Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flex - MouseDown Event On Label Values?

Aug 6, 2010

I just would like to know how can I dynamically change a label's values while on mousedown.I basically have a mousedown event and I also have two labels in my application. What I would like to happen is to get the current x and y position of my mouse pointer as I move my mouse through the screen and changing the values of the labels into the values of the current x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer.

protected function object_mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
curX = this.mouseX;[code]........

However, what this code does is that it records the coordinates of my mouse as it moves across the screen. What i want now to do is just to get the coordinates of the mouse while event is on mouseDown. What i'm thinking is to call the mouseDown event and ask it if the mouse is currently down, if it returns true, then i'll start recording.

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<mx:Label id="myLabel" dataChange="{trace('changed!!');}" />

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[Event(name="modelEvent", type="")]
public class LoginModel extends EventDispatcher
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//Where myDataArray is an ArrayCollection consisting of my Custom ValueObjects. When i execute the code it displays my list with custom item renderer, which is fine. But when bring my mouse over it, it doesn't give any colour highlight which means it is not selecting. Secondly, when i click on any of the list item, it doesn't dispatch any change event. I tried a lot but couldn't understand it.

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Dec 14, 2010

In Flex 4, I have a Spark List component with item renderers. I would like to select an item in the List by clicking on it, and deselect it also, by clicking on the same selected item. Like an on/off switch.

My item renderer has the following states:

<s:State name="normal"/>
<s:State name="hovered"/>
<s:State name="selected"/>

so I tried to add a click event listener to the item renderer with:

private function selectUnSelect():void {
if (currentState == 'selected') currentState = 'normal';
else currentState = 'selected';

with an awkward behaviour... where the item stay selected even after clicking it again in the selected state.

Think of using the List component without the Command (on mac) or the Control button on windows.

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Aug 21, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" [code]...........

and it would work well, but here in Flex 4.5 I don't know how to do this.Also I've noticed that there is a dropShadowVisible="true" attribute, but not sure if/how it can be used for my purposes.And I'm not sure if scaling up/down a custom component is allowed in flex or I probably should use "Flex Effects" (but how?) and also set disableLayout="true"?

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex HTMLLoader Component Not Raising MouseDown Events For All Mouse Clicks

Jun 16, 2010

I have built a Air 2/Flex 4 kiosk application with Flash Builder 4. Currently I am implementing a touch screen browser to enable users to navigate company training videos. In an attempt to improve the usability of the website on the touchscreen I have placed the HTML component in an adaption of Doug McCune's DragScrollingCanvas (updated to use the flex 4 'Scroller' component) to allow users to scroll the webpage by dragging their finger across the screen. The mouseDown event is used to start scrolling the viewport.
In addition the webpage was modified to disable text selection with the following css:


As an alternative I also tried adding a group container with the same dimensions as the HTMLLoader to detect the mouseDown events (so that the group container and HTMLLoader have the same Dragable parent container) and was able to capture mouseDown events and scroll the viewport as expected. However as the mouse event is handled by the group container, I am now unable to navigate the webpage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Event Fire /activate ONLY When A Frame Label Is Hit?

Sep 13, 2011

what i mean is, is there a way in AS3,or in programming in general(php, js etc) to make an event fire/ activate "WHEN" something does something, as oppose to an if/else if / else statements ?for example, say i want to make an event fire /activate ONLY when a frame label is hit, and thereafter , do something else etc, essentially making it do things one by one down the line according to WHEN certain objectives are met. is there a "when" type of statement etc that will do this as oppose to if/else if etc??? for example, using the above example, instead of me doing something like this:

xyz.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME / or INIT , btn);
function btn(e:Event):void{
if ( externalSwf.currentFrameLabel == " label here "){[code]...

i have a little project im working on (smooth transitions of external swfs code) that is partly working but i cant for the life of me, figure out how to implement a structure like what i have directly above.

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Feb 12, 2010

I have some shared code between an Adobe AIR App and an Adobe Flex App.

On one line of this code, the program must behave differently depending on if it is running within the Air runtime, or the Flex runtime.

How can I programmatically detect the difference?

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Flash :: Make Button Click Event To Call A Function Which Set Another Label Text?

Jul 28, 2010

i am not an action script developer nor flash designer, i just want to have a small action script sample that i will edit a little to make it interact with my javascript code. By the way, i want to have a button and a label on a flash form, when the user clicks on this button the onclick event will call another function 'setText for example' this setText() function will change the label text. So i think the code will be something like this:


I managed to put the button and the label i want just the code i will write to make this work.

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Flex :: Event Like ItemEditEnding Or Any Other Way To Stop Event Before ItemEditEnd Event In Datagrids?

Apr 12, 2011

I have editable grids which are 2-way binded to my model. What I want is to validate my data when user edits any cell before it get updated in model. I have applied my validation at ItemEditEnd handler, but, I want to apply validation in between itemEditBegin and itemEditEnd events.

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