XML :: Flex - Read File From Client And Parse To Server

Feb 14, 2010

I'm trying to read a xml file from client. After search for it. I have got to upload the file to the server with this code.
var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("*.jpg,*.gif,*.png", "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.jpeg");
But what I want to do is to read the file from client and parse it without uploading it to the server.

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private var filer:FileReference;
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var fd:String = "Files (*)";


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- Performance: Flex needs to load in lots of data so lazy-loading is often necessary.

- Do you use Dto's to transfer data between server and client?

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This method reads a file from server and then display its content. The file which is getting read is a log file which gets updated at regular interval. The issue is once some content read by AS then it is not getting updated that means after every execution of the function content of src variable below remains same even thou the source file is updated.


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Dec 21, 2009

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Adobe BlazeDS
Granite Data Services
WebORB Community Edition

I want to ask you which is the easy way to create the solution described above, expecially i want to use J2EE application server type.

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Flex Client App Connect To BlazeDS Running On A Different Server?

Feb 9, 2010

As far as In understand the Flex technology, a Flex client connects to a Flex server to retrieve business information. Is this the only allowed connection for the client, back to the originating server? Or can a Flex client also open a secondary connection to a different server wich runs BlazeDS for message exchange?(This might offer an option for load balancing and cross-platform development).

Update: I have found this page which links to the Cross-domain policy file specification:[URL]..

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Flash :: Handle Client And Server Validation With Flex 3?

May 5, 2011

I'm a new grad, so please be kind. I'm working on validating input in a Flex DataGrid cell that the user can edit. The rows in the DataGrid are backed by an mx.collections.ArrayCollection that includes a [Bindable]Model that I wrote. I want to validate against a custom client-side Validator, if-and-only-if that passes I want to validate the input on the server. If client-side validation fails, I want to display the normal validation error (see image below). If server-side validation fails, I want to use the same sort of UI components to notify the user. The solution should not include any external framework (Cairngorm or PureMVC).


How do Flex programmers validate on the server, immediately after the valid client-side validation passes?

I realize it seems silly to search out this "synchronous" design and I hope someone has an answer to solve my problem with best practices. In my defense, the reason I want to validate on the server immediately following client-side validation is so that I'm using Flex's validation framework. If I get an invalid response from the server, I want to leverage the built-in UI components that Flex has to tell the user something is incorrect about his/her input.

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Linux :: Intercept A Request To Read A Particular File And Instead Generate The Apparent Output Of That File Read Programatically

Mar 31, 2010

A friend of mine has a Flash Action script running on a LAMP server that currently reads an xml config file. He's asked me if it's possible to remove the xml file, and replace it somehow with a system (lets call it an 'auto xml generator') that intercepts the request to read that file and generates an output, so it appears to all intents and purposes as if the file still exists and contains the contents that has actually been returned from our auto xml generator'

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Java - Connecting Non-flex Client To Server Running BlazeDS?

Aug 27, 2010

I have Flex/AIR app that connects to a tomcat server via BlazeDS. I'm not finding that I have to integrate an old webapp (struts/jsp) and I'd like to keep that webapp untouched except for login, authentication and session handling. Also a 3rd java app that uses httpclient.

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Nov 16, 2010

Using RecursiveDirectoryIterator of PHP i am able to create directory tree and can even flatten it using RecursiveIteratorIterator class , but I want to create directory tree structure which TREE component of flex understands . The following is an array structure in php which flex understands.


create the whole directory structure at server side into the above array format.

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Jul 18, 2010

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Flex :: Server Client Communication - Display Emergency Alert Message

Oct 1, 2010

I have 12 display monitors installed in different floors in a building. These monitors display announcements that will be update once in a day. I'm retrieving these announcements from db and storing in an array and displaying it all day long. In addition to this, I have a requirement to display emergency alert messages on the monitors. My Server is a windows 2000 server. I'm using asp for creating the JSON object.

For the emergency alert I am thinking of doing this:
Create a page in asp that lets user to enter emergency msg and save to db.
Create a page in asp that will check if there an emergency msg in db and show it in a asp page in json.
Create a timer that pings this json page every 1 second. If it's available then show it.
Is there any other sophisticated method available to poll the server or to send messages from server to client?

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Java :: Build The Client With Flex And Connect To The Server Data With BlazeDS?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a server with some simple java objects running. I want to build the client with Flex and connect to the server data with BlazeDS. The problem is the Flash Builder is not generating the Classes correctly. Just the properties are being generated, the inheritance are not being generates.

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