Stop Script Accessing Flash?

Feb 4, 2012

We have a website with a lot of Flash content on, and it would be unrealistic to modify all of that content. The problem we have is that Javascript can access variables in the Flash content that we actually don't want the user to have access to using[code]...

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Stop Video Player When Accessing Another Page?

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I'm looking for a (simple) way to make the vidplayer to stop playing when moving from one page to another one (on the same timeline hey). As it is right now if you start to watch a video and don't push the stop button before going to another page it keeps playing - hence you still hear the sound playing in the background while you're actually looking at another page. And that's not good.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MyTimer.stop(); In The Fuction The Listener Called (to Stop It) It Dosent Stop?

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I thought I had a handle on the timer class (even just a beginners understanding), but I'm having trouble with it.I have an event listener for the timer and it starts fine i get a delay, then a tween,but when I place a myTimer.stop();in the fuction the listener called (to stop it) it dosent will repeat placing the first image, and then call the first function again

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AS3 :: Flash - Accessing PHP Variables Using Without Using OO?

Apr 21, 2011

I have the following PHP file with a variable I am trying to access to place in a dynamic text box on my flash stage.

PHP code:

$returnVars = array();
$returnVars['username'] = "test";
$returnString = http_build_query($returnVars);
//send variables back to Flash


The code was adapted from a tutorial using a class. However I do not get on with classes so wont be using any.

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Accessing Webcam On MacBook Pro Through Flash CS4?

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I've been trying to access my webcam on my macbook pro using flash cs4 in an attempt to try and use the live feed to detect levels of motion and from there use that information to alter / animate an image on the screen (idea being more movement = more change in image), however I cant seem to get my webcam to even stream out and play on a flash file.

The code I am using is:
start code
var camera;
var video;
camera = Camera.getCamera();
video = new Video(camera.width * 2, camera.height * 20);
end code

And when I run the file it asks for me to grant access to webcam / microphones (which is what it should do) but it doesnt stream to the file.

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Flash AS2 - Accessing LoadVariable With Number On End

Apr 14, 2012

I have a flash that loads variables from a mysql database. It loads them with their id appending the variable. Example:
Variable Name:itemName
var sent to flash:&itemName1=(item name in database)

Now the problem is in flash loading that variable with the added id at the end
t = this.totalItems;
for(i = 1;i <= t;i++){
itemNames = this.itemName + i;
_root.itemList.addItemAt(i, itemNames);

But the list returns NaN. I so far have 2 items in my database so these are the values returned.
So I thought this.itemName + i would return the value itemName1 where i=1 in the for loop. Is there any other way to do this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing A Subelement In Flash?

Mar 14, 2011

In Flash CS5 I have a button with an instance name "btn", which is made up of movie clips with instance names "mv1" and "mv2".

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Flash - Accessing SimpleButton TextField?

May 11, 2011

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var drawButton:SimpleButton = main.drawButton;
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Flash :: Accessing A MovieClip On Script?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm used to working with AS3, but due to recent events I need to work with AS2, and I'm having trouble with a simple task: How do I access a MovieClip in AS? I drew something, converted it to a symbol (of type MovieClip) and ticked "Export for ActionScript". I gave it the name "MyMC". now, when I'm in some other MovieClips action, how do I access the MovieClip I drew on stage before?

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Flash :: Accessing A Symbol That Is Already On Stage Through As3

Jan 4, 2012

I have several symbols in the library (using Flash CS5), and all of these instances have a custom base class set with a method (lets say x()). I have the symbols already positioned on the stage using the IDE, and I wanted to access them through as3 and run the method. I understand that you can instantiate a new object of an item in the library, but how would I access the object that are on the stage already?

var objectList:Array = new Array();
objectList[0].x(); //trying to run the method on the existing Symbol

However, flash returns an error saying that the object does not have method x(). Also looking through the debugger, it doesn't seem like the item pushed is an instance of the base class, rather it says (prototype). This works of course if I were to create a new instance of each, but I would rather access the ones that are on the stage already.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Cookie With Flash In IE?

Mar 10, 2012

I want to write a Flash application which need to access my browser(Internet Explorer)cookie. My program work well in all browser except Internet Explorer. This is part of my code:


function test()
{"eval","alert(document.cook ie)");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Accessing Parents And Children?

Oct 19, 2010

Okay, here is the relevant files for a game I am making and their structure: -Stage --> --> --> beachArea --> ......--> ......--> pistolBullet.asSo, am trying to detect when a bullet hits a barrel. I was going to use the hitTestObject() functionI got as far as trying to actually access the properties of an instance of barrel from the and seem to be a little confused as to my findings.. Can anyone explain to me why the last trace function returns undefined?

trace("pistolBullet.parent: " + this.parent);
trace("pistolBullet.parent.beachArea: " + MovieClip(this.parent).beachArea);


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Flash :: Accessing Private Files From Amazon S3?

Apr 27, 2010

I have flash (AIR) application running on a single controlled system (there is only one computer running it and nobody has access to it).I will host some files on Amazon's S3 and I need to make sure that only my flash app running locally on that computer can access those files.I'm wondering what the best (most secure) approach would be for doing this.My initial thought is to make the files on S3 private and store the secret key on the local computer running the flash app. Then when I needed to access the files from flash I would send out an authenticated query string with some expiration time. The only problem with this is that I don't know how to generate the S3 signature in flash. Also I'm a little skeptical about storing the secret key on the flash machine (even though it's a privately owned machine with no other users using it).Is there a better approach perhaps?I have access to a server with PHP, so I could maybe use that as some kind of proxy, I'm just not sure how while keeping the file access secure and not creating a bottleneck through the web server (as opposed to direct access to S3).

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Flash :: Javascript - Accessing Functions Through JQuery

Aug 29, 2010

I use the following jQuery code to access functions in my SWF (FP 10.1 SWF embedded via SWFObject): $('#FlashApp')[0].someFunc(); This works fine in every browser.. except for Internet Explorer (surprise!). Surely, the point of jQuery is to make this code work across all browsers? I'd really rather not write extra code to check for IE. How can I talk to my SWF in a browser independent way?

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C# :: Accessing Flash COM Object Using WebBrowser Control

Oct 17, 2010

I have a HTML page that contains a flash file and some a JavaScript function that returns the object of the flash file.So far I can call the JavaScript function from C# and have it return an Object, but I want to cast it as AxShockwaveFlash and access the COM Object directly from C#.I have seen this done with Windows Media Player imbedded in the a HTML page, but it doesn't seem to work with flash.[code]When I try to cast the Object to AxShockwaveFlash it fails, but I have seen it work casting the object to WindowsMediaPlayer.I tried to find if AxShockwaveFlash supports QueryInterface calls, as per the error message but Google returned nothing of value.

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Accessing Variable From Frame With Button In Flash

Mar 24, 2011

I am a beginner in Flash development and I was just recently assigned to fix an old Flash project at my work. Essentially, the application is a video booth whereby users can record up to 60s of video via their webcam and then share it either via email, twitter, or facebook. When the application is started, a video ID is generated, and that is used as the video's file name when it is streamed and saved to the server. I am sure there is a better way to do this, but the way I came up with is to grab that video ID and pass it to the "Share" page as a URL variable, and then use that to access and share the video from the server. How I can access the video ID from the button that is sending the user to the "Share" page.

Here is the code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream;
var cam:Camera;
var mic:Microphone;
var vidId:String = configName();
function tracer(p_s) {
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Accessing Movie Clips Variable?

Apr 17, 2011

how can i access a movie clips variable from its parent...??? i've done alot of way but still failed,

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Flash :: Accessing Spark's Panel Title Bar?

Apr 25, 2011

How do I get access to the s:Panel's title bar? I want to add event listeners ONLY to the title bar and not to the entire panel.

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Flash - Accessing Responder Object For AMF Call?

May 18, 2011

I'm using FlashDevelop as IDE and I'm trying to connect to AMF3 service (amfphp) and get user details.I can connect to AMF service with this code in AMFinit() function...

private function AMFinit():void{
AMFService.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
AMFService.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);


But to use outside the AMF_MyUserInfo() function I want to copy that "res" object to another object. I tried with specifing an object in Class and set res to this object in AMF_MyuserInfo() function with "this.myobject = res" but it didn't work.

I also tried "this.myobject.username = res.username" but it didn't work also. how can I use this res object globally or in AMFinit() function?

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Flash :: Accessing A Variable Declared In Fla From As File

May 24, 2011

On the stage I have a movieclip by the name of rect_mc. Inside it have have a MovieClip sqaure_mc.

In the time line that I get when I double click on rect_mc (timeline of rect_mc) I have written the following code

var width1:Number;
width1 = sqaure_mc.width;

How can I access width1 from the document class?

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Flash :: Accessing Existing Embbeded Fonts In A .swf?

Jun 22, 2011

i have embedded the simhei simplified Chinese font in a .swf for a font Library. I need to make a list of buttons, that are labeled with all the embedded fonts in the .swf. All the other languages were done in CS4 so there is font registering and everything and the .as for it. I am pretty new to flash, and i am working in CS5 but i don't know how to get a hold of the font i already embedded to turn it into a font button.

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing A Flash Pro Instance After GotoAndStop()?

Aug 13, 2011

i have never actually got the flash-actionscript code execution flash pro i have an instance of a moveiclip on stage in frame one named tree1 and on frame 3 i have on the stage the document class i have this code:

var scaleFactor:Number = tree1.scaleX;
tree3.scaleX = scaleFactor;

while this works when testing on the desktop, this app will go mobile at the this the correct way to go or should i register for a frameComplete event before accessing instances on a certain frame

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Flash :: Accessing Movieclips Within Movieclip Using For Statement?

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to access movieclips within my movieclip using a for statement. To try and make this clear, here is how it looks at the moment:

sections = Holder movieclip where dtf_sections is placed, as well as other clips that are needed.

dtf_sections = Where all the title movieclips are placed that are going to be used when called. Placed in here to make it easier to move, within sections

title = Movieclip that contains the text that needs to be changed, within dtf_sections

Here is my code that works:

sections.dtf_sections.title1.dtf_title.text = "Section 1"

There are upto 10 titles within dtf_sections. So, what I thought would work is this:

for(var i:uint=1; i<10; i++){
sections.dtf_sections.["title"+String(i)].dtf_title.text = "Section" +(i)

The reason why they are within the movieclips is masking, and appearing at different times.

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AS3 :: Flash - Accessing Object Methods Given As Value In Dictionary?

Nov 17, 2011

So I am writing a program which uses Dictionary to store objects. For example

var dictionary:Dictionary=new Dictionary();
var myObject = new myObject(var1, var2, var3);

where var1, var2, and var3 are simply means of assigning values to variables in myObject.can I access values or functions that are found in myObject? In myObject class I have some getters and setters. Can I use a getter to get the value of var1 for example.


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Flash :: Accessing Buttons On Stage From Class?

Feb 7, 2012

I need to set properties of buttons on the main stage from the current class. How would I do this?

I have multiple buttons on my stage. Each representing a chapter in a movie (from frame x to frame y of the movie).

When I push one of them, the movie plays. When it gets to the end, it should continue to the next segment/chapter. This works, but now I need to highlight the current button, not let the button I pressed be highlighted forever..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Accessing MovieClip In Container SWF?

Oct 19, 2006

Using MovieClipLoader, is it possible for the loaded swfs to access movie clips in the container swf movie? In building a preloader for a previously produced flash app (originally made for CD), I was running across huge problems with some dynamically created masks (created using attachMovie and setMask). My solution (not ideal, I guess) was to move the masks and the masked objects into the preloader ("container") movie. But still need to move them around by code located inside the swf being loaded.

Relevant code from inside the preloader:
myMCL.onLoadInit = function() {
_root.attachMovie("screenText12", "screenText12", 15)
_root.attachMovie("internalMask", "internalMask12", 17)

And from inside the swf being loaded:
_root.screen12.onMotionFinished = function() {
screenText12InY = new Tween(_root.screenText12, "_y",mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 463, 403, .5, true);
The red is where I'm not sure of how to get in contact with the movie clip in the preloader.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing SwfObject Variable Within Flash

Apr 10, 2009

accessing swfObject variable within Flash...

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