Professional :: Unload Last .swf In An Array

Feb 21, 2012

make a kill all button to unload all of my .swf movieclips at once using an array, but now I need to also be able to remove them one at a time, how do I reference the last item in the array?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload From An Array

Feb 26, 2011

i load external swf and store the loader inside an array some of the loaded swf is mine and have method called destroy which used for optimazitation of Garbage COllection and someother are unknown swf (really unknown can be created from as1 or 2 or even 3 i just don;t know anything bout them) the loading and storing does work well.Problem came when i tried to unload the the loaded swf,so i tried to use SWFArray[i].unload() and all it gives me is :Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Unload Swf Through An Array?

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to load external swf's on mouse click on a button. There are 35 buttons and 35 external swf. In as3 it is much more complex than it used to be in as2. Have read many threads but none identify it directly.

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Professional :: Unload / Remove A Code?

Jan 17, 2010

Is it possible to unload, or remove a code in an action layer after it has been loaded and run in a timeline.

What I'm trying to accomplish is twofold, one, I'm trying to reload a code on a particular frame like it is on frame one, without playing the entire swf from frame one, and two I would like to possibly be able to change a mouse event on the same button from one thing to another along a timeline, which would require the initial function be removed so it does not conflict/error with the other event.

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Professional :: Static Calls After Swf Unload?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a loader class that has a container and loads in swfs using Loader class. Within the loaded swf on the last frame of some nested clip, I have a call to a static function within some "" class. Now what happens is when I try to unload the swf ( by removing all listeners, calling loader.stopAndUnload(), and setting all references of loader to null) before the nested clip calls the static funciton, the swf gets unloaded and garbage collected (all enterframe events etc. are removed because they no longer run) however even though there is no reference to the swf the nested clip still plays in the background and dispatches the call to the static function when the frame is reached

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Professional :: How To Exit Or Unload A Swf File

Apr 11, 2011

I create a .swf file and couldt seem to find actionscript code to exit/unload the file. I also cant find code to automatically load a file as a full screen.  I have used the code below but it seems to only works in projector or .exe files but not in the .swf file.

function Exit(event:MouseEvent):void{

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Professional :: Unload Movie Not Working For Some Reason?

May 19, 2010

im having troubles unloading a swf file that is 2 levels above my main movie. Basically I have a main movie and I have actionscript on the timeline which corresponds to a button which loads a swf (eg my web portfolio work):

digitalbut.onRelease = function() {disableBtns();_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container",1);loadMovie("Digital/Digital_2.swf","container");container._x = -22 ;container._y = 40 ;

This all works....Then in this swf I have another button which again loads another swf on top to show a particular piece of work and the code on the timeline to correspond to the button is:


This works also....but I come into problems when I want to create a button in this third swf file which then closes this Dior.swf so you are left with the bottom two still showing. I already have a close button on the Digital.swf which works a charm to get you back to the main movie and the code for this is:


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Professional :: Cannot Unload External .swf And Return To Frame 1

Mar 31, 2012

I have tried several suggestions on this forum to resolve my issue, but it is obvious to me I am missing something because I am a NOVICE Flash developer. I have everything working in my Flash file EXCEPT I want to use this code to play a .swf file. When the swf file is done playing OR the user clicks the return to Main Menu button, they return to frame 1.[code]The .swf file plays and when I click Return to the Main Menu button, only certain items display from frame 1. The .swf file is still loaded hiding the items that should display on frame 1. I have attached a screen shot of what happens when I click the "Return to Main Menu" button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload Movie Stuff - Current Swf To Unload And The New One To Load Only After A Transition Occurs

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I want the current swf to unload and the new one to load only after a transition occurs. Is there a more efficient way to do this than if. switch()?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload The Previous Loaded .swf And Load The New .swf Without Having A Separate Button To Unload

Aug 9, 2008

I am working on a school project that requires me to load external .swf or .jpg files. I currently have all of the buttons working and are loading an external .swf file on to the screen. The problem I am having is that when I go from one button to the next the loaded .swf stays on the screen and the next .swf gets loaded on top of it. I know that I need to unload the file but I am not sure where to put the code for the unload or what code exactly to use. I would like when the button is pressed to unload the previous loaded .swf and load the new .swf without having a separate button to unload.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Not Unloading - Unload An External SWF On _root To Load A New One Instead

Jul 23, 2009

I'm trying to unload an external SWF on _root to load a new one instead. I've tried (almost) everything but can't figure it out... I get this error : "Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties."


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Professional :: Unload Swf After Done Playing And Return To Initial Frame In Containing Swf

Nov 18, 2010

I have a Flash animation that loads a quick animation and then on a button click loads and external swf while at the same time moves the playhead on the timeline to frame 2 so that it has a blank stage to play on. The external swf then loads and plays. At the end of the external swf's animation I would like it to unload and then return to frame one of the containing movie. I am assuming that on the last frame of the external swf I should be putting some actionscript that will unload the movie and then talk to the initial containing flash telling it to return to frame 1.
The main swf button that loads the external swf is using a code snippet from the AS3 CS5 library and looks like this...


It is also using gotoAndStop(2); for the same button.
So to unload the external swf and return would I use something like... this.unload(gotoAndStop(1));

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Professional :: "push" Objects Into An Array And Return Array Without Commas?

Nov 30, 2010

I have declared an Array as a new Array(); I would like to push objects into that array but have a text field read back the array minus the commas that are pushed by user interaction (from numbered buttons).

For example, if the user pushes button 1 then button 4 then button 8 I would like the array to read in the text field 148 instead of 1,4,8 .

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Professional :: No Loop In Swf Array?

Jan 20, 2011

I have this flash movie I've been working on for awhile. I've received in these forums. I have my file set to load an array of swfs.  Now, though, I'm wondering how to keep it from looping.  At the end of the last swf, I want the movie to go to the last swf and then just stop.  Here is my code:


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Professional :: Add Stroke To An Array

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple coloring book app and I've got it mostly working based on tutorials and code I've found on the web. I'm using an array for my color swatches and I'm trying to add a stroke but it's not working. The markers in the array are based on a symbol called "Colours".[code]

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Professional :: Shuffling Cards Using Array?

Jul 22, 2010

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package{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import Card; import Boarder; import BlueBoard; public class MemoryGame extends MovieClip { private var _card:Card; private var _boarder:Boarder; private var _blueBoard:BlueBoard; private var _redBoard:RedBoard 


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Professional :: Change To Array Not Preserved?

Jan 3, 2011

I am manipulating arrays in several ways including, changing the position of elements in the array, adding items to the array and deleteing items from the array.
I am tracing the array after each manipulation to see if the correct values are reported and noticed a weird problem.

When adding to the array (which is triggered by a drag and drop) I get the correct initial value and the correct value after the value is added, in other words I see the new value in the array in the correct position.  For example "C042.jpg" is the value added and that is what is traced.

after rebuild and showArray = C001.jpg,C042.jpg,C002.jpg, . . .
However, when I trace the array from another function, the added element no longer appears.  So for example if I check the array prior to deleting, I get the following:

prior to delete and show array = C001.jpg,C002.jpg,C003.jpg, . . .

The array has reverted to it's initial state.

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Professional :: Array For External Swfs

Jan 5, 2011

I have a menu files that loads all the swf clips I have in another folder.I did it in an array so that it calls to the clip and then plays it in the movieclip I have in the menu flash file.And yes, I use Actionscript 2.0.My question is, how can I make a player control that will skip to the previous swf that has been played.I have a rewind button already, but it doesn't rewind through the previously-played swfs.I'm trying to think of a code that will load the previous swf file played in the array when a button is clicked.Similarly, I would like to do that with a forward button and simply have it move to the next swf in the array line up.I'll just tweak a little bit of the code I'd have for the previous swf button.I just don't know where to begin.It seems like I almost have it figured out, but I'm just missing a key element.

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Professional :: Array Elements That Respond As Links

Jun 9, 2010

It is a large gear that rotates CCW when you click the top button and CW when you click the bottom button. Clicking the buttons also retrieves the next element in an array called 'title' and displays it next to the gear. The elements of the array are titles of videos. I need to be able to click on these titles (as hyperlinks) and have them open up a video window to display the video that corresponds to that title. I am using flash CS5 and I am a beginner. The applet can be seen at [URL] and the AS code is below.


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Professional :: Multiple MovieClips Loading SWF From Same Array?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm currently working on a project that has eight separate movieclips (for loading content) on separate layers.  I have placed code in these mc's to randomly draw from the same array of 61 different swf's.  Each mc randomizes the array just fine, but here's the problem.  The code works great for one instance, but as soon as I add the code (including renaming) to the other mc's, the swf won't load/play.  I am not getting an compiler errors, and am kinda stuck as to what the problem may be.  Here's an example of the code I'm using.  It is the same for each mc, except I'm renaming the variables as well as the instances for each mc.


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Professional :: Calling Strings In 3-dimensional Array?

Feb 17, 2012

Here's the bare bones of what's causing me a problem:

var txt:Array = [mtxt];[code]........

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Professional :: Access A Particular Array Item Regardless Of Position?

Feb 28, 2012

I want to access a paricular array item regardless of position useranswers.splice(indexOf("ans2",1) This dosent work but basically i want to use indexOf and then splice that item?

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Professional :: Next Button In Array For Loading External Swf Files?

Jan 5, 2011

Someone here recently helped me immensely with a question I had about creating a previous button in my flash file that would allow the user to click on the button and view the previous swf file.  I'm hoping someone can help me with making the Next button now, too.

I have a movieclip that loads an array of external swf files.  I thought making the next button would be as simple as changing just a select few things to the previous button.However, that's not working.  When I try that, the movieclip doesn't even load the swf files.  Below is my AS2 code for my file.  I bolded the part at the end that is for the previous button.  Does anyone know how to make the previous button?


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Professional :: Randomly Play Single Item From Array?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there some basic AS3 code to have, when the swf loads, a single video play from a collection of videos in an array? And can said code also apply to sound without video?I just found out the tutorial I was using to randomize doesn't work with audio - as it just plays everything at once - you might 'see' one video - but you hear all them. So from what I am reading, I need to us an array (that seems simple enough), but I don't want to play all the clips - I want it to randomly select and play one. Not sure exactly how I set up the video playback area (so the video plays where I want, at the size I want).Also, I have other pages that are just audio - does audio need some sort of player or something for this?

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Professional :: Loading External Audio File In Array?

Dec 7, 2011

I have figured out how to load an external video file - and I can play an imported audio file, but I can't seem to use either method to load an external audio file into an array.

Here is my audio code:
var tour_audio:Array = [tour1, tour2];
var my_num:Number= Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
var ChosenSound = tour_audio[my_num];
var playing:Sound = new ChosenSound();;

Here is my video code:
var my_videos:Array=new Array ("link1.mp4", " link2.mp4", " link3.mp4", " link4.mp4");
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*my_videos.length);
my_player.source = my_videos[randomIndex];
I tried "var tour_audio:Array = ["link1.mp3", "link2.np3"]; - but that did not work.

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AS2 :: Professional - Loop To Include All Movie Clips In The Array Without Having To Type Out All Their Names?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a simple array of movie clips ("box1" "box6") that I have created on the stage. I then have a simple onRollOver function that is iterated for each of these movie clips, as shown below. As it is now it's working fine, but I can forsee two potential problems for when I use larger arrays and apply this technique to my real working files.

If I were to have many more movie clips, the first line of code would be much longer as it lists each movie clip instance name. Is there a way to use, for example, a for loop to include all these movie clips in the array without having to type out all their names? As you can see here, I have used a simple numerically-incremented naming process. I think the problem may be that I am using movie clips with instance names assigned on the stage and not created through ActionScript.The function as I have created it makes all the movie clips gotoAndStop(1) and then the one that has been rolled over goes to frame 2. Is there a way of making all the movie clips in the array except the one that has been rolled over gotoAndStop(1), ie. is it possible to exclude the rolled-over movie clip from the first part of the function? Here it works just fine as it is, but I'm thinking that maybe when I start using more complex functions with tweens etc it may cause problems. Or not?


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Actionscript 3 :: After Shuffling Array - Variable = Array[index] Gives 0, Trace(array[index]) Gives Correct Number

Aug 16, 2011

I think it would be simplest to explain it like this:


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Unload Flv When Completed?

Mar 5, 2009

I have an swf, lets call it 1.swf, that has a button that calls another swf to level one. In that second swf, lets call it whatever.swf, on layer 1 it has an flv file of about 40 seconds. on layer two it has a button that has this action:

on (release) {
loadMovie("../swf/1.swf", 1);

So if that button is pushed, then it unloads whatever.swf as I need it to.

the problem is that if that button is not pressed, then when that 40 second flv finishes, it just sits there with a black stage and the button. What i need it to do is that when that 40 second flv is finished, it automatically unloads whatever.swf on level 1, again showing 1.swf on level 0.

Also, before anyone anwers, the way i did the flv is that in whatever.swf the flv was imported to the stage, i slected the "already deployed" put in the URL and then it created a flash video component which is on the stage.

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AS3 :: Flash - How To Unload A Swf

Nov 16, 2009

how I can do to unload a swf before I load the next one?

var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
function loadSWF(e:Event):void {
var imageId:Array ="_");
var targetId:int = imageId[0];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload My Old Swf?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to add a external Swf files to my home page because my other pages are swf files. when i click other page it will call to my swf file. but my current home swf file running under my new page swf... so how can i unload my old swf.

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