Flash :: Accessing Existing Embbeded Fonts In A .swf?
Jun 22, 2011
i have embedded the simhei simplified Chinese font in a .swf for a font Library. I need to make a list of buttons, that are labeled with all the embedded fonts in the .swf. All the other languages were done in CS4 so there is font registering and everything and the .as for it. I am pretty new to flash, and i am working in CS5 but i don't know how to get a hold of the font i already embedded to turn it into a font button.
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May 25, 2011
I'm trying to embed fonts at runtime in actionscript and it somewhat works. I can embed fonts by either using the embed tag or by loading a font library asset with a linkage name and use it with a new TextField. However, a textfield that exists on a movie clip already does not have the embedded font and is missing characters.
A quick example in code (textInstance exists on the movieclip):
var embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(); //Shows embedded font
var textFormat:TextFormat = textInstance.getTextFormat();
textInstance.text = "Don't be lazy"; //missing characters
I want to embed the font at runtime and I'm loading multiple SWFs and I don't want to embed the font in each SWF.
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Feb 25, 2010
my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based site.it is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone down.so its confused to me.i used Myridpro font.now it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]
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Dec 22, 2010
Edited Short Version:The Adobe Flash docs list a property embedFonts on TextAreas:
A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?
TL;DR Original Version: I have a flash application which loads external .swf files containing embedded fonts, so that these fonts can be used within the main application. We're accomplishing this by using the following ActionScript code on anything which uses custom fonts:
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Mar 29, 2009
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Nov 9, 2011
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Jul 21, 2004
I'm trying to convert this form into flash. I can't seem to get it to work, I keep getting a client not identified error.
<FORM ACTION="http://www.eventinventory.com/search/byevent.cfm" METHOD="POST"
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Jan 26, 2009
I've created a fullscreen Flash .exe. I want to be able to build a button that can allow you to close the exiting movie and open a new one (kinda like Lingo's OpenMovie command). I'm sure there's an easy way to do this in AS, I just can't find it.
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm still a newbie in terms of as3, but have built a code-simple flash site (using CS3 & Dreamweaver). I've only just discovered SWFAddress / SWFobject / swffit and have been combing through my flash pages to implement these oh-so helpful tools. Troubled process, as it is...
I have literally spent days (not merely hours) trying to adapt various code, watching and following tutorial and trying to adapt what I find for my existing site (which is, unto itself, still in development)
I'm trying to avoid avoid using external packages and script instead on the timeline, in keeping with how the site was originally built (with hopes this would save me from having to rebuild and reorganise the structure of the timeline - there are several gallery pages and files and buttons and cross-linking). But I'll attach here just one fla ("archives.fla") that anyone whom has experience with SWFAddress might understand what I'm contending with. I've borrowed code from so many sources at this point that the script code is sure to be bungled (one top layer of the fla file, for deep linking).
I would be ever so grateful for assistance in this regard; cannot afford to pass another day trying to figure it out (I am on a deadline)...
file to big to attach; i don't believe looking at the code will be of any use without seeing the set up and references on the timeline... but i'll insert it anyway (below). is there a way to send the file to someone directly?
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Dec 2, 2010
A friend recently came to me with desire to update his existing flash website that was built by someone else. Off the top of my head I know that I can't edit anything without the raw .fla files and replacing them. Is there anything else I can do, any other options to go about this? Or is it as simple as not being able to do it without the original .fla files?
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Jul 21, 2004
I'm trying to convert this form into flash. I can't seem to get it to work, I keep getting a client not identified error.
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Nov 19, 2009
Whilst I did some flash YEARS ago, I am now needing to get back into it. And whilst I have a course booked, I need to do something now. I have downloaded a flash file with a mask from an image website. I want to double the size of the file, but the masking now only highlights part of the image.
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Feb 15, 2010
The index file is .php. Now I've got this little Flash animation that we want to run first, then when it's done go to his website. When I try to add it to the top of the index page all that happens is the site loads like in normally did but with the Flash movie at the top instead of being another page. What do we need to do to have it load on it's own first?
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Apr 11, 2012
My current HTML4 transitional website has several flash videos. How could I make them play in Apple devices with minimal changes? I've seen numerous threads but I've got confused. Some possible ways suggested in these threads:Identify device from request and serve another format video. Which format should be served here? I need to maintain all videos in 2 format? H.264 encoding was suggested here.HTML 5 options.
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the newly inserted frames should be dynamically generated from the web server,
how to implement it myself?
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