Access An Existing Flash Shared Object?

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to access a flash shared object using sharedObject.getLocal("sharedObjectName"); But, it always creates a new object and doesn't locate the existing object, then I searched the location where it saves the object and I got this location from the internet c:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects But, I could not get this directory in my windows XP. access my shared object which is residing in my flash media serverapplication folder..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access The Same Shared Object From Different Flash Movies?

Feb 23, 2003

Is it possible to access the same shared object from different flash movies. I am trying this, and I put the exact same code to access the shared object in the first frame of both movies, but when I update the SO in one of the movies, the other one does not reflect the change. Both movies are in the same folder. Any ideas?

Since it is called a "shared object, I would think that more than one movie could access it, but what do I know. I don't know if it matters, but here is the code:


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Flex :: Flash Player 10.1 Crash On Shared Object Access

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since updating my Flash Player plugin from 10 to 10.1, I'm seeing a weird crash when accessing shared objects. Flex Builder's debugger pops up and prints a stack trace like this:

at my.code::MyClass$/load()[/my/path/to/my/]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Access The Shared Object Which Is Created By A.swf From B.swf

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Shared Object For 2 Or More Swfs?

Jun 21, 2004

Trying to access shared object for 2 or more swfs


This is what I have on the swf that will flush the object:

swf 1:
user = SharedObject.getLocal("orange3", "/");
if ( == undefined){


I am running it from a shared hosting server I also tried to do a absolute path but it's still not working.

user = SharedObject.getLocal("", "/");
message = "Welcome " + firstname +" "+ name;

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difficulty doing so. My code are as follows:

//Constructor code
public function EventTest()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Shared Object (Remember Me) Box

Aug 21, 2007

I have a working shared object. The visitor types a password into an input text field and hits go. The next time they go to the log-in it pulls the shared object out and prepopulates the input text field. How can I add a "checkbox" (Remember Me) option to the process. I'd like the visitor to have the option of whether or not they want to be remembered.

My current code looks like this:
On frame 1 Actions Keyfame:
pw_babytalk = SharedObject.getLocal('babytalk');
if ( != undefined) {
password_txt.text =;

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Flash :: Dictionary In Sync With A Local Shared Object?

Mar 22, 2011

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public function setValue(key:String, value:String):void
public function getValue(key:String):String
public function delValue(key:String):void

But using bindings will become a real nightmare and I will have to make changes in many other parts of the application.

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Jun 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Saving Objects In A Shared Object?

May 15, 2011

I'm trying to save an object to a shared object, the thing is that while i run it the first time it works perfectly, but as soon as the swf is closed and re-opened my object just disappears.If I'm not wrong this is because it's a custom class instance and the .data saves a reference to the object instead of the object which is deleted as soon as the program closes.My question is:I've tried saving each var in a different data.[something], having to save five variables might not be bad but what about twenty or more.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movies Read The Same Shared Object?

Feb 13, 2004

My problem is that i have a flash movie with has a link to another flash movie. I want both of them to read from the same shared object. I know it violates the funda of shared objects. Is there some way of doin this.Both these movies run from a Tomcat Web server within the same domain.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Shared Object Causing Flash Application To Crash

May 26, 2009

I have a couple of static functions (one shown below) that can be called from multiple instances; there is a problem because of a shared object I am using.
My tracing shows that the application is in this function or the converse function addRec when my application is crashing.
In another class I have this statement where I set the value of some date in my shared object. I have to comment the following lone of code out in order for the application not to crash after a short while: = currentRecs;          // the culprit I see the first trace in the removeRec function but then nothing. I expect to see the second trace indicating that the array of current recordings taking place (currentRecs) has been cut back by one.
Originally my function was not static and my application crashed very quickly. By making the function static the situation improved insofar as it took longer for the application to crash. Flash seems to be very particular about the way it handles shared objects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear Shared Object When Close Flash Player?

Aug 9, 2011

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stage.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, Close);
function Close(event:Event):void

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting A Shared Object To Expire After Browser Session In FLASH?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm looking for a way to play flash animated content once ( even as the user navigates to different HTML pages with similar flash content) and expire after a set amount of time or after the browser is closed.

I'm aware I could use a shared object for this but can't seem to find info about how to clear them at browser session end.

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Flash :: Retrieve The Actual Shared Object Local Path?

May 12, 2011

i have prepared a login screee. using shared object i have saved username and password, now i want to know the sol path. Is there any way to actually retrieve the shared object local C:Documents and Settings[userName]Application DataMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsXXXXXlocalhost ext.sol

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Flash :: Will Shared Object Data Disappear When The User Updates The App

Nov 30, 2011

I'm using Flash and AS3 to write an app for iOS and for Android and I'm saving XML-data using shared objects. Now it struck me that when I supply an update to the app store and the user updates the app, will the shared objects remain intact or will they be replaced? I'd very much like them to remain as they were.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Shared Object Causing Flash Application To Crash?

Jan 31, 2004

I have a couple of static functions (one shown below) that can be called from multiple instances; there is a problem because of a shared object I am using.My tracing shows that the application is in this function or the converse function addRec when my application is crashing.
public static var currentRecs:Array;
private static function removeRec(recName:String) {        trace("Removing record "+ recName + " from currentRecs");        for (var item in currentRecs) {            if (currentRecs[item] == recName) {                currentRecs.splice(item, 1);                trace("Finished recording " + recName + " currentRecs = " + currentRecs.length);            }        }    }
In another class I have this statement where I set the value of some date in my shared object. I have to comment the following lone of code out in order for the application not to crash after a short while: = currentRecs;// the culprit I see the first trace in the removeRec function but then nothing. I expect to see the second trace indicating that the array of current recordings taking place (currentRecs) has been cut back by one.
Originally my function was not static and my application crashed very quickly. By making the function static the situation improved insofar as it took longer for the application to crash.Flash seems to be very particular about the way it handles shared objects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Data From Another Shared Object From Another Flash File?

May 16, 2007

Is it possible to load data from another shared object from another flash file? if so how?

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Flash - Set The Key Of A Shared Object With The Contents Of A String As Opposed To Specifically Naming The Key?

Jul 18, 2011

In AS3 I would like to set the key of a shared object with the contents of a string as opposed to specifically naming the key. = "andy" // this is the basic working system

I do not want to write test I want something like this

// this is a non working and incorrect solution but shows what I am trying to do.
String myKey = "test"{myKey} = "andy"

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Flash :: IDE - Media Server - Get Multiple Users To Control One Shared Object

Nov 19, 2009

i am trying to develop a multiplayer game using the flash media server. Currently i can get multiple users to control one shared object but i need to have 2 users controlling seperate shared objects on the same stage.


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