Actionscript 3 :: Create A Multi-level Dungeon Adventure In Flash CS4?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm trying to create a multi-level dungeon adventure in Flash CS4. The layout is an instance created of a symbol called Level, within the symbol are multiple wall subsymbols (wall), instances of Wall. There is a collision routine to stop the player walking through the walls, called from Wall.As.Level is drawn about the centre point (0,0).When I create an instance on the stage of Level (level), the collision tester is using the xy coordinates for the walls drawn about 0,0, not the "real" xy where it's appearing on the stage. So what I need to know, is how to "update" the xy for each wall subsymbol with the live stage information, overriding the XYs drawn in the parent. It has to be updated unfortunately (I can't keep it static), as the levels are big so have to scroll.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash5 : Create A Little Adventure/flash Movie Game?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a little adventure/flash movie game.. where you click around on things and something happens, but the main idea is a little quest where you trade items with few NPC's around the game to get to the end..

As an inventory I have plain drawn inventory, and invisable items/movie_clips on it, that only go visible once the NPC's did action of giving you them and making it visible in your inventory spot (I know, stupid but I'm a noob).. The reason for this is cause I wanted the Quest Items to be as Drag/Drop items while giving to NPC's, not just press/dissapear routine thing..

What I'm having problem with is, saving quest items the Character got from the NPC's.. (in other words they dissapear once the character goes back to the FIRST scene/frame of the game) What I'm looking for is a code that can check if in previous scene/frame were those movie clips visible or invisable, and apply that to the next scene.. so that the items/movie_clips wouldn't dissaear when switching between scenes/frames..

here is an example of what I'm doing, but with out the nessasery code for checking, so it doesn't work properly from the second frame and when you go back to the first one again: here is a link for the flash on deviantArt:the codes that I'm using are multiply drag&drop that I found:[URL] Code in frame for multiply drag&drop:

_root.blue_mc._visible=false; //makes blue ball invisable at start
_root.green_mc._visible=false; //make green ball invisable at start


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AS3 :: Flash - Garbage Collection And Multi-level Sprites With Listeners?

Mar 25, 2011

I if create a sprite, and that sprite contains numerous child sprites (which themselves also contain child sprites), do I need to worry about garbage-collecting everything, or just the parent sprite? What if the child or grandchild sprites have listeners attached?

For example, let's say I have a class (a subclass of a Sprite) that creates a screen in an application.That screen contains numerous Sprites for all of the UI affordances on the screen (e.g., buttons, drop-down menus, textfields, etc.) Many of those sprites have event listeners on them.So, in my application, I have this:

var myscreen:MyScreenClass = new MyScreenClass();

Later, when the user is done with that screen, I remove it:

myscreen = null;

Is that all I need to do? Or, do I need to go recursively through myscreen, removing all it's child Sprites and Event Listeners?In other words, if you GC a parent, are all it's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. also GC'ed?(For what it's worth, I'm using weak-references in my event listeners...)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Inventory For An Adventure Game - Getting Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference?

Jan 17, 2010

Im trying to create an inventory for an adventure game (escape the room esque interface).Basically I have an array inventory system - you click on an object that is listed in the array,it moves the item off the main screen and into your inventory (bottom of the screen) and resizes it. Then you can use the object as an inventory object.This is fine on frame one (where all the items are at the moment).But when you move to another frame and then come back to frame one the items are back on the screen in their original position but now non clickable(aswell as being in your inventory working how they should). If i put the items in frame two and no items in frame one I get the following message and the items become unclickable:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Inventory/makeInventoryItems()
at InventoryOne

Im guessing the errors are because the items don't exist on all frames but the code does as it is in the games properties as the class type (class Inventory), but i have no idea how to get around it.

Inventory/makeInventoryItems() is the following AS code.


function makeInventoryItems(arrayOfItems:Array) {
for(var i:int=0;i<arrayOfItems.length;i++) {
arrayOfItems[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getItem);[code]............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Multi Level XML Nodes Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2009

I am attempting to parse the following xml example into an array for accessing later in my flash file:



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Professional :: Multi-level Roll Over Drop Down Menu?

Mar 6, 2012

i got the drop down menu to come down once rolled over but it cancels out all other actions meaning it cancels the functions of the rest of the menu none of my other buttons work nowhow can i fix this?each button has its own action ie:

onClipEvent (load) {
num = 3;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multi Level XML - Displaying Categories With Pictures

Sep 22, 2010

I have an xml that's looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<pics><category name="categoria1">
<image NAME="1" PATH="images/1.jpg" DESCRIPTION="SALAM"/>
<image NAME="2" PATH="images/2.jpg" DESCRIPTION="SALAM2"/>
<image NAME="9" PATH="images/3.jpg" DESCRIPTION="SALAM3"/>
[Code] .....

As you can see i have categories and inside the categories I have the pictures. What I want to do is every category to be displayed with a lower y position than the previous category. And in every category the picture to be arrange in the way presented in the picture below (x position for images = 0, the picture is just to make an idea).[URL]

My as3 code looks like this:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var _total:int = 0;
var _categories:XMLList = null;
var _subCategories:XMLList = null;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Level Select Screen So The Buttons Unlock Complete A Level?

Apr 22, 2011

im trying to create a level select screen so the buttons unlock as you complete a level, so far i have this on each button:

if(this.number <= currentItem){


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Actionscript 3 :: Access Any Multi-level Text Using The Combo Box Label Field?

Mar 14, 2011

The string representing the function name will be read from xml @ run time.

var combo:ComboBox = new ComboBox();
combo.labelFunction = "functionName";

So the first name, which is to be displayed in the combo box, can be only retrieved by accessing another DTO, called person and then its first name.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu System Code - Templates On Multi Level (4) Drop Downs?

Feb 17, 2004

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Unable To Create A Second Level In Flash?

Apr 5, 2011

I made a game in flash, and the first level of the game works, but after you complete the level, I am unsure of the coding to test and see if all of the enemies, since they are movie clips, have been unloaded from the flash, so it will move on to the second level. I know there is a way to do it, I just don't know exactly how, to do it, nor do i know where to look to get help with it.

here's the coding i've done so far.

this is the coding I've put one of the enemy characters, who is a movie clip, they all have different values to make things interesting.

onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if(_root.spaceship._y>_y) {_y +=5;}
if(_root.spaceship._y<_y) {_y -=5;}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash "Choose Adventure" Framework Or Library?

Feb 23, 2011

I wanna make a flash game at the style of a "Choose your own adventure" book. The ones where you read make decisions and arrive at different endings. The thing is that I want to know if there is a set of librariess or a framework to make this type or game or even an app that produces an XML facilitating this task or do I have to code this all from scratch?.

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Flex :: Create Multi-window Web Application?

Oct 20, 2010

I am using flex4, I am seeking the answer to create multi window web application. My application is some sort of complex, currently I only know using PopupManager to create a new window.Should I create each MXML for each window that I want to instantiate? And then load the mxml and put it into the stage? Is there any tutorial describing that? I want the program modular and easy to manager, extend.

The current way I am using is use Group to group up all the controls inside a window, and if user want to open that window, I will display the group and bring it to the front. Is it the right way to do windowing? But I can't support drag.

I want to know if there is any native support for draggable window, or dialog?

Also till now all the controls are put inside a single mxml file, is it possible to put one window(or one group) to be a separate mxml file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Multi Line Text?

Feb 5, 2008

If so, how do you handle line wrapping - so that the lines break at a particular word?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Based Action Adventure Game?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm currently working on an action adventure game and have run into some issues. I am using flash CS4 and AS3. On the stage I have created a user input text field with the instance name of textbox and a button with the instance name of btn. I'm trying to set it up so that when the user types in a word that word is cross referenced with an array and a function is run. I have noticed that some times the functions are not run in the order there typed. For example if I type "enterdoor. lookaround." Than the following is traced.

" you have entered the door.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
. "

Which is good but if I reverse the order and type "lookaround. enterdoor." then I receive the following.

"you are looking around, but don't see anything.
you have entered the door. "

Also if I were to type "gobacklookaroundenterdoor" then the following is displayed.

"go back you have entered the door. you are looking around, but don't see anything."

Notice that the function "enterdoor" is run before "lookaround" even thou "lookaround" was typed first. Also if I were to type "enterdoorlookaround enterdoorlookaround" then the following is displayed.

"you have entered the door.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
you are looking around, but don't see anything.
you have entered the door. "

I cant seem to figure out why the functions are not run in the order they are typed by the user. Not sure if this helps but I have determined that if a function is typed 3 times or more then it only returns the function twice. For instance if I were to input "enterdoorenterdoorenterdoor" then the following is displayed.

"you have entered the door.
you have entered the door. "

I would also like for the user to have the option of typing a function as many times in a row as needed. It seems to me that I'm missing some thing simple. I was thinking if I change the commands "array" to an "associative array" it might process the functions in the correct order. It seems to me that the commands array is being compared to the inputholder array.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Top Level Classes?

Nov 21, 2010

what is the meaning of top level classes. and how to create toplevel classes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create 3 Level Tree Menu

Aug 15, 2005

Is't possible to create a 3 level tree menu? just like below:


All the flash menu i found are only have second level

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Actionscript :: Create An Enormous - Multi-dimensional Array With Several Layers Of Nesting And Before Panic Sets In

Jan 8, 2010

I hope this isn't too vague, but I'm stuck on a problem that has put me in an Unfortunate Position. I'm Flash developer getting my feet wet with with AS3 and am trying to build an interior decoration tool for a client. My thinking so far has been: create the basic user interface, get the screen flow down, and then finally use a couple of simple arrays to store user selections and stuff like that.

Naturally my 'couple of simple arrays' is totally inadequate to model the many user decisions that my program has to take into account. So I find myself trying to create an enormous, multi-dimensional array with several layers of nesting and before Panic sets in. Here's an example of my thinking for the 'bedding' component of the application in pseudo ActionScript:


... keep in mind that this is just a fraction of what goes into bedding and there are several other of these kinds of arrays that would go into a room like flooring and walls and funture... all equally complex. And I'll need to frequently access different combinations like, how many options under bedding have no value associated and things like that.

So, I realize I'm out of my league and am going to get hurt on this,My questions are:

1) Could it be that using nested arrays like this actually isn't such a bad thing and I should just stick it out? That would suprise me, but I want to make sure I'm not already on the right path.

2) If not, where do I go from here if I want to do this right?

Off the top of my head I feel like I could maybe make everything class based. So my sheets are a class and beds have instances of sheets and rooms have instances of beds... etc. It think it would be complicated but might be the way to go. Or maybe, I go the XML route and store all of the room options in nested blank XML nodes that a user then populates as they move through the application. These are my thoughts but I'd like to hear what more experienced members of the community say.

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Media Server :: Use NetStreamPlayTransitions.SWITCH To Create A Multi Angle View That Switches Between Video Streams?

Feb 21, 2010

Hi,I'm trying to use NetStreamPlayTransitions.SWITCH to create a multi angle view that switches between video streams. The issue I'm having is that NetStream.Play.TransitionComplete is called only after the buffer for the video before it is used up(this makes sense when using SWITCH to go between bandwidths but that's not what i'm using it for). Is there a way to force this switch before the buffer of the previous video is used up?
I've looked into SWAP but I can't really find any documentation on it. What I ideally would have happen is the next video in the array is triggered, that video is buffered and when there is enough to play it the stream switches to that one. SWITCH works really nice because there is no jump in switching when it's played but I just don't want the buffer to play out before the switch.Is there a way of maybe clearing the buffer of the playing video before i call SWITCH so it transitions quickly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Package Level Global Variables And Constants

Dec 1, 2009

I'm having a little issue understanding scoping in this package environment. My question is this: Is it possible to declare globally visible variables and constants? I tried this with no successful results:

PHP Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import games.mineAllMine.MineAllMine;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create User Interaction Simulating The Use Of A Spirit Level?

Jan 18, 2012

I need to create a user interaction simulating the use of a spirit level showing that a rectangular object on the stage is level. It doesn't have to actually work like spirit level, basically just has to give the impression that it has worked like one.

Maybe make the bubble of the spirit level should move (become animated) when being dragged to the object, then settle (animation come to a stop) when dropped in place on top of the rectangular object? Although I am unsure of the code to go about this?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: OnLoad Working At _root Level But Not At Mc_target Level?

Aug 26, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA both with empty movie clips as follows:In mc_Empty1, I attach a faded background movieclip as I wait for mc_Empty2 to load a SWF.  Once the SWF is loaded into mc_Empty2, I want to remove the faded background movieclip from mc_Empty1.  When I load the SWF from the main timeline, the onLoad() function works and removes the faded background from mc_Empty1.  However, when I load the SWF from mc_target, the SWF loads, but the onLoad() function does not.  Here's my AS2 code:
//Loading SWF from main timeline
mc_Empty1.attachMovie("mcFadedBg", "mc_FadedBg", 1);
mc_Empty2.loadMovie("My.swf");mc_Empty2.onLoad = function():Void{    trace("loaded"); //This works    removeMovieClip(mc_Empty1.mc_FadedBg); //This works}

I know I'm targeting properly because the SWF loads as it should, but the onLoad() function does not. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Level Vs Document Level Class Paths?

Oct 2, 2010

This is making me a little kooky today. I thought I could defined a library path in PREFERENCES > ACTIONSCRIPT > ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 SETTINGS then that library would be available to all AS3 FLA files, but that doesn't seem to work for me. If I use the PUBLISH SETTINGS and define the library path everything is fine.

Is there something that I could have done to disable the application level class path functionality? I guess I'm trying avoid having to set the library path for every new FLA I'm making.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf From Third Level Into Container In First 'home' Level

Dec 26, 2011

I'm doing a bigger aplication in flash (as2).Image, there is a main "home" flash with several menu buttons.Clicking these buttons, I load external swf into an empty container in this "home" flash.[code]clicking buttons in this second level, will load external movies into an empty container in this SECOND LEVEL swf.This works fine, but now, coming to the THIRD LEVEL (don't think there will be more in the future) problems come up, some scripts won't work.Now (I'm a as2-beginner) I think, loading external swf ALLWAYS into containers in the first "Home" flash should solve the problem.But I don't know, how to load an swf from the third level into a container in the first "home" level.In the "home" level, I have a "close" button, that will unload the container content.I need to go to a certain scene "content_2" in the home swf, too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Jump To Level 2 Upon Completing The First Level?

May 9, 2004

i have game im doing, and i want it to jump to level 2 upon completing the first level, but the problem is, the level 2 is a seperate swf, i've tried to use

on (release) {

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Calling A Swf From1st Level To Go From 3rdlevel To 2nd Level

Dec 2, 2009

I have called main.swf into a container in index.swf.

myMCL.loadClip("main.swf","container"); is an action on my Index.fla timeline.

I have my navigation on index. (i wanted it to go on main, but the nature of the animation meant it had to go on index)

I need to call "home.swf" into "main.swf" from the navigation button in Index.swf.

When I had the navigation on "main.swf" this was my code to call "home.swf" into the page.

on (release) {

("home") is the label name where the preloader is for home.swf

how to call the preloader for home into main.swf from "INDEX.SWF INSTEAD OF MAIN.SWF"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Swf From Second Level Swf To Affect Top Level

Feb 2, 2010

I have a file1.swf which loads file2.swf into it. Within file2.swf i have a button that when clicked needs to remove file2.swf and load file3.swf into its place.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link To One Level Below The Current Level?

Sep 16, 2004

Is there a way to link to one level below the current level? Instead of saying _root.level1.level2.level3, something like: ../level3 ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multi Mc At Once - Create A Invisible Mc With In 2 Other Invisible Mc's

Aug 27, 2004

Is it possible to create a invisible mc with in 2 other invisible mc's and if so would there be any complications. Im trying to do something similar and it gets to the second layer but then doesnt want to load the third inv-mc. Like loading an external swf to a container mc then in that same mc have another external load and then another.

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