Actionscript 3 :: Overlapping Sounds And Clipping In StandingWave3?

Aug 22, 2011

I've been playing with the dynamic audio library standingwave 3. Almost the first thing one notices is that if one tries out the code samples in the developer's guide, namely this code:


then one gets a really unpleasant sound and trace messages that read "AUDIO CLIPPING". The developer explains in one of the issue reports on github that you need to reduce the gain of samples when you mix them together to avoid this, and that there's no easy way to know dynamically how much reduction is needed.My question is, how is it that stangingwave2 seems to have dealt with this automatically? For instance, the code quoted above did not clip in SW2. Likewise consider this SW2 example demo - if you increase the sustain and hold (the S/H sliders) and press one of the sequence buttons, multiple tones will overlap without clipping, even though the source doesn't show any apparent sign of changing the gain or the volume of the sin tones, they just get mixed together.What's going on here - did SW2 have some way of dealing with this automagically, or is there some robust way of generally overlaying arbitrary numbers of sounds dynamically without causing clipping?

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[Code] ......

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" creationComplete="Init()">


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public class fhParticle extends MovieClip


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var file:FileReference = new FileReference();,'abc.png');

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Jan 29, 2010

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var rotateTimer:Timer = new Timer(10);
function rotateObject_init():void


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Movie Clips Overlapping?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm working on a game where clicking an object causes cartoon animals to appear. The animals stick around and do a little animation for about 5 seconds, before disappearing. I'm having a problem where if I click the object before the animal disappears, another appears on top of it.This is my code:

on (release) {
i = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3);
if (i == 1) {[code]...........

I'm trying to find a way to make it so "on release" is disabled for a set period of time once it executes, enough time to ensure the animal movie clip playing has disappeared.

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MovieClip With Hit Zones - Buttons Overlapping

Apr 13, 2009

I have a movie clip with hit zones over buttons. It looks like a cam corder and when you roll over them a thumb moves to that button and when you click. The thumb presses on the button. That all works great. I want to put buttons in the main scene over top of these that will change things on the screen when you click it. And get urls of the videos that I have on my website. But when I put the hitzones over other hitzones the ones in back dont work. Is there a way to make them both work or am I going to have to make everything contained in the movie clip? So in short can I have two buttons on top of each other that do two different things?

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Apr 30, 2009

is there a way I can have my flash content visible outside the swf area and have it overlap HTML content?

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