Professional :: TileList - Put It On The Scene And Call It Thumbnails?

Jun 29, 2010

I begin with flash in CS5 and learn it with "classroom in a book" on a mac on snow leopard.At the lesson 8 I have a problem with the componant tileList.I put it on the scene and call it thumbnails_tl properties:

x:47 y:150
w:1270 h:318

in the action panel I put the next code : "thumbnails_tl.addItem({label:"test", source:"thumbnails/image.jgp", data:"nothing"});

but when I test it, I have no image on my screen and no error in the script and execution ??

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gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2");
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for(var f:int = 0; f<myXMLList.length(); f++){
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void{
Object(e.currentTarget.content).setData(myXMLList[loadPosition].param eter[0], myXMLList[loadPosition].parameter[1]);
[Code] .....

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import fl.controls.TileList;    import;    import flash.display.Sprite;    import;
function TileListExample() {            var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();            var totalEntries:uint = 3;            var i:uint;            for(i=0; i<totalEntries; i++) {                dp.addItem( {  source:getTf(), scaleContent:false}


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everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried


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Dec 2, 2010

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Mar 29, 2010

I wonder if it is possible to change the tempo on 1 scene then return to the 24 fps on all the other without having to change the tempo of the whole flash.

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Professional :: How To Get Multiple Buttons In Scene

Mar 22, 2010

I've got this scene which is a movie clip; the only movement is in the models eyes, so I want to add invisible buttons around the scene that the user can interact with. When a certain object is clicked (the button) it triggers a short movie clip in the bottom corner of the scene, which is basically a text box typing letters.

However, I've tried to do this and I've come across two problems.
One, I can only click the button once, it won't repeat itself again.
Two, I can only seem to add one button as it's a movie clip and it messes with the others in the scene.

Here's a screen grab of what I've got: [URL]
I want multiple buttons in this scene, and I want to be able to click them as many times as I like.

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Jun 15, 2010

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Oct 12, 2010

how to link the button I made to say Scene 2 of my flash project. I'm not sure the actionscript required or where I put the action script.

Here is the file I'm using, trying to simply figure out how to make the open button go to scene 2. [URL]

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