Showing 10 To 1 Able To View Flash 10 Project
Jul 26, 2009
I created a flash project using flash 10, action script 3 for a widget on my site:URL...I have a counter on the front page and a count generated when the flash project calls it's xml file.I am seeing that for every 10 people that visit my site, only 1 person is loading the widget.What would you suggest for maximum visibility for my widget? Or which version of flash should I have written for.
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Mar 28, 2012
I am trying to run QNX Actionscript project on desktop Flash player, but when I run the swf, the player appears blank white view I tried to set the QNX libraries "Merged in code", but the app doesn't run Is there any way to run the project swf on flash player Note: I am using Flash Builder 4.5
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Mar 24, 2012
G:adlinadl.exe -nodebug G:adlairApp-app.xml
Nothing on the screen, nothing in the console. I do, however, see adl.exe hanging in the processes and eating up memory - i assumed its the loaded, but invisible application.
Update:Created a blank Flex 4.5 (Air 3.1) project that changes the background - and it worked out fine. Tried to use this config (tweaked the filename) - and it doesn't work. Seems the problem only applies to mobile projects.
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Oct 8, 2010
I am having an issue with my project showing up to the left side of the screen when I look at it on the web. how to center the project in the middle of the page. Here is another blunder I am desperate for help with. another project I am working on I screwed up by editing the timeline for EVERYTHING inside the movie clip instead of the timeline. now when I export this to be a mov. file it only plays for like a second. so I fixed that and copy and pasted the timeline from inside the movie to the timeline on my workspace. everything is showing up on the bottom right of the page.
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Jul 4, 2009
I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.
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Dec 10, 2010
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Jan 28, 2010
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Jun 21, 2010
I cant "center" my project, like you can see its "fixed" (yellow lines) in the left side and I cant see "invisible" part of project... (area around the project). how can I move my project so I can see the not-project area around the project. (picture 2).
At the moment situation... (cant see that area around the project)
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm about to have to write a web page/app that will serve the agenda for circa 100 people on a page. One line per person, one column per day with 3 clickable zones in each cell. In HTML, the page is way complex for the browser to load quick and there is no possibility to click on a border between 2 cells to for example split an event that spreads among several cells. So I search an not too overkilling technology to render this kind of view. I begun with a PHP generated HTML page but the number of elements in the page make the mouse move jerky.
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Aug 15, 2011
I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.
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Mar 18, 2010
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Nov 17, 2011
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Nov 25, 2010
I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
function PM3ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"));
I tried modifying the line as well. It also doesnt work.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"), "_blank");
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Jun 13, 2010
I have one .mxml file (the Application) with a ViewStack (with 4 views) and a ControlBard, obviously I can change the views with it, but what I want to do is: in view #1 I have an image which I want to convert to a "hyperlink", so when I click it I go to View #2, is this doable? Also I would like to pass somehow some data (like a String) to that View #2 (lets say the it's a user avatar I click so I want to go to the second view which will show me his profile, that's why I need his name/id).
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Sep 28, 2011
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Oct 8, 2009
in flash, I encounted a source file that is cropped and I cannot move it, is there some sort of cropped view in flash I dont know about? I cannot find anyinformation about it, it has rulers displayed as far as I remember.
Basically you cannot move in the file to edit anything viewpoint wise, everything outside of the movie area is invisible and not there? As if cropped.
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Jun 15, 2009
I am working on this one project that has a couple of movieclips (already placed on stage) which have a custom class set to export via the Library. Each of those custom classes loads an external SWF using URLRequest().
Is it possible (or, what is the best way) to preload the whole project first, including the external SWFs?
View 7 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
Maven 2.2.1 unzipped,M2_HOME set and repository altered to point to different drive location in settings.xml Flex 4.0:
Installed Created a multi-modular webapp project using flexmojo:
mvn archetype:generate
with following options
Parent pom has swc, swf, war as modules.
Dependency is war->swf->swc.
With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.
G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.
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Sep 16, 2011
I have 2 flex projects which were create in flash builder can i call one project from second??? the best would execute to the same window.... I'm interesting about both possibility (in browser and air too).
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Oct 20, 2009
I've recently started making a game in FlexBuilder. The game is currently a Flex project. Is there any downside to using Flex as opposed to just Actionscript? A friend of a friend told me that Flex is slower than an Actionscript project. I've been unable to validate this on the internet; is there any truth to that claim?
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Mar 27, 2011
If I create a new flex project with flashbuilder, these are the libraries that get included by default through the Flex SDK[code]...
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May 30, 2009
i have a webpage created at http:[url]... and i can see the scrolling text on the right but someelse has viewed it and they cannot see the scrolling text does anyone know why.
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Aug 2, 2010
How do I view code in Flash CS4? I am wondering if it's even possible but I am new to Flash so I guess anything is possible, haha. I need to fix my actionscript and this is one of the ways I was told to do it was to look at the code first.
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Jun 19, 2009
I have a client who wants to launch pdf's in a flash site. I've looked at the now unsupported FlashPaper and it or something like it would probably do the trick.
I've tried loading the FlashPaper swf externally into a MovieClip container on the stage but I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the FlashPaper swf to properly fill container (I know there's instructions on how to do this in AS2 but I'm working in AS3).
If I change the size of the loader before adding it to the stage it just stretches the swf. Does anyone know how to manipulate FlashPaper swfs?I looked at iPaper but I can't see anywhere that it creates swfs that I can load into my MovieClip container.
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm editing flash banner after i extract it and upload it i can't view it in my browsers
i'm uploading the file if there's any thing wrong can any one tell me
P.S I'm using Adobe flash CS3
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Mar 30, 2009
Is there a way to load and view a pdf in flash?
A client wants a page with a dynamic pdf gallery. No problem, but can I show pdf files swf documents? Can't find an answer in official docs and googling..
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Jan 22, 2011
Flash Builder's design view is worse than 3's (which at least was usable if you ignore some quirks), so WHAT do Flex UI designers (those who don't have paid design teams...) do to design a complex UI? Because Design View (also based on what a lot of people say about it..) gets more useless with every release.See image for some differences in design view vs.Flash. WHAT is causing this? css also posted..("Duration", "hr", "min" are mx Labels, the image size text is an mx Text comp.Project is an "mx only" SDK 4.1 project.) I don't even care that the spinners look different, I just need it to show me correctly sized stuff so I can position things via Canvas, or properly size containers.
mx|Label {
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Apr 30, 2011
I have one Eclipse Workspace containing two projects. - The first is my actual library. - The second is example code for using the library.When I push this code to GitHub, I don't want two separate projects, I want the example code to go into an "example" folder of the second library.How and where would I do this? From Eclipse, GIT, or GitHub?Or is there a better way of including sample code in GitHub projects? (the example code doesn't actually need any version control)
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Feb 26, 2011
I would like to have a box or frame in my Flash to view other websites. There will be a few hyper links on my flash and once i click, i want the website to be shown within the flash.
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