Actionscript 3 :: Randomly Load Movieclip From Library Without Repetition?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a spot a difference game that every time I solve an image, and I click next it will load another MC from library.

Below is my code to randomly loaded the MC from library:

var showMcNum:Number = 0;
var movieList:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
function getRandomMovie():MovieClip


I would like to every time I click the next button, then it will load another MC from library without repeatation of those MC.

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Do i need to use the String?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A MovieClip From The Library?

Jan 7, 2008

Actually what I want is that I need to load a movieClip from the library and symultaneously it should have 45 degree rotation before loading to screen.But when I tried to do the same, it was rotating after the load event.I used the following code:

_root.attachMovie("boxMC", "p1",_root.getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:23,_y:107 });
_root.p1.rotateTo(-10,0, "easeinoutsine");

My intension is that before load to screen the MovieClip should have rotation instead rotating after load event. But according my code we get to feel like it is rotation after load event.Anyone one can you make it rotate before loading to screen.

What I need: A movieClip should have roate to 45 degree before loading it to screen.

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This is how i did it in as 3.0

var obj:MovieClip=new Objects();

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Loader;


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on(press) {
movie_mc._x = 100;


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The problem i am facing is not been able to figure out how can i change the image (after fetching its URL) to a movieclip and then load it in the library?

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How To Randomly Spawn 3 Out Of 10 Questions From Library

Feb 12, 2010

I'm really new at flash and I'm having some trouble with a textbook assignment. Before I explain my problem here is the code:

var defValue:Number = 1;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, vetIkke);
function vetIkke(e:Event
[Code] .....

I was doing some assignments in my as3 textbook when I ran into a bit of trouble. I'm trying to make a flash that picks 3 random questions out of a total of 10 and displays them on screen. I made each of the questions movieclips and assigned them all a class (question1 - 10) through Linkage. So the variable "randomQ" is the name of the class of a random question, but how do I get flash to understand that? And how do I spawn that question as a movieclip on stage?

var Question:MovieClip = new randomQ();
I've tried various alterations but can't seem to find the right one. It's possible I've yet to learn the necessary knowledge in order to make this flash.

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Professional :: Attach Mc From Library Randomly?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a mc  call mcA which visible and invisible alternatively on stage. I want to attach 10 mc (mc1-mc10) in library with this mcA. When mcA is visible it will attach mc4 in library then it  is invisible again. The next time it is visible, it attach let say mc7 and so on, we do not know which mc it will attach in the next session it is visible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS5 Randomly Deleting Library Content?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm working on a  rather large project at work using CS5 Flash. The project involves  loading several .swf files at different times from a main 'hub' type  structure. Think of it as a multi-channel platform and when you click on  the channel you want, it loads the sub-swf with the videos and movie  clip contents/as code in it.
As one can imagine, this has  cause the overall project to grow quite huge. When we open up the main  fla file that contains the library content of it's children fla's, some  files will randomly go missing.  These files are being shared over a  network with various people via a file repository system so no two  people can be working on the same file at the same time. This doesn't  appear to be the problem, nor is accidental deletion as an individual  can check out the files, work on them locally, save them locally, close  and reopen them  locally and random content will be missing again.
We  believe that the issue may have to do with the overall size of the  fla's (the fla's range in size from 16mb to 3mb).  They will be playing  as stand alone objects, not on a website so other outside content isn't  an issue. Some of the computers being used are 64 bit system while  others are 32 but all systems have had the issue. We are also using AIR  to help with some of the functionality but this issue started before we  started using AIR.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Generating MovieClips From The Library Onto The Stage?

Mar 10, 2012

I am trying to call objects from the library for a collection game.
Having major issues with the best way to assign the good objects and the bad objects to later update a score.
how i can first assign the movieClips from the library into a good and bad array and then after randomally fill the stage with them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Generating Random Numbers Without Repetition

Jan 10, 2009

generating random numbers between 50 and 200 but the number that has been generated once should not be displayed again. I am using this code

var num:Number;
num = Math.round (Math.random ()*200);
trace(num+50); // +50 because random numbers between 50 and 200 are required

Its working fine but sometimes repeat the number that has already been displayed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Loading Mc From Library, And Attaching Random Movie To It

Sep 18, 2005

Basically, I have movie1, movie2, movie3, movie4 in the library, with linkages.

These are just 5 frame clips, with a single dummy_mc moving statically over the 4 frames.

I need these to be picked randomly and placed (each has its own set of co-ordinates where it should appear) on the stage at a random set interval (ie, every 2-3 seconds).

There are also 7 items (item1, item2, etc) in the library.

So once one of the 4 movies has been placed on the stage, I need one of these 7 items to randomly attach itself to the dummy_mc within that movie (and, I guess, generate instance names etc)

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