When Play The Swf It Seems To Work Ok With The Click, But Eventually When The Tween Is Launched, It Doesn't Goes?
Jul 29, 2009
This is my code:
addChild (pant1);
var pantMovX:Tween = new Tween(pant1,"x",Regular.easeOut,mouseX,600,1,true) ;
var pantMovY:Tween = new Tween(pant1,"y",Regular.easeOut,mouseY,290,1,true) ;
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easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut;
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var box_end = 100;
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btn_test.onRelease = function(){ if (_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) { while(_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) { _root.adinstance.prevFrame(); else { _root.adinstance.play(); }}
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Apr 14, 2011
I'm having some problems with the code below. It may be something small that I am just not seeing. I basically have a drop down window and a button named btn1. The first click makes it pull down on the main stage, the second returns it to frame #1 by rewinding the movie. Well... It only works once, I need it to work multiple times, so I am missing something.
ActionScript Code:
on (release){
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
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Jun 23, 2010
We just launched our developers API and I'd like to give the official Flash community a small update about the API because it's hopefully interesting for you as professional Flash developers
6rounds is a flash based social entertainment platform which mixes webcam chats and interactive features with fun multi-player games and applications. At the moment we are running the destination site 6rounds.com and providing the only Google Wave video chat extension. Furthermore, you will soon have the opportunity to embed your apps in a stand-alone widget, anywhere across the web, which will allow even faster distribution of your application. Besides that, we are going to release a Facebook application really soon!
Using our API, you can quickly and easily transform your existing applications into the video chat experience, or create new applications, both of which can leverage the platform's inherent ability to deploy gifts, effects, and background themes into the video chat environment.
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Oct 13, 2009
when I launch the swf the mp3 plays but when I launch the html it is not.
function showPage() {
_level0.ui.content_area.content.loadMovie("modules/" +
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Is there a way to center a flash projector on a screen when it is launched? I noticed when I launch a flash projector file, it gets positioned on the screen randomly. I am using ActionScript 3.
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