Actionscript 3 :: Failed To Load Swf On A Facebook Iframe Application
Feb 12, 2010
I'm currently learning how to make facebook apps, and I've hit a problem. Usually when I make flash applications, I can use the index.html and run the swf from a webserver. However, I tried to make a facebook iFrame app using the same setup, all I get is the Alternative Content Text [URL]
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Dec 18, 2011
By far the weirdest thing I've ever seen. On some machines (!) IE (!!) attempts to load an SWF file via HEAD request instead of GET. This happens only when the page is running in Facebook IFRAME application - when running solo works fine. Naturally, on FF and Chrome everything works just fine. The SWF is embedded using jSWFObject. There's no visible common feature to the machines which experience this problem - laptops, desktops, XP, Vista, 7.
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Jul 4, 2010
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The only way I see this being done is adding a GET var like &my_picture=asd.jpg in the Facebook page URL, but I don't know how to read that from the iFrame.
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File webpage.html
<iframe src="http://host/framepage.html">content default</iframe>
It's like as the second page is not loaded, but it's actually be loaded and rendered in the browser window (i tried also using a button so I can delay the search for the iframe content.
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Jan 12, 2010
Complete log error is (_defaultRoot_, _defaultVHost_) : Failed to load application instance publishLive/live.. Flash Admin Server and Flash Media Server are running on local machineWhen testing I get [object NetConnection]: NetConnection.Connect.Failed When I remove the main.asc file it works...what's going on there?
var nc;var ns;var nsr;
// Called when a client connectsapplication.onConnect = function(client) { // accept the new client's connection application.acceptConnection(client);
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Jan 11, 2011
I am trying to add the a Facebook iFrame to my Flash website. Since there is no real way to actually integrate the Facebook iFrame into the website, I was thinking of simply trying to overlay the iFrame on the Flash website. This is done fairly easily from what I understand but have another issue. I want to be able to disable the iFrame when I select a button on my Flash website. Is this at all possible. Any other routes I could consider?
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Nov 5, 2011
Im having a little beginner trouble with an iFrame.
I have a webpage [URL] which works well, I thought It would be possible to copy the source code and paste it into my existing I frame.
its basically javascript with an embedded .fla file which links to an xml page, (to grab the images).
The problem is, nothing whatsoever displays in facebook.
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="de" lang="de">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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Sep 24, 2009
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a facebook application where the user choose 4 of his friends and then it creates a video (swf) with the pictures of your friends in it (loaded via xml). So I need to share this video on the user timeline. Everything works fine but the video is not embedded in the post on his timeline, there is only a post with the link to the page in it.The weird thing is, if I post the url directly on my timeline, the video is embedded, but not if the same link is posted via the is my code called by the share button in js :
function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',[code].........
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Jun 8, 2011
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Dec 30, 2011
I have found some question which refers to my initial question :on xcode Usually resolved in synthesis by :
flushing certificate cache correcting the signing certificate ( using Distribution in replacement of Developper) C checking and correcting the Application ID who was sometimes not the same between the one declared in iTunes Connect and the one in the app.xml file
The fact is that I still has the problem on Flex Builder, which is when I upload my application, it failed with "Application failed codesign verification"
So the question is what could still block the uploading of the application on the App Store?
How to resolve "Application failed codesign verification." when uploading Application, build with Flash Builder 4.6?
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Sep 12, 2011
When i stated to using debugging option, its showing error that, "The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running application.Ensure that:
1. For in-browser applications, you are running the debugger version of Flash Player.
2. For network debugging on a mobile device, you have a reliable network connection to the device, and port 7935 is open on your machine's firewall.
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Feb 21, 2011
I'm making an air-application in flash professional using actionscript. I was wondering if any of you know how (or if it's even possible) to use facebook to log in to my application. I found some stuff on the web, but I only found stuff to HTML, not actionscript.
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I've come up with a flash game and wish to deploy it on facebook. Problem is, I am not sure where to start!
I've done some research and found out something about needing an external server to host my flash application but I'm still pretty much lost.
So can anyone tell me what are the basic steps to deploying my flash application to facebook?
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Sep 7, 2010
I need to embed a flash application(that will access FB API from within) in Facebook Canvas page.If I use , some FB related details(like session key) will be automatically passed to the flash. But since, FBML is going to be deprecated, I want to use iFrame. Is there any way to pass those variable automatically or do I have to retrieve them in PHP and pass it to flash through loadvars?Also, if I have to do it manually, is there any documentation for the php sdk 2.1 ? (already searched about it a lot, and I think there is no doc nor tutorial for 2.1)
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Feb 5, 2012
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Mar 11, 2011
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Jan 16, 2007
I'm having a problem with flash/javascript/iframes. I have a flash banner that is positioned at a fixed position on the bottom of the screen. When I press a button on the banner, the page (which is an iframe) should change.
I got it to work using javascript. But it only works on the Internet. On my local computer it doesn't work. No error, nothing. it is a task for school (for my exams) so it should work only locally.
Check out: [URL] and click on "Vanille", the page should change.
My codes:
mc_vanille_over.onRelease = function(){
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Jun 9, 2010
how to create a pop up dialog using facebook application, i found some examples but it doesn't worked for me, now i loaded my friends then beside the profile pic of my friends in have a button name select, where if i select that current friend it will now pop up the image and name then have a button continue how should i do that?
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Jul 16, 2010
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Jun 22, 2011
I know that we can make application using Adobe air that will run on mobile, desktop and web environments. Can we deploy same application on facebook? like we do with other flash applications.
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Sep 23, 2011
I'm building an AIR desktop app with facebook support using Adobe Flash builder. So far it's working alright, except for one detail, once a user logs in, that session stays open, even if the logout button is pressed. My logout code look like so:
protected function logout():void {
FacebookDesktop.logout(handleLogout, APP_ORIGIN);
I set APP_ORIGIN to "[URL]". I checked Adobe's documentation and they say: appOrigin:String (default = null) ” (Optional) The site url specified for your app. Required for clearing html window cookie. But I don't know what that means, what is the 'site url specified by my app'? Where do I get it? Sorry if this is a noob question.
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Jan 8, 2011
can i make an actionscript 2 application works in facebook ?
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Mar 1, 2010
I have this code on my button in a flash header to load a page into an iframe:
getURL("home.html", "mainframe")
And I have this code in my html document defining the iframe: Code:
<iframe id="mainframe" src="home.html" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="overflow:visible; width:100%; display:none"></iframe>
The problem is, this works fine in google Chrome, but not in mozilla firefox or IE. So that eliminates the idea of it being a coding error on my part. Is there another way to do this that all three browsers will support?
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Aug 8, 2004
I'm trying to make links from my flash navbar load into an Iframe...I've tried everything but it never works
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Aug 8, 2004
I'm trying to make links from my flash navbar load into an Iframe...I've tried everything but it never works, is that even possible, if so,
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