ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Parse XML Coming From PHP File
Jun 28, 2009
I am trying to parse an some xml that is coming from a php file. I used the DOMDocument to write the xml and then echoed it back out. It's perfectly formatted I'm sure. When I load the php file from flash I don't get any errors but it won't trace the xml. I even have the header ("content-type: text/xml"); in the php file. Can flash pick up xml data from a php file assuming everything is done correctly?
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ActionScript Code:
import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
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ActionScript Code:
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ActionScript Code:
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[Code] .....
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Oct 17, 2008
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How can I reload everthing as if they were just coming to the page..? with All drags enabled and eveything in is its correct.x and .y places...All var are equal to what they need to be equal to etc..
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