic of the card shows.y question is: which way is faster? Will flash be better with handling 52 small images, lets say 20x40 (in reality, i will only load like 6 of them in the display list, since black jack almost never deals with huge amount of cards). Or would it be faster, if I had a big image with all the cards (~160x160 maybe) and just reused that with different masking, calculated on runtime?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assets Of External Swf?

Feb 12, 2009

i am loading an external swf and need to access the assets within it heres my basic code:i can access fine through the onComplete function of the loader but cannot access from anywhere else....

import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWC With Embedded Assets?

Jan 27, 2010

I used to be able to create distributable components in AS2 (swc files) containing class code and assets (movieclips). And it used to be really easy.Now I am struggling with Flash CS4 and AS3 and all my attempts were frustrating, as no matter what I try it simply doesn't work. I am starting to assume that maybe it is not possible anymore to do in AS3? Maybe this kind of thing is deprecated in Flash now???

Let's see what I have tried:

1) I started with a new FLA and named it 'MyComponent.FLA'. Then I drawed a green square, converted it to a mc and named it as 'MySquare'. Then I tagged 'Export for ActionScript' and 'Export in Frame 1'. Then I named the class as 'MySquare' and set the base class to 'flash.display.MovieClip'. This is my asset (a green square movieclip).

2) Created an empty movieclip and dragged the asset within it. Then I named it as 'MyComponent'. Then I tagged 'Export for ActionScript' and 'Export in Frame 1'. Then I named the class as 'MyComponent' and set the base class to 'flash.display.MovieClip'.

3) Right-clicked it in the library and chose 'Component Definition'. Then in class field I typed 'MyComponent' and tagged 'Display in Components Panel'.

4) Crated a new AS file, called it 'MyComponent.AS' and typed the following code:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MyComponent extends MovieClip


5) Back to 'MyComponent.FLA', right-clicked the 'MyComponent' object in the library and chose 'Export SWC file'. That was ok, no warnings, no errors. Then I just copied this new SWC to my components folder.

6) Created a new FLA and named it 'test.FLA'.

7) Reloaded the components panel, and my new component showed up. Then I dragged it into library.

8) Then I type the following code:

var test:MyComponent = new MyComponent();
trace (test.visible)

9) I ran the new app and it was ok, no errors and no warnings. The trace statement spit out 'true' what means that the new class is really there, but... I cannot see the green square. But when I click onto the 'MyComponent' in the library, the preview shows up the green square, what means that it IS THERE in the component. So, why it doesn't show up in the stage after the class be intantiated?

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Loading Assets In Timeline Animation?

Jul 28, 2009

I have an animation that is timeline based. The file size is around 900kb for the entire project, as it has numerous images at different stages.

How does flash determine when to start playing the movie? Is it based on a percentage of loaded size or does it load assets as it moves along?

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Editable Assets Within A Swc-based Component

Nov 5, 2009

I created several swc-based components with AS3 and Flash CS4 extending the UIComponent structure. After exporting a fla-based component to a swc-file i created a flash-extension with the Adobe Extension Manager and installed the component.This swc-based component works fine and shows up in the component panel, but i'm not able to edit the components assets because they don't show up in the library anymore.Can someone please tell me if there's a way to export the components assets respectively the components symbols with the swc-file in order make them editable and show up in the library of the FLA which's using the component?

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Professional :: XML Error After Importing AI Assets (CS5)

Jul 2, 2010

In an existing Flash (CS5) project NOT utilizing XML in ANY WAY, I imported (copy and pasted) a group of objects from Illustrator (CS5) into the project. When I published the file afterwards I got an XML error:
I even tried importing the whole flash XML package, just to see if it resolved the issue. ( import flash.xml.*; ), needless to say, it didnt. So then I deleted the imported Illustrator group and what do you know.. my Flash file compiled without any issues, no XML errors..  VERY confused.. only thing I can think of is if it has to do with placed images..
Right now I have resorted to importing as bitmap, but I dont like this option

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Assets Like Buttons Etc To The Xml File?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to add assets like buttons etc to the xml file. Will that change the order in which the existing items will be called but the code?Right now it's this:
It will be like this:

In my opinion no change in the code should be required except for adding loaders for the new items.

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Professional :: Preloader Assets Not Showing Up?

Nov 23, 2011

Greetings. I am working on a website that uses flash for everything. There is little HTML ... anyway, since it is such a massive main file, the client requires a preloader. I searched for some code and inserted it. It seems to be working fine. The only weirdness is, i can't get the "Loading Module" animation and the dynamic text box used to show loading status to show up on the stage. Instead what appears there is some kind of bizzarre animation that just uses little circles as an animation. Sounds crazy i know, but you can see it at the following link.


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Actionscript 3 :: Export Assets From A .SWF Container?

Apr 8, 2012

Given is an online swf on Hubworld's site, which loads two configuration XMLs into an .swf file, then displays a game. A copy of the Flash with the two configuration files can be found here. [URL]. If unzipped into a folder, it loads the two XML files and displays everything correctly. The problem is, how to take it apart?

I tried decompiling the file, but it only shows up as a (mostly) empty file with a single symbol and a few misc tags inside it, despite the file itself containing several hundreds of vectors. [URL] I severly doubt that any sort of encryption or obfuscation is present, since it's a children's game and I took apart many others without a problem. How could I retrieve the said files from the container?

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