Actionscript 3 :: Flex SockMonitor Slow Initializing

Aug 7, 2011

It seem to be buggy for 2 situations, I declare a timer for the socket


In certain situation, NativeProcess will hang itself too, this lead me to wonder if anyone encounter the same issse?

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Flex :: Initializing A Collection From MXML?

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I am creating a flash object that does some heavy image lifting. What I am looking to do is load many flash objects onto the same page to take an image, modify it, and display it within the flash object.The problem I am running into is that when I try to add 100 flex objects to the page, the browser freezes as it tries to re-load/initialize each instance.Once they are all loaded, the processing of the images goes by quick.Does anyone know how to duplicate the flash piece without having to reload everything?

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Flex :: Initializing Details List And Dynamically Changing It

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//mouseClick Event
protected function tableSearch_searchClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initializing A MovieClip?

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this is my code



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Xml :: Initializing A Collection From MXML?

Aug 9, 2004

How do I write a combination of XML declarations and Actionscript classes such that I can initialize each of my three lists from XML?

note that I am not trying to populate a Flex UI element (such as a DataGrid) with the various number-name pairs. I'm just trying to read the data into a plain old vanilla collection. (Once I've got my collections initialized, I can populate DataGrids or whatever at my leisure.) I can't find any documentation of how to address this super-simple case. The documentation all assumes that I'm trying to do something much more complicated, such as accessing a remote database, which confuses the issue tremendously.

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Flex :: Get Extremely Slow Response Some Php Script

May 12, 2011

I am fixing up a php script to receive a byte64 encoded image and store it to database

Here is my problem the script takes very long time, sometimes up to 5 minutes, to respond when flash calls the script(via a post request)

(i test it with a very small image)

if i remove the byte64 encoded data from the request it loads fast, and if i call the script from the browser with no data it is fast

i tried removing all php script from the script file so no php is run, and with data it is still slow.

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Flex :: Adding A RichTextEditor To PopUpManager Seems To Be Very Slow?

Jul 13, 2011

As the topic states, using a Rich Text Editor with a PopUpManager makes typing slow. If you try it in Firefox/Mac, it is painful. Chrome/Mac is a little slower as well. Are there any known issues with the PopUpManager and performance that can be addressed easily?

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Flex :: Mobile - Navigator.pushView Slow?

Oct 27, 2011

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private function init() : void {


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Flex :: App With Large Number Of UI Objects Is Slow

Jun 10, 2009

I'm building my first Flex custom component, in Flex 3. It is a data table based on the 'Grid' container class, with a simple text Label in each cell. (DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid were not appropriate starting points for my needs.) The component works quite well using smallish tables, but I tried stress-testing it using a larger table, and have been disappointed by the results.

The component creation process has some slow spots, but those are in my power to optimize and aren't my primary concern. What worry me more are what appear to be limitations in the Flex framework itself.

This 'large' sample table has a bit over 7000 cells in it. This is largish, but still 1-2 orders of magnitude less than the biggest I need to accommodate. In standard Grid structure, the main portion of the component consists of a Grid with 400 GridRows of 16 GridItems each, plus a few other smaller ancillary Grids.

Once the table renders, I find the following:

Mouse-related events are slow to fire. Specifically, I have rollOver/rollOut event handlers registered on each table cell, to let me highlight the cell under the pointer. On a small table, I could move the mouse over the table very quickly, and the highlighting would follow the pointer in real-time. With the larger table, the highlighting is very jerky, changing only about twice per second, skipping over many cells.If I place the mouse cursor over the component and leave it there, my CPU is pegged (one processor core, anyway), and stays that way until I move off of the component, when it drops to idle. My component isn't doing anything at all at this point.

It feels like Flex simply cannot scale to support component trees that are this large. I shudder to imagine how it would behave with 100,000 cells. Perhaps I'm pushing the Grid beyond its intended use, but having an object per table cell doesn't seem like an unreasonable model, and ~14,000 objects in the tree (a GridItem and a Label per cell) seems pretty modest.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Initializing Nested MCs As Buttons?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a FLA named Window.fla containing a movieclip that contains several other MCs, one of which has the instance name btnContact. This 'parent' MC is in the Library: it's called MainNav and its linkage is set to export, with its class pointed at com.utils.MainNav, the code for which is:
package com.utils {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Initializing Multidimensional Arrays?

Jan 31, 2010

I am new to flash programming and am trying to create an empty 2D array.I have the Code:

ActionScript Code:
var squareList:Array = new Array(new Array());


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initializing LoadMovie Variables?

Apr 16, 2004

Im having trouble loading a clip through loadMovie and setting some properties of that newly loaded movie at the same time. For example I have an XML object loading data from a php page. The onLoad for that XML object loads a basic table movie, and tries to set the title and body fields of that movie. The problem is that I can load the movie, but I cannot set the properties of that movie until much later. Below are the examples of the failing code.I just cant figure out how to load data into a loaded movie. Ive even tried to include the table movie in the library of the main movie, so theres no loading latency. Even preloading the movie and jut duplicating that preloaded movie.

//frame actionscript {
if (success) {


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Flex :: HTTPService Is Very Slow By Sending 10'000 Lines Of XML To The Server

Apr 6, 2010

I have a flex app which allows user to create some content. this content will then be sent via xml back to the server:

private function saveBackXMLToServer():void {
var params:Object = {};
params["xml_file"] = XML_content();

My problem is, that the transport of the data this way is very slow... It takes about 20 sec for 10'000 lines of XML... How can this be done better?

I'm trying to follow all of your hints, but they don't seem to be simple to change. My code is done in a way that I can't get access to every Object, and save it. So what I do is to load the swf file with one xml, and return the whole xml after I run it. My guess is, that the time isn't spent on transporting those lines to the web server (this task gets done quickly normally), I thing that there happens something on the send function of the HTTPService that every object must get changed, before sending...

UPDATE2: I just realized that it is not a matter of the flex app it is a matter of the rails app. It receives a 700 KB String. I guess it is not done for handling such a object. How to transport it then? I tryed to work with the file upload but couldn't get it done... Error 2037 was occuring! I'll go on trying.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GTween - Document Class Not Initializing

Jul 15, 2010

I've been working on a project for a little while now, and only yesterday did it start acting up. I added a bunch of new classes, and then two new functions and a few variables in the document class and then tested it only to find that it didn't work. I put a trace statement at the very beginning of the class: nothing. I commented out the two functions: nothing. I commented out the variables, and this time it worked. So I uncommented the functions: stopped working. I decided to check through the variables to see which ones would work, if any. One of them, a GTween instance, did work.

This is in a custom classpath: com.gskinner.motion.GTween. I tried other variables: only a few of my custom classes work (also in the same com folder, but a different path obviously), a few classes from the bit101 path work, but not all of them. The compiler doesn't throw any errors, and output doesn't show anything. It just comes up with my background and that's it. I neglected to mention that it wouldn't even work with some of the classes in the current directory. Some of them were fine. Now, however, it works with those classes that didn't before, but GTween is a problem instead.

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C++ :: Actionscript 3 - Initializing A Vector With Type Array?

May 30, 2011

I have a quick question for you all. I'm trying to convert over some ActionScript code to C++ and am having a difficult time with this one line:

private var edges:Vector.<Array> What is this exactly? Is this essentially a multidimensional vector then? Or is this simply declaring the vector as a container? I understand from researching that vectors, like C++ vectors, have to be declared with a type. However, in C++ I can't just put down Array, I have to use another vector (probably) so it looks like:

I don't expect you guys to know the C++ equivalent because I'm primarily posting this with AS tags, but if you could confirm my understand of the AS half, that would be great. I did some googling but didn't find any cases where someone used Array as it's type.

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Flex :: Slow Spark List Initialization With Custom Renderer?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a Spark list with a customItemRenderer that is taking a good 3 seconds to initialize with just 50 items.

I'm using Flex 4.5, my ItemRenderer is already very optimized, using as little nesting as possible, fxg and so on.

Is anyone having similar issues? I've tried almost everything in the book bar going back to mx.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending Component Class - FLV Playback Not Initializing

Oct 19, 2011

I've never extended a component class in AS2, and I'm having problems with it now.

Here's my class file:
Actionscript Code:
import;import*;class AkamaiFLVPlayback extends FLVPlayback{
public function AkamaiFLVPlayback(){

Here's how I'm trying to instantiate it from the FLA:
Actionscript Code:
import AkamaiFLVPlaybackvar g = new AkamaiFLVPlayback()this.attachMovie(g,myVid,1)g.contentPath = "[URL]"

Now this does not work at all. I can see that the super class FLVPlayback is creating variables, but it's not loading to the stage or initializing.

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Professional :: 'Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment'

Sep 10, 2010

I get this error starting up Flash Professional CS5. I don't even have to create/open a Flash file. I already re-installed, but to no avail.

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Jquery :: Flash SWF Not Initializing Until Visible - Can Force Them To Initialize?

May 4, 2010

I have an applicon that needs to render about 100 flash graphs (as well as other DOM stuff) in a series of rows that vertically extend many times beyond the current visible window - in other words, the users have to scroll down see see all the different graphs.This application is also dynamic and when a user changes a value in the DOM (anywhere on the page) it will need to propagate that change to all the Flash graphs at the same time.So I setup all the externalInterface callbacks and was careful to not let any JS start going until the ever-so-important "flashIsReady" call worked great until I tried to update() the existing swf's with new data.

Here was the behavior:- All the swfs load (initially) in both IE/Fox = good.- Updating swfs with new content works in Fox --ONLY IF-- I scrolled down to the bottom of the page, then back to the top -- BEFORE -- I triggered an update().So then I started tracing out each time a swf called the JS to say "flash is ready" and I realized, Firfox only renders swfs as they become visible. And To be honest - that's fine and actually, I am pretty sure that IE does this too. But the problem is that not only does Firefox not initialize the swf, Firefox doesn't even acknowledge the swf exists (expect for after onload) if it has not yet been visible.

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ActionScript 3 :: Creating 3D Array Of Objects - Finish Initializing?

Jul 17, 2011

Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.
Is there a way to temporarily suppress this on a specific block of code? I am creating a HUGE dynamic 3d array of objects, 1000x1000x1000 and need the build to actually finish the initializing.

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Flex :: Flash Computational Engine For A Connect-4 Type Game Be Too Slow?

Mar 20, 2010

I was just fooling around in my spare time and have made this cool interface and game-playing code for a Connect-4 type game, written in Flex and playable by 2 human players in Flash. It accurately detects wins, etc. I'm smart enough to know that I've done the easy part.Before I dig into an AI for game play, I wanted to ask if this is the kind of thing that can really be handled computationally by a Flash plugin. It seems to me that for every turn up until the end there are 8 possible moves, 8 responses to each move, etc. So wouldn't a perfect engine have to be able to potentially see 8^8 moves (over 16 million), and a fairly good engine see up to a million? I don't know game coding so this is new to me. What's a reasonable move horizon for such a game to be able to see?

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Professional :: "Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment

Jul 15, 2010

i got a .fla file about 2xx mb (contain number of actionscript and layers) on another using Flash CS3 Professional and i use it ( Flash CS3 Professional) too ,
i can open the fla successfully , but when i try to export the fla to the swf
it appear the message : "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment , You may need to reinstall Flash."
result : the swf is gen but the frames move "non-stop" automatically
i had tried use different OS (winXP , Win7 ) and JRE


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Professional :: Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment At Launch

Jan 9, 2011

I'm currently on a Windows 7 64bits system and I've got this unsolved problem of "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash" pop-up at Flash CS5 launch. This error (apparently relied to AS3 compiling machine) also appears during SWF compilation (so the compilation is bugged and the SWF is unusable) I've googled it and tried every piece of answer but none of them worked :
- Re-install Flash or Java (32 & 64 bits)
- Delete CLASSPATH in environment variables
- Reduce (or raise ?!) -Xmx128M environment variable
- Launch application with XP SP3 compatibility
Is anyone here had the same problem and succeed to pass through in any kind of way

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Professional :: Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment - May Need To Re-install Flash

Feb 9, 2009

When I apply a 3D tween I get the following error when I test the movie: Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to re-install Flash If I remove the tween, no error on testing. Is this a bug? I am using CS4 on a brand new Dell M6300 mobile workstation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Re-initializing - Screen To Display Feedback Based On The Answer Of The Question

Jan 9, 2004

I have some code that initializes an array (arrQAnswer) that stores what button the user clicked on (0,1,2, or 3). That option it put into arrQAnswer, then compared against arrCorrectAnswer to see if the user got the question right. The problem is that for each time the user clicks on a button, they are taken to a new screen to display feedback based on the answer of the question. If the user gets the question wrong they are returned to the original screen and try again. This is where arrQAnswer is screwing up (or more likely, where I am screwing up). On the first question where the user chooses an answer, then returns to that screen, arrQAnswer re-intializes. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Note that it only happens on the first question, I think that is because the first question is on the same frame as the code (below):


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