ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse XML / HTML File To Generate Form On Fly?
Mar 12, 2009
I have some code that parses an external XML file and reads the HTML inside the CDATA block. But it does not read HTML form elements like <input> or <textbox> is there anyway to do this? Is there anyway to have it parse an MXML file to generate the form on the fly?[code]...
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ActionScript Code:
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
var finalNote:String = ""
trace( finalNote );
var urlVar:String = "rss_example.xml";// local XML file that loads by default
reloadRSS();// function to initially load or reload the feed
[Code] .....
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I am trying to make a rss aggregator and i am stuck at the moment as I can seem to parse out the HTML info that is held in the certain sections of the rss document. below I have posted my AS3 code as well as the rss doc info. Could some one please advise me on how to parse out the HTML from the description and title of the rss feeds.[code]
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Oct 20, 2010
I have built a simple Flash application that will be presented using a projector, the application will show messages in the form of questions that will come from a simple flat-file text file or XML file.
In addition to this I would also like to be able to add my own messages using a simple HTML form.
I've been looking around the web for some resources, but have been struggling to find what I am looking for. The basic idea is that the flash application will loop through these different messages from the XML, but then when a user types in a message that will also appear within these messages. Think of it as a sort of dynamic tag cloud.
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Aug 22, 2011
what if u want to parse a whole html table into flash and turn each colunm into an actionscript 3 array? flash doesnt know how many rows the table has, but i could print the number of rows in the same page as the html table, and make it parse the number of rows from the same page after a urlrequest the first step is to probably make a php page with my database splayed out as a table, maybe with
---- row1col1=dan row1col2=jenson row2col1=jen row2col2=dennings-------
numrows=2 and so on as table entries, and then have flash urlrequest the page i can do that, but i dont know how to parse each column into an actionscript 3 array but it only shows how to parse one value, not a whole array:[URL]
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Dec 3, 2003
I have a html/flash site now, [URL]. i access email from my site itself by giving the userid and pwd text box which i copied from the actual website hosting my email access. i copied the entire <form...></form> tag to my page and thus was able to put the name and pwd in my home page only and access the email in a separate window. now i have redesigned my webpage using only flash. i would like to know how i can implement the same using flash. as i have not much experience using action scripting i am a bit stuck about how you pass the hidden form variables. the below is the the exact form syntax:
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Nov 15, 2011
I have a 3rd party programme which generates the xml file below, and it re-writes the xml file every time a new message is received by that 3rd party programme. What I'm trying to do is find a way to read in the relevant flashvars (if that's the right term) into a flash file (basically I want to read in messages 1 - 6), ignore the rest of the xml, display the messages and then re-load the xml about every 30 seconds (in case it's changed). I guess this is pretty much like a news reader of sorts, but I don't have any control over the structure of the xml file, so if someone could point me in the right sort of direction, then I'm happy to have a go at learning. I did try messing with a basic news reader flash file that I downloaded, but it didn't seem to like the xml - I guess because each message in the xml has its own number?[code]...
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Oct 1, 2011
question 1:I know I can use:var string = fileURL);to get the content of a text file, but is there a way to read this text file line by linesuch as:var string1=fileReadLine( fileURL);var string2=fileReadLine( fileURL);question 2:Is there a way to parser(or tokenize) the above string?
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Mar 19, 2010
I use a library to parse an iCalendar file, but I don't understand the regex to split property. iCalendar property has 3 different style:
The library uses this regex that I would like to understand:
var matches:Array = data.match(/(.+?)(;(.*?)=(.*?)((,(.*?)=(.*?))*?))?:(.*)$/); = matches[1];
p.value = matches[9];
p.paramString = matches[2];
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Oct 29, 2009
So I am starting off writing a class to parse an XML file
In the setup of the FLA, I start off with this:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
I get a compile time error telling me that it can't find the class. So I check, and recheck, and the class is there, so I'm baffled.
Then, just for giggles, I try typing:
ActionScript Code:
right after I import the classes. And for some reason, suddenly, I get no compile time errors, and the document loads, traces out, and the method I call in the class traces out its little "hello" message...
If I comment out that trace, it goes right back to being broken...
So seriously, what gives. Has anyone ever run into anything like this before? I'm running CS4 on an iMac, if that makes a difference.
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Sep 26, 2011
I was reading about Flex- JavaScript communication via ExternalInterface.But I had a doubt, it said that the javascript code should be written in the HTML file of the application ? Now which is this HTML file ? Is it the index.template.html file per project or the HTML file created per MXML application ?
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Feb 14, 2010
I'm trying to read a xml file from client. After search for it. I have got to upload the file to the server with this code.
var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("*.jpg,*.gif,*.png", "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.jpeg");
But what I want to do is to read the file from client and parse it without uploading it to the server.
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Apr 21, 2010
All I can find information on for the URLLoader object in Actionsript 3.0 involves loading XML files, which I don't want to do. I'm trying to load in a .txt file that I want to parse, line by line with each line being delimited by a comma. Anyone know a method of doing this or a place where I can find some information on how to do this?
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Sep 25, 2010
I am using actionscript engine to upload a file, the engine will select the file and send the file over network thru HTTP POST command, the document says the POST message is like:[code]In server side I have a C++ program listens on port 80 and parse the POST message. I only want the file name and file data. How to decode the file data using c++, is it base64 encoded and is there a library can do it for me? I want to decode the binary, and write it to the file.
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Sep 27, 2010
I use the following to upload a file to Flex:
private var filer:FileReference;
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var fd:String = "Files (*)";
And my file looks like this:
I need to read the uploaded file and parse it. The problem is that in my; I get only '1' and not the rest of the String. how to successfully read this entire txt file?
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Oct 21, 2010
I need to parse a large trace file (up to 200-300 MB) in a Flex application. I started using JSON instead of XML hoping to avoid these problems, but it did not help much. When the file is bigger than 50MB, JSON decoder can't handle it (I am using the as3corelib).
Try to split the file: I would really like to avoid this; I don't want to change the current format of the trace files and, in addition, it would be very uncomfortable to handle.Use a database: I was thinking of writing the trace into a SQLite database and then reading from there, but that would force me to modify the program that creates the trace file.
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Mar 13, 2010
I'm trying to parse a rather large XML file using a for loop to populate a listcomponent. To let the user know the XML is being parsed (takes 5-10 sec.) I want to create a simple notifier/preloader (loader_mc is on the stage, frame 1, and should inform that things are being loaded/parsed).The problem is that nothing shows as long as the loop is busy.Is there some kind of progresslistener for the loop in AS3 or some kind of Event.PROGRESS for the XML load that will kick in BEFORE the loop starts.I even tried to move this script to frame 2 but still the loader_mc wouldn't show.[code]...........
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Oct 19, 2009
I am trying to create a simple form using Actionscript 3 that will collect data from a form, then pass that data to an asp file. I have attached the following code to the submit button,but this is not working.I'm not sure if I have to add anything else and I don't understand why this is not working. I'm trying to load all the variable info into one variable called email form.
submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......
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