Actionscript 3 :: Determine If Swf Is Played Standalone Or Loaded In Other Swf?

Mar 18, 2012

I have two swf's. One "show" of some sort, and one "menu" that acts as a loader for "shows". The "show" swf can run in its own respect, or by being loaded via the "menu".

Is there a way to determine, if the "show" is run stand-alone or as loaded into the "menu"?

One solution is to have the "menu's" Loader object set a variable on the loaded "show", like myLoader.content.thisIsFromMenu = true; and then checking in the "show", if such a variable exists and is true. BUT I was wondering, if there is any more generic way, that would not require for the "show" to know anything about the "menu" to determine, if it is loaded into a swf or played by itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine If Swf Is Being Played In Active Tab?

May 20, 2011

Is it possible to be sure that the swf is being shown to the user? That is, it's not in a different tab of the browser or the user hasn't scrolled the window yet to see the swf.Recently, I was using the commonly-used script checking out the current fps of the swf. I was listening to the ENTER_FRAME event and counting them, so every second I was able to get the fps. And it turned out, that when the swf was hidden in a non-active tab, the fps was like 1 or 2 in some browsers (e.g. Firefox). Now this is some way to determine the "activity", but is there a simpler solution, like a dedicated variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine If Loader Is Loaded?

Oct 14, 2009

I am using the Loader class to load images into a photo gallery. When a user navigates to the next image in the gallery, I need to unload the Loader using the "unload" method and then load the next image.The code for this is simply:

myLoader.load(new URLRequest(url...));

My question is if there is someway to determine if a Loader is already loaded? That is, I don't need to unload the Loader if nothing has been loaded so I am wondering if there is some sort of conditional statement I could use to control when the unload method is used.

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I am using CS3 and have 4 layers and 4 frames on the stage. I load all xml and code in frame 1. Frames 2, 3, and 4 have list and combobox components.

I want to populate the list and combobox components with the xml data from the code in Layer 1, frame 1. But this is not happening because of the load sequence.

I would like to know how to listen for the list and combobox loading and then populate them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Edit Loaded Swf Or Determine How It Gets Vars

Apr 6, 2009

My company uses a Flash driven activity engine to deliver various types of quizzes and media and such to students. The engine itself is kind of old; originally developed in 2004 or 2005; we inherited it from another company we bought. It reads XML workflows to deliver the different types of content in different configurations to the user. Basically it is a chain of swfs that load each other, and in turn load various xml and media. ANYWAY, it uses SWFObject and Flashvars to allow loading at different "layers." Meaning one can bypass the splash screen and directly access an individual workflow or question directly. We don't currently have access to the FLA from which this was created, and now, due to hardcoded branding stuff, we have to load the primary swf through another swf to block it out.

My problem is this: the loader swf (start.swf) is absorbing the flashvars and they aren't being passed to the primary swf (shell.swf). I can't edit shell.swf, so I have to figure out a way to get start.swf to pass the flashvars to shell.swf as if shell.swf was getting them directly from the javascript. I'm not so worried about this, found lots of various solutions, but I can't for the life of me figure out how shell.swf is getting the flashvars. So I can't figure out what to pass to shell.swf until I know how shell.swf is coded to access the variables.

I used SWFDecompiler to break down shell.swf and can't seem to find any reference to _root.myVar or _level0.myVar or Application. application. parameters.myVar or root.loaderInfo.parameters.myVar. I've also tried using Cheat Engine and some Flash Trainers to sniff out where the variables are being assigned, but I've run out of things to look for. The only place in the AS where I see the flashvars referenced can be seen here: URL...(flashvars are: subsecid, src, layer, folder_path, and loc). However, I only have a limited understanding what is happening here.[code]

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Mar 31, 2010

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I'm using a component

I've tried with NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS and "NetStream.Buffer.Full" but it does not seem to work.

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Javascript :: Determine If A SWF (Flash) Object Loaded Completely?

Feb 2, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine If SWF Is Running In Same Browser Domain As It Was Loaded From?

Jul 8, 2008

This may sound like a strange request, but I need to be able to determine:

1. What browser domain the current swf is executing in (that is, the page that hosts the swf is displayed in a browser, what is the domain of the page)?

2. What server domain the SWF was loaded from (ie, what the URL domain was for the SWF)?

I believe both of these I can get via javascript and ugly workarounds and pass them in, but what I need is actually to get these values (at least #2) from inside the SWF without relying on the javascript in the hosting page.

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I've looked into flash.system.SecurityDomain and ApplicationDomain... both these have properties called 'currentDomain' which would seem to be the value i'm looking for (for #2), however this object is a static variable that I can't seem to get any information out of or transform into any kind of useful string that I can look at it's value and test with it.The only info I've found on either of those two classes all relates to passing them to LoaderContext and such, when you are loading external resources.I do not want to load anything, I just want to determine how and where the SWF is executing.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Determine Total # Of Frames In Externally Loaded .swf File?

Apr 29, 2009

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
this.createEmptyMovieClip("tester_mc", 1);var mcListener:Object = new Object();
mcListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip)[code].......

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work. The trace always returns a total frames of 1.I imagine this is because the container movie clip only has 1 frame, and the external .swf timeline appears to be to gather the total frames of an external .swf file or, alternatively, tell in some other way when it is finished playing. (Not just loading, but playing to the end.)

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Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to accurately determine how many seconds of a video (NetStream) have been loaded so I can scrub/seek correctly. First I tried doing duration*(ns.bytesLoaded/ns.bytesTotal) but this is inaccurate by maybe 15%, ie if that calculation says 20 seconds is loaded and I scrub to 20 seconds ns.time will tell me it can't go past 17 seconds.

I think this is because the size of the file loaded doesn't map perfectly to the number of seconds loaded (obviously), ie as the video loads, some of the bytes loaded aren't the actual video but are overhead of the container/file the video is in. So to load 1% of video you have to actually load 1.15% of the file's size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Presence Of Loaded Swf Library Object In Array?

Nov 2, 2009

I have loaded swf with an object 'Page'. A 'Page' object is created and a reference to it is added to an array 'pa'.

I have a 2nd loaded swf that then has a reference to the 'pa' array (I don't think this matters but I mention it just in case)

I want to cycle through the array and determine when I get to a Page object. Where I run into problems is trying to compile the class that does this.

private function CH(e:MouseEvent):void
trace(pa);//[object Image],[object Page],[object Blue],[object Red],[object Mask]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Amount Played MORE THAN Amount Loaded?

Feb 11, 2012

I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar. I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: [URL][Code]...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Video Amount Played More Than Amount Loaded?

Feb 11, 2012

So I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar.I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: URL...[code]I encoded the video at a high rate so that it would download slowly. It may not playback smoothly, which I am not concerned about. What I am concerned about is the numbers below the video what are derived from ns.bytesLoaded and ns.time. If you watch it for a bit, the amount played should exceed the amount loaded.

I double checked the video duration and the bytestotal that flash is reporting and they are correct. I don't know of any way to check the accuracy of bytesloaded.If your internet connection is super fast, you may not see the issue - it only occurs when it is playing back faster than it is downloading - if this is the case, you may need to throttle your speed down, or start downloading a large file while you are watching this demo in order to see the issue.But this is a serious issue and means that building custom video interfaces with loadbars and playheads is impossible!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Standalone Swf?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a movie that uses external images loaded in with xml;

Q: Is there an easy way to change from xml to embedded images?

(I need a self contained swf in the end to email - I don't want to have to send along the directory of images, xml file and png's)[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Standalone PDF Compiler W/o AIR

Jul 9, 2009

I'm tentatively looking into building a system to compile a PDF in runtime based on a users selection of PDF pages which are in local directories.I'm sure this is possible using something like activePDF.Now, the result would be a PDF which the user would review and eventually export.Am I right in thinking that without AIR the saving of the file to a location on a users machine of their choice is not possible?

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Jul 23, 2010

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CS3 :: Finding A Standalone Flash Player?

Apr 2, 2009

What should I use to test my swf movies on another (not my development machine) ?When I open them with IE or firefox the Flash active x player doesnt have the zoom 100% option so I end up with distorted (resized to window) swf is there a standalone flash player for that kind of purposes or something?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLRequestHeader Standalone Application

Jun 8, 2010

I am having an issue trying to set http headers when trying to access a web service.
I have read that I need a crossdomain.xml on the server, but is this only when the application is running in a browser - i.e. hosted somewhere.
My scenarion is that I am developing an app to run as a stand alone application (not in the browser) for a 3rd party device.  This device does not support the flex mx packages.
The app calls a webservice and displays data.  The webservice requires to be authenticated.
In JS i can use an XMLHTTPRequest and load the url using "" - attempting to do this in AS 3 using a URLRequest and URLLoader I get "#2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error".
So I try to add a HTTP header instead, but this appears to be ignored - the credentials of the user who is currently logged into the network (idsid) is used instead.
Do i need a crossdomain.xml file on the server hosting the webservice even though my flash application will never be hosted.  The server admin is not happy allowing all domains ("*") since I dont knwo what domain I am in as my flash app is not hosted.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appriciated.  or perhaps there is an alternative way of doing this?
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("https://server/service.asmx");
urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
urlRequest.contentType = "text/xml";
urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml"));
urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + escape(usr) + ":" + escape(pwd))); = getSoapData();
var urlLoaderService:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoaderService.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
urlLoaderService.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onServiceLoaded);.....

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Php :: Mysql Standalone Deployment Package?

Jul 13, 2011

im not new to PHP and Mysql, but i have working on it in Web apps for the past few yearsI am starting a new project, and it has the following:1.the project itself will be built on Adobe Air (Flash) environments //as per clients's request2.there is going to be a custom dictionary (in php), tht is linked to the Flash program su ch tht when a user clicks the word in flash the dictionary should open and land on the word means etc.

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IDE :: Update Standalone Flash Player

Dec 14, 2010

I have made a swf file that requires Flash Player 10.1 to play back properly. I have successfully updated to Flash Player 10.1 in my browsers, and if I open this swf file in a browser it functions correctly.

However, I want to be able to play it back in the standalone Flash Player that came with Flash CS4 Professional, and it was not updated from 10.0 to 10.1 when I updated to 10.1 for my browsers. How can I update this software to a newer version?

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Start A Standalone Swf File In Fullscreen Mode?

Mar 5, 2003

This probably is a stupid question but does anyone know how I can start a standalone swf file in fullscreen mode.I want it to cover the whole screen when it starts.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Upload Image Within Standalone Player?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm (slowly) creating a product configurator application and want to add in a mini application which can determine branding on a product (baseball caps).

What Im looking to be able to do is for the customer to be able to upload their own logo - and it be displayed within the application - which they can then print off and send to us as an order form for pricing etc.

Normally this would be fine - as I could load the image onto a server - however this application is going to be distributed via CD (part of a Product Launch Kit) and so will be completely standalone.

Is there any way that this can be achieved? I imagine that I wouldnt be able to get the application to save the image to a temp folder on the customers computer - but is there any other way?

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Professional :: Creating A Standalone Flash Application?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm creating a standalone flash application. Now, I have a user interface with a menu, and I have to launch a new stage in fullscreen mode with at the center an 800x600 swf.How can I create the fullscreen?

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Professional :: Standalone App (AIR) For Playing Local FLV Files?

Apr 29, 2011

Can someone point me to a desktop app (Windows and Mac) that can play local FLV files?

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