Actionscript 3 :: Pause Absolutely All Processes In Flash Game?
Aug 19, 2011
Like when pressing (not clicking!!!) the windows |X| button on the game window. Is that possible? Or will I have to write custom pause function? :S I have a very complicated program, and now I want to add PAUSE button.
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Aug 1, 2011
I have written the game. It starts at once, when running the program. EVERYTHING works in one Document Class. Now, I want to do some basic intro, for example, animated countdown before the game starts. How can I kinda pause the game? there is only one frame on the main timeline which contains the background.
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Feb 17, 2010
I'm working on a flash gaming site, I just recently implemented a "Panic" button that makes the entire site display: none and display: block's a iframe with a allowed in school website of the user's choice.It works well so far, but the user's flash game still runs in the background while hidden. Is there a way to pause (not reset) the game, that will work on most, if not all, flash games? It needs to be accessible from javascript (possibly just javascript, or a flash wrapper?), and it has to work in IE 6 and greater (I know... I know. Can't help it.).Failed to make it clear that the user must be able to "un-pause" their game after the unpanic button is pressed.I haven't made these games, these are already made games like linerider.
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Nov 9, 2010
Sometimes flash seems to execute two loops faster that one loop which contains all of the actions that the first two loops contain. Does flash cash processes so that repetitive processes are performed faster if they are performed back-to-back?
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May 10, 2009
I have been working on a full flash website and am encountering a strange problem (or at least its strange to me).
I have the main shell of the site, which contains:The layoutNavigationA movieclip which pages are loaded into (external swf's)Some actionscript which streams in an MP3The controls for the background musicA piece of actionscript which loads an animated background (another external SWF)
I then have a series of pages in their own SWF's which get loaded into a movieclip within the shell when the user clicks the relevant button on the menu. Most of these pages contain:The panels for the content on that pageSome dynamic text areas for the text content on that pageSome actionscript which loads the content for that page from a couple of text files and populates the dynamic text areas Then there is a showreel, which has a menu and a customized FLVPlayback component to play audio and video tracks; the data for the menu and the tracks themselves are stored in XML files.
If I am using a connection over 2MBit: Initial preloader appears, shell loads, background music streams in nicely and then the content page is loaded in, panels animate in and the text content appears; all is well and its pretty quick.
If I throttle my bandwidth to below 2MBit (the main tests being done with the connection throttled to 1.5MBit), this happens: Initial preload appears, shell loads, background music streams in but takes a bit longer to start up, content page loads in, panels animate in and the content appears for about 2 seconds.
THEN the contents of the text areas disapears and the word "undefined" appears. So the content seems to be dropped. I've done some testing to identify the cause and if I comment out the code which streams in the background audio, the issue disapears and everything works fine, so it appears to be related to the audio. I will say, its not the most lightweight of sites; its quite graphically heavy (nothing too excessive though) and the background music is a 6MB MP3; the owner of the site is a movie composer so he has a lot of high quality streaming audio.
So I was wondering if anyone knows why this type of issue would occur, it seems strange that Flash would drop the content thats been loaded in, that background music would break the process.
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm making a flash game, and I want to make a button. When I click on it, pause the music. When I click again, resume the music.
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Mar 29, 2009
I'm making a game, and I'm at the point where I want to add pause and resume functionality. The main onEnterFrame is no problem, but I have a bunch of objects that have their own onEnterFrame functions. These objects also have different functions, for example one for moving, the other for exploding. So each object is in a different state. I can't use hasEventListener, because it only checks for the type of event and not which function is part of the event. Is there a way I can check which functions the ENTER_FRAME event has? If a particular object doesn't have a particular function in its ENTER_FRAME event, I don't want to put it back when I resume the game. I suppose I could have a global variable that tells each function whether or not it's paused, but that feels messy since I would need an if in every single function I have.
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Jul 23, 2009
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
I get the above error when I run the below code:
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Jan 25, 2010
Is it possible to get somehow list of running applications/processes and, while running in background, check which process is active?
Additionally - if somehow, the answer was yes, is it possible to react for change of active window / application react just as if it was Event, or bind to it custom event (e.g. Event.SystemActiveAppChange)?
EDIT: Due to probable missunderstanding, I mean local applications - on your win/mac/linux machine - I would like to (in process of learning of language) track what apps I use the most, make a little graph maybe?
So, the point is: in AIR app, developed in FLEX, I would like to get/list all running applications/processes, as well as which one is active (on user's PC/Mac/Linux)
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Oct 20, 2010
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Jun 8, 2011
I'm implementing a pause function in a game, it stops the main game timer and then dispatches an event ("Game_Paused") to stop a second timer. Both timers stop (and start) correctly but the second one throws a null object reference error.
Here's the ActionScript Code:
private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void{
_timerD = new Timer(100);
_timerD.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onUpdateTime);
stage.addEventListener("Game_Paused", onPauseGame);
[Code] .....
And this is the output:
Paused Timer=null
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at flash.display::Stage/dispatchEvent()
Paused Timer=[object Timer]
What's really confusing me is that the timer is still getting paused correctly, and the trace is showing up in the output before and after the error with two different objects.
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Mar 14, 2008
I am playing around with the Vertical Shooter by Ernesto Quezada aka _Bruno
link on kirupa: http:[url]....
how can I pause the game.I added a button, but I need the right coding in AS2
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Dec 28, 2010
So mys question is this, I want to have a hidden button on a flash game where I press the 'P' key and it pauses and unpauses my flash game. To do this I want to use the stage.framerate command.... where I would pause the game by hitting the P key and setting the stage.frameRate = 0.01; and then unpause the game hitting the P key again and setting the stage.frameRate = 24;I used to tinker around in Flash stuff using as2 about 5 years ago and not touched flash since.
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May 22, 2011
how can i pause and resume a game when it has more than one Enterframe Event?
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Mar 4, 2008
So your playing a flash game that's fast paced and mouse-based (hey that rhymes somewhat)... And then you accidentally move your mouse outside of the area of the swf... And then it pauses automatically with a "Continue" button, instead of you just dying or whatever. I've thought you could have a huge button the size of the stage and make it do something when the frame isn't 'mouseover' or whatever, but there's gotta be a better way. Also setting limits on the _xmouse and _ymouse wouldn't work cos sometimes the mouse moves too fast for them to accurately get the last mouseposition...
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Oct 8, 2009
I need to simulate a pause command for multiple parts of a game I'm programming. How do I start the timer, then stop it after 10 seconds in as few lines of code as possible without using multiple functions?
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Oct 7, 2009
I'm having an issue with duplicating movie clips in actionscript 3.The code I'm using is:
var screen1 = new screenTemp();
Where screenTemp is the class i set under the movie clips:
properties->export for actionscript
The object is successfully added to the stage, however it is loosing all of the actionscript and 3d rotation that i have set up in the original movie clip.How do i duplicate a MovieClip and keep absolutely everything inside the clip intact?
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Aug 22, 2011
I am using the below given code to try to make the transparency 0, but I still am unable to make the background become absolutely transparent.
global {
modalTransparencyBlur: 0;
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm designing a platformer game, in which the code is all held within the character MC. I want to pause the game using something like 'delete this.onEnterFrame' as a start point to terminate code. The code layout within the character is like so:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.onEnterFrame = function(){ //within clip event
if(btnon == 1){ // when button pressed(on stage)) global value of 1 is true
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Due to the fact its within a clip event structure, it doesn't pause it, instead it slows everything down. Would I have to construct all my code in a frame layer or can I still use an MC to terminate this?
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3"));
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Feb 14, 2011
Is it possible to have an AIR application built in Flex run as process or receive intents? For example if I wanted to make a calendar and each time there was an event at a certain time, have the AIR up which isn't running in the foreground, pop-up and inform the user that "it's time". Can it be done with the current stable versions of both AIR and Flex SDK?
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May 12, 2010
We have a setup where we have one application that multiple clients use.For each client we setup a seperate vHost on the server so that each client has a FMSCore and FMSEdge process running for their application.We currently monitor the processes to see if there are any problems with them on our production servers, but we would like to know if theres a way where we can link each process to a particular client so that if one goes down we are able to record the effect and notify that client.
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Nov 28, 2009
How to create multiple processes in Adobe Air program? Docs? Tuts? Algorithms? (for ex I have some design logic and some services client logic i want to run them in separate processes) (Air 2.0 is ok for me)
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Jul 28, 2010
Having this new problem with flash builder where I run a debug flashplayer, close out the flash and it doesn't always kill the process. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, leaving me, after a while, having 10 or more flashplayer tabs on windows still open. I try to close them using the task manager with no luck.
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Aug 12, 2009
I am using an component, and currently have a dataProvider working that is an ArrayCollection (have a separate question about how to make this an XML file... but I digress). Variable declaration looks like this:
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Aug 15, 2009
The question is about producing a learning package for users to improve their mathematical skills.One part of it is for times tables. So the user will enter their name and then a question will appear e.g. "What is 6 X 9?" The user then inputs their answer and the system will compare and process the input, storing the incorrect and correct responses and then giving a final score at the end.The question is to; identify the names of the likely variables and processes required for the system generation of a question and the subsequent processing of the user's response.(10 marks)Then it asks to write some pseudo-code to describe 10 consecutive question/response activities and their final results showing their name too. (15 marks)
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Feb 7, 2009
I am working in a AI project: a Chatterbot and it works fine. I work in webdesign, video, 3D and illustration and this personal project eats my free time You should set the answers and questions in the XML file called "bdenglish.xml", it contains a basic example. The bot will understand the new nodes. Actionscript(FLA) processes the user input text and search for an answer in the XML file. The bot can understand several ways to make a question. Also it can memorise the conversation subject if you use XML propierties (It is unfinished) The user can use ENTER key or the SEND button. The bot can know the genre of the user because it is male like default, but it search in a female names list. The output field answer is HTML text, also it support images, animations or sounds. The bot can chat in several languages. You can synchronize video with the answers (bot expression), I am woking in a basic function with video.
I am workin in a alternative answer motor, it would work with the XML. I want to use lipsync in the future for a talking version. How it works? - The bot converts the XML database to an multidimensional array.- The user writes a question - This input is processed in the AS code - The bot searchs in the multidimensional array - The first word must be found - The bot answer the question or it responds something if the question is not found I am not programmer and the AS3 bot was hard for me, but it works. I was trying get a good code and I am work in a better search function. I hope some criticism and comment from Kirupa masters! It is in my personal site:[URL]
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Feb 28, 2011
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Dec 14, 2011
I am thinking of developing of a game like this: [URL]... Do you have any idea - by which game engine I may develop this type of games? I am not sure whether I have to use any 3d physics engine? I think JiglibFlash may be useful, but I am not sure.
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Apr 1, 2011
how to make a game tutorial as farmville game tutorial to teach the user to play the game. i have recently involve in make that kind of game tutorial for its user by actionscript 3
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