Actionscript 3 :: Adding Child With "getChildByName"?
Dec 3, 2010
I have a variable as following:
private var fotoSlide:FotoSlide;
and i am doing the following inside my code:
var data:Object = _dataProvider[0];
trace(data.type);//This gives back the string Foto
var slide:Sprite = new (getChildByName(data.type+"Slide"));
So if i'm declaring my variable with getChildByName the result should be FotoSlide.
But it doesnt seem to work. I think it has to do because getChildByName can only be used when a child is added to the stage?
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List Item:
public function addChildren():void {
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May 23, 2011
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var btn1:Button = new Button();
put and even I can't get the trace result. how to add childs at any frame number I want
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Nov 9, 2009
I have 4 separate photogalleries, they are all swfs called by buttons with UI loaders attached. The problem is when one is called the loader remains on the stage I need to be able to remove any loader on stage BEFORE calling another page weather its a photogallery or not.Easiest explanation is how I used to do it in AS2 example 2 btns /2 load separate swfs into level1 on each btn I would have
LoadMovie (xxx.swf) 1
I need to do the same thing in AS3 Also, do I need to use separate loaders or can I use one loader and instance names? Below is the code I have now (btns are in two areas)
main timeline btns (all btns except photogallaries)
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHomeClick);
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Jan 14, 2011
I've got a MovieClip that has 3 frames with different text content. I made another MovieClip and within its class I defined this code:
//this is the class of a MovieClip with a human face
if (something happens)
var dialogueBox = new DialogueBox();
this.parent.dialogueBox.gotoAndStop("dialogue_info _01");
View 2 Replies
Sep 30, 2011
is it possible to add multiple children(twins) with same instance to add on different parents ?
Here we have an example showing that it fails to perform adding same child (photobg0) with instance on a new parent (page0 and page2).
My primary issue is: if i add too many objects on stage flash starts to lag especially if it is a movieClip from librarery, externaly loaded swf or image files
I am trying to duplicate child objects ,gussing this might prevent lagging?
ActionScript Code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/photobg.swf");
var photobgx:Number = 19.80;
var photobgy:Number = 90.55;
View 2 Replies
Nov 24, 2009
Code: Select allimport maero.entities.*;
var p:Player = new Player(1, "player one");
There we go. What i want to do is, I want to create an instance of the Player class, which then creates an instance of the Actor class, which in the _draw() function should add an image to the stage, but I can't figure out how to do that. I want this image to be an instance in the Player's Actor instance, so i later can move it around, the same goes for the user name text. how do i add an image and a user name text field to the stage at player.__x and player.__y?
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Jun 4, 2009
I am programming a "build a tower" game. After removing the event listener from the first movieclip, flash won't add the event listener to the by as3 to the stage attached new movieclip.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have an older program that I need to update. In it I there is a movieclip that displays text. Embedded in that movieclip is a timer that makes the text disappear after a few seconds. Everything worked fine before when I was using flash to put the clips on the stage. Now I need export the symbols and use addChild to display them. My problem is that the timer is starting when I assign the clip to the variable (frame 1), not when I need it to; which is after I add the child (frame 70-ish). If I were starting over there is probably a million simple solutions to this, but I am trying to not rework everything I already made to fix this seemlingly small problem.
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Nov 20, 2009
I am transitioning into AS3 and I'm working a block that I can't quite figure out. I need to add a child (external image) to a movie clip and resize it. This is what I have thus far and it loads the image just fine:
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(myOBJ.image));
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