Flex :: App With Large Number Of UI Objects Is Slow

Jun 10, 2009

I'm building my first Flex custom component, in Flex 3. It is a data table based on the 'Grid' container class, with a simple text Label in each cell. (DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid were not appropriate starting points for my needs.) The component works quite well using smallish tables, but I tried stress-testing it using a larger table, and have been disappointed by the results.

The component creation process has some slow spots, but those are in my power to optimize and aren't my primary concern. What worry me more are what appear to be limitations in the Flex framework itself.

This 'large' sample table has a bit over 7000 cells in it. This is largish, but still 1-2 orders of magnitude less than the biggest I need to accommodate. In standard Grid structure, the main portion of the component consists of a Grid with 400 GridRows of 16 GridItems each, plus a few other smaller ancillary Grids.

Once the table renders, I find the following:

Mouse-related events are slow to fire. Specifically, I have rollOver/rollOut event handlers registered on each table cell, to let me highlight the cell under the pointer. On a small table, I could move the mouse over the table very quickly, and the highlighting would follow the pointer in real-time. With the larger table, the highlighting is very jerky, changing only about twice per second, skipping over many cells.If I place the mouse cursor over the component and leave it there, my CPU is pegged (one processor core, anyway), and stays that way until I move off of the component, when it drops to idle. My component isn't doing anything at all at this point.

It feels like Flex simply cannot scale to support component trees that are this large. I shudder to imagine how it would behave with 100,000 cells. Perhaps I'm pushing the Grid beyond its intended use, but having an object per table cell doesn't seem like an unreasonable model, and ~14,000 objects in the tree (a GridItem and a Label per cell) seems pretty modest.

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[url]... I also programmed it myself. I was wondering, if I had more than two objets how can I count how many of a certain object were dragged into the otheer object(in this case the shopping cart).

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I have a problem with this code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

I get the right number when I click on only '+' or only on '-'But if I click '-' until 0.7 and '+', it stays at 0.7
The same append when I click '-' until 0.9 when '+', it stay to 0.8. Why? How can I do to increment or decrement a Number by 0.1?

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Feb 7, 2011

How to track the no. of balls inside my movieclip (ball7)? And put as dynamic text (winner_txt)?
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Ball layer: first frame empty, 2nd frame 1 ball, 3rd frame 2 ball.. and continues..
Tried using:
var no = _root.ball7_mc._currentframe
_root.winner_txt = Number(no);

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I commented my code below to reflect what I am attempting to do here. Flash is throwing me a 1084 error at the moment but I cannot spot my issue. I expect that it is something to do with the this['circle'+i] statement.

var boxOne = new box();
boxOne.x = stage.stageWidth/2;


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