Stop / Remove An Embedded Player?

Mar 8, 2010

I am working on a webpage where i have to include an embedded video.The video is hosted on some other domain.I am able to embed the video and autoplay once the web page is loaded.However i have a requirement where i have to remove the div displaying the video once it is played , and in place of the video i have to now display some text.

The problem is i am able to do autoplay by the autostart variable in the embed tag...but how do i know that the video has ended.The hosting company only provides an embed tag and they donot have any player apis to use.

One way (or rather a workaround) that i feel is to start a eventlistener in the background and see for the total time of the video and when that time is reached remove the content.But the problem is what if the user pauses the video, then also the div would be deleted.

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Mar 18, 2011

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this.video_mc.loadMovie("youtube video");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Embedded SWF

Feb 18, 2010

I have been searching all over about removing embedded swf.
PHP Code:
[Embed(source="hero.swf")]var Hero:Class;
var hero:Sprite = new Hero();
//now say after some button click. I have to remove this swfthis.removeChild(hero);
//the swf goes away but its sound keeps on playing
So is there any method to completely remove it just like Loader.unloadAndStop().

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repeat_playlist = true;//playlist_size = 3;//player_title = "customizeable title test"//song_url = "media/Akropola.mp3";//song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka";autoload=trueautoplay=trueplaylist_url = "playlist.xml"//info_button_text = "Buy Album"//playlist_url = "";


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Jul 19, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Audio Embedded In Timeline?

Aug 10, 2010

I've been given FLAs that contain audio embedded within the timeline. It's been a long while since I've had to deal with audio in this manner and I'm running into a problem.

The basic setup is this:

- There are 3 movie clips within the FLA

- Each movie clip contains embedded audio within the timeline

- The audio plays as soon as each movie clip begins

Here's my issue:

On the main timeline, there is a 'back' button which allows the user to move to the previous movie clip.

When the user clicks this button, it does move back to the previous movie clip; however, the sound does not stop which results in 2 audio files playing at the same time.

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Is there a way to make it so that Flash knows not to restart the embedded audio?

Do I need to make a sound variable and set it to 'false'. I am not sure what to do, or how to do it.

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on(click) {


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it's possible to use play and stop methods on an instance of an SWF that's been embedded into class using the Embed metatag?I've not been able to get it to work, and have read that it's not possible with video, so am wondering if the same is true for any SWF?

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Play A Swf Online With Self Embedded Flash Player?

Jan 30, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Video Player For Embedded FLV

Aug 22, 2011

So I want to embed a FLV in my flash so that I just have ONE SWF that contains everything. I know if I say "load external video with playback component" I will end up with a swf, html and the flv- this is NOT what I want so please don't ask me why I'm not using this option. "Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline" is EXACTLY what I want- the result is just a single SWF. Here is the question: How do I get a video player if I embed a FLV in flash?

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<object width="352" height="330" id="player"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://mysite/FLVClipEditor.swf?url=URL_GOES_HERE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


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Jul 11, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A Video Player For Embedded FLV?

Aug 22, 2011

So I want to embed a FLV in my flash so that I just have ONE SWF that contains everything.

I know if I say "load external video with playback component" I will end up with a swf, html and the flv- this is NOT what I want so please don't ask me why I'm not using this option. "Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline" is EXACTLY what I want- the result is just a single SWF.

Here is the question: How do I get a video player if I embed a FLV in flash?

I know if I load the video external I will get some nice players - exactly what I want. How do I get a player if the video is embedded? Are there any coded player templates on the net?

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IDE :: Saving Movie With Player Skin Embedded?

Sep 9, 2009

I need to save a flash movie with the player embedded into it - meaning, when saved, there will be ONLY a single swf file (with functional buttons) needed to upload. I know default saving gives a swf and player skin file.

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C# :: Embedded Flash Player Doesn't Load?

Feb 5, 2011

I wrote a program in C# that, when a user press a button, opens a new form containing an embedded flash object. The flash application needs the user to be logged in, so i added to the source something like

swf.SetVariable("__ses", sid);

This works fine for 2 user testing the application, while the third one can succesfully open one table, while all the others appear "black", just like if the loader can't get past the loading step.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Youtube Player Embedded In Flash?

Feb 5, 2009

I have embed the youtube flash player via this code.

// create a MovieClip to load the player into
var ytplayer:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ytplayer", 1);
// create a listener object for the MovieClipLoader to use
var ytPlayerLoaderListener:Object = {


I would Like to know, How can I run the destory command because the video keeps playing even though the command has been passed. I've used stopVideo and destory. they dont work until you press the pause button. I would like to end the video even if its playing.

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IDE :: Saving Movie With Player Skin Embedded

Nov 2, 2009

I need to save a flash movie with the player embedded into it - meaning, when saved, there will be ONLY a single swf file (with functional buttons) needed to upload. I know default saving gives a swf and player skin file.

How can this be achieved? I am willing to go back to archaic Flash versions if need be!

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Flash :: Play A Swf Online With Self Embedded Player?

Jan 30, 2010

I created one invitation in flash 8 with flip book and wanted to upload it online and share the link with everyone. wanted to do in an atmosphere where flash player is self embedded and the user doesnt need to have the flash player.

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Professional :: Stop The Movie From Looping After It's Embedded In Webpage?

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to get a Flash movie I created to stop looping in my browser AFTER loading it into Dreamweaver. Here's what I've tried:

a) Place an AS3 "Stop();" at the end of the action script for the file (in Flash CS4).

b) Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab unchecked.

c) Open the tandem created .html file in my browser (Firefox)......and the movie plays then stops as hoped

d) Open Dreamweaver CS4

e) Import the swf file into a blank HTML page and Save the file.

f) Test the document in my browser. Movie plays, but the movie continues to loop.
as mentioned above, how can I stop the movie from looping after it's embedded in my web page in Dreamweaver? Is this a Dreamweaver 'problem' rather than a Flash one? The DW help file says to use Flash to control the loop....

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Professional :: Stop Audio Of An Embedded File When A New Swf Is Open?

Oct 18, 2010

Here is the issue I am running into. I have built my site in CS3 and I have used a loader.On my site I have embedded video links, when the other video links are pressed, the audio from the prior swf keeps playing. The site[URL]

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Jquery :: Flash - Stop Embedded Swf File When Scrolling?

Jul 22, 2011

I use the "flashembed" feature of the jQuery tools within a site that is using scrollTo as well. The embeded swf file is my banner and right now it is running continiously. When I scroll to another hash it keeps running in the back and makes the scrolling a little bumby.

how to stop the swf file from playing while the scrollTo script is running?

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