ActionScript 3 :: Flex - Parse A Large JSON File?

Oct 21, 2010

I need to parse a large trace file (up to 200-300 MB) in a Flex application. I started using JSON instead of XML hoping to avoid these problems, but it did not help much. When the file is bigger than 50MB, JSON decoder can't handle it (I am using the as3corelib).

Try to split the file: I would really like to avoid this; I don't want to change the current format of the trace files and, in addition, it would be very uncomfortable to handle.Use a database: I was thinking of writing the trace into a SQLite database and then reading from there, but that would force me to modify the program that creates the trace file.

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JSONParseError: Unexpected < encountered
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/]
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/getNextToken()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/]
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private static function on_complete(e : Event):void
trace ("Http on_complete!");

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> import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
> import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONDecoder;
> var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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") outputs a bunch of HTML.

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newText.text = magnetic.readUTFBytes(magnetic.bytesAvailable);
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MNx = d["x"];
MNy = d["y"];
MNz = d["z"];

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That's it.

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var fd:String = "Files (*)";


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var response_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
response_lv.onData = function(rawdata) {


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import flash.display.Sprite;


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Otherwise what are the best ways to draw a graph in FLEX using large data.

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Flash :: Parse XML In File?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a 3rd party programme which generates the xml file below, and it re-writes the xml file every time a new message is received by that 3rd party programme. What I'm trying to do is find a way to read in the relevant flashvars (if that's the right term) into a flash file (basically I want to read in messages 1 - 6), ignore the rest of the xml, display the messages and then re-load the xml about every 30 seconds (in case it's changed). I guess this is pretty much like a news reader of sorts, but I don't have any control over the structure of the xml file, so if someone could point me in the right sort of direction, then I'm happy to have a go at learning. I did try messing with a basic news reader flash file that I downloaded, but it didn't seem to like the xml - I guess because each message in the xml has its own number?[code]...

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file = new File(itemBase + "/manifest.json");
fileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.UPDATE);

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I have a table which contains 3 columns, "itemid, xcordinate, ycordinate", in this different records are saved, now i want to have these records on a JSON file, when use click save button, all records present in the table(2d array) save in JSON file.

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Oct 1, 2011

question 1:I know I can use:var string = fileURL);to get the content of a text file, but is there a way to read this text file line by linesuch as:var string1=fileReadLine( fileURL);var string2=fileReadLine( fileURL);question 2:Is there a way to parser(or tokenize) the above string?

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