Actionscript 3 :: Flex Event Blocked By Another Object
Jan 19, 2010
I am using a box element to add a transparent overlay to a column of buttons. I want to add a click event to the buttons. However, when you click a button the click event is only triggered on the overlaying box. Is there anyway to pass the event to the underlying button or perhaps a better way to display an overlay without blocking the click event?
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In component.
icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, iconClickHandler);
private function iconClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
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ActionScript Code:[code]....
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Oct 2, 2011
I have developed a set of flash games which are being used by several schools across the UK. For some odd reason, the school cannot seem to load the Flash games.
Upon contacting the ISP (SWGFL) - I was told that the network would automatically block flash games. This is all well and good BUT the school in question is able to load the following flash game[url].
I am currently using a PHP layer to communicate between Flash and a MySQL database. I was wondering if anyone knew any reasons as to why this might occur? Is there some kind of header() protocol I need to add to bypass this flash blocking?
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May 26, 2011
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Actionscript Code: [code].....
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Jul 14, 2008
I'm fairly new to actionscript. I have created a flash banner ad that is now hosted on a site. Whenever somebody clicks the banner IE responds witha a "pop-up blocked"!
The code that handles this is:
ActionScript Code:
clicky.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotourl);
function gotourl(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG.substr(0,5)=="http:") {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG),"_blank");
Where "clicky" is a SimpleButton that covers the entire flash. clickTAG is passed as an argument as to where to navigate. If I allow pop-ups everything works as it should! Howvere disabling pop-ups shouldnt be needed - and i see that other flash ads on the site works without and pop-up warning.
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Oct 27, 2010
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Dec 8, 2008
I am using AS2.0 and SWFObject to integrate an audio player into a website. I have built a button that launches the player into a seperate window so that people can surf the site and listen to the music simultaneously. There is only one problem!! In IE the window is being block by the browser's inbuilt popup blocker. I have tested other sites that feature similar functionality and popups are not blocked!?
Has anyone experienced this issue before and do you have a workaround?
Site I am referring to = [URL] An example where popups are not blcoked = [URL]
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a website located at: made entirely of flash. However when I click on any outside link like on my contact page , it detects it as a pop up and doesn't open it.I know I can disable the pop up blocker but how can I make it not do this for the everyday ordinary non technical visitor?What I was trying to do (which may caused this) is when a link was clicked it would open in another tab instead of opening in the same window. If possible, I'd still like to achieve this.
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Dec 27, 2009
I'm making a sort of portfolio movie using flash which I intended to use for directing to different locations in the Web concerning me; my already uploaded flash movies, sites, creations, projects, etc.
It quickly seems all my work till now might have been for nought: when I click on a link in my published flash so far, it displays this message:
"Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application:
(swf path)
has tried to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:
(link target)
To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings."
As you can probably understand, I cannot expect visitors to my site to manually configure their player for every single of the tens of links I have in my movie. Is there any way I can convince Flash Player that my links are not potentially unsafe?? I am using Flash CS3 and AS2.
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May 16, 2009
I have recently had a new computer, and I run my own website containing various Flash animations. I have had to reinstall all my software packages onto my new machine incl. Dreamweaver and my FTP program. I've just uploaded my website, but none of the Flash content is able to be viewed online. It works perfectly when viewed via Dreamweaver, but is just not visible on the Net, as if something is blocking it. All other Flash websites, apart from mine are working fine.
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Apr 25, 2011
Assuming that I want to open some html file placed on server with the use of navigateToURL: navigateToURL(new URLRequest("MyDirectory_1/MyDirectory_2/index.html"), "_blank"); Html opened in this way makes browser treat it as a pop-up window. As a result the html is blocked by browser.
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Jan 16, 2012
we developed an as3 facebook application (http:url....), but unfortunately the authenification popup is blocked in all major browsers (ie, ff, chrome), which leads to a high rejection rate for our campaign.If I have a look here ... http:[url....These fellows used the same api (http:url.....), I checked it with a decompiler and their popup is never blocked!.
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Jun 28, 2009
so i have this sending info the php
so i published the opinii.swf file and puted all necessary in wamp / www. the javascript file to run activecontent the html file and the swf file.+save.php; [URL] this is where i acces it
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Jun 28, 2011
I'm using flash to build banners among other things. Today I experienced a problem with a banner with mouseposition interactivity. The expected interactivity was blocked by a transparent gif that lay on top of the banner and apparently was there to track and handle clicks. It's a ad component for Joomla called Ijoomla Ad Agency. There is no way to make the ad component work in another way.
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Nov 21, 2011
I have been designing an AS2 site for he last 2 months and i have some links to external sources on the site. The only problem is when i try to access those links from the movie or even from the browser it just pops that error message...How do i get rid of this error!
The error reads: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a petential unsafe operation. the following local application on your computer or network: trying to access with this internet-enabled location: [URL]
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