Actionscript 3 :: Display Objects Outside Of Stage Bounds Still Get Rendered By Flash?

May 7, 2010

If an object exists outside of Flash's stage boundaries, is on the Display List, and is visible, is it causing a performance hit from Flash rendering it? In other words, does Flash render what isn't seen?

This leads me to believe so:

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ActionScript :: Flash - Continuously Dragging Objects Within Bounds From Off-Stage Mouse Coordinates?

Jul 2, 2010

is it possible for flash to detect off-stage mouse coordinates in order to continuously drag an object within its bounds while the mouse is moving outside of the stage? for example: i have a draggable red square on my stage. the stage is the bounds of the drag. if i drag the red square to the bottom of the stage and continue to drag outside of and around the stage, i'd like the red square to continue moving within it's bounds, following the mouse coordinates. currently, dragging halts as soon as i leave the stage and the red square only begins to move with the mouse coordinates if i reenter the stage bounds.

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Flash - Calling Display Objects To Stage

Apr 15, 2012

I'm new with strings and arrays. I want script to calling display objects to the stage and the timer to move images up and down to appear like a scrolling numbers. I start getting sloppy, and mess up passing to Tweener.

- An explanation or strategy may be enough, "I've got pretty close on this one"
- There was confusion regarding the Containers and addChildren...looked like arrays

The code "get as far as error with NumbersView and numbers undefined etc".

import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
[Code] .....

The methods were proved separately. "I got a earlier version of the document going, but I need to work through this to understand it."

Symbol Properties
Class ImageView
The "caurina" folder needs to be present
Rolling Numbers "Success loading numbers and connecting to counter".

Placed the movie clip object on stage with two dynamic text fields in it. Make sure the container is placed on stage, has the two text fields in it, and everything is given a proper instance name. Also include the caurina folder.

Seconds MovieClip symbol with instance name of seconds
firstDigit Dynamic text field with instance name of firstDigit, placed in seconds
secondDigit Dynamic text field with instance name of secondDigit, placed in seconds

Un-tick 'Export for ActionScript'
Use 'Name, Class, and Instance' correctly

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Bounds For MovieClip On Stage In Flash?

Jun 9, 2006

I have a "circle_mc" movie clip and its registratoin is in the center but it moves and works fine but i dont want it to go off the stage half way I want it to stop before it goes off

ActionScript Code:
circle_mc.onRollOver = function() {
this.dx = Math.round(Math.random()*Stage.width);
this.dy = Math.round(Math.random()*Stage.height);
this.onEnterFrame = moveIt;
}; function moveIt() {
this._x += (this.dx-this._x)/10;
this._y += (this.dy-this._y)/10;
if (Math.round(this._x) == this.dx) {
this._x = this.dx;

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Display Objects Via Stage Var?

Oct 2, 2008

I'm passing a stage reference to my class, but when I try to access a movieclip on the stage I get an error.[url]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Dealing With Display Objects On The Stage?

Oct 3, 2011

I think there are 2 different practices with dealing with display object on the stage.You draw all the objects on the stage and then manipulate the "visible" attribute to show or hide them.You use addChild and removeChild to manipulate the visiblity.How do you think what is the best method for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Arrays To Display Objects On The Stage?

Apr 4, 2011

How can I use arrays and some how display my objects accordingly based on my code below?

What I have here are three buttons that when clicked a new clip is added to the stage with a predefined position which means that when button1 is clicked the MovieClip will be added at the very top and when button2 is clicked the MovieClip will be added at second and when button3 is clicked the clip will be added at the very bottom, but what I would like to do is to be able to dynamically position these objects based on how many clips exist, in other words if button3 is clicked first, I want the clip to be positioned at the very top and if later button1 is clicked the clip is positioned

Accordantly (at second place). I know this may be simple, in fact I could probably use a few IF statements but I know the code would look ugly (yes, even more) and I may have add more buttons later. What I would be awesome is to some-how use arrays or something that makes more sense to hold the MovieClips and then display them accordingly.

ActionScript Code:
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addItem1, false,0,true);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addItem2, false,0,true);
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addItem3, false,0,true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Align For Display Objects?

Oct 22, 2007

I've been putting off asking this question and have tried to resolve it myself since it would seem to be so basic; however after much frustration , here goes:Can a display object (ie an instance of a class loaded from the library such as a filled rectangle {trying to keep this simple} be positioned on the main stage by using the following syntax:myrecTangle.stage.align = StageAlign.BOTTOM;I have created a fairly simple class to load objects to the stage by class type (recTangle) and name (myrecTangle) and all works fine up to the positioning. The objects are created and named properly and are placed on stage; however, they are all placed on stage at 0,0 stage coordinates. I can postion them anywhere using x. and .y values but when I use syntax similar to that above they are still positioned at 0,0. There are no errors thrown. I have also tried to create a sprite for each, load them into the sprite and addChild the sprite to the stage. They are still positioned on stage at 0,0. Is the stage.align/StageAlign syntax peculiar to absolute main stage positioning or am I allowed to use it also for object positioning.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Class To Display Objects From Library To Stage?

Feb 27, 2011

I am using CS3. And this is all about understanding Identifier and Class from the symbol property under Linkage.

I read some articles where all are using class instead of attachMovie() method on TimeLine.

Its confusing to me and couldn't able to make it work.

The article I read says that attachMovie() method will be in class file.

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Actionscript 3 :: SelectedLabel Spark ComboBox = Returns The String For Display In An Item Rendered

Dec 20, 2011

this function bellow returns the String for display in an item renderer.


But i am blocked about the public function set selectedLabel(label:String):void is there anyone who know a function labelToItem or another solution to set my combobox selectedLabel

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Subclassed Display Objects With Flash.display.Loader?

Oct 8, 2009

When using Loader class to load display objects (bitmaps, SWFs...) from remote URLs, is there any way for them to be instantiated (referenced as we know, by Loader::content property) as some user specified valid subclass? For example if I had a class that extended a Bitmap, is there any way for the loaded object to be of this class?

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Flash :: Display Objects Which Are Outside The Display Area When Is Embeded In HTML?

Nov 22, 2010

Is there any way to display flash objects which are outside the display area when flash is embeded in HTML
The reason i ask is my current project has a rotating + enlarging effect which is largely dynamic so sometimes an object may clip the edge of the stage areathis looks messy but i dont want to increase the stage area to cover  the largest possible area any object could enter because most of the time the objects are at the center and small so i would end up with a lot of white space

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Flash - Sorting Display Objects By Their Display List Depth

Aug 5, 2011

I have a list containing display objects from throughout the application (insertion order). I want to process the list either top-down (parent, child) or bottom up (child, parent). The only requirement is that either a parent is processed before any child or vice versa a child before its parent. What is a good approach? This question is not about sorting a list. It's about retrieving the depth of a particular display object.

Display list:
A (root)

My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]

N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A

A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
Does not matter if N9 before N8 or N8 before N9. Important is that any N is before M (first run) or any M before its children N* (second run).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell If Something Is Within The Stage Bounds?

Jun 23, 2009

I have a bunch of images going on all at once, some on the stage, and some off, and i would like to find a way of telling whether or not they are currently on the stage or not....

I know i can do the whole

checkStage = function () {
if ((mc._x>=0) && (mc._x<=Stage.width) && (mc._y >= 0)&&(mc._y >=Stage.height)) {
//have mc do whatever here


that way i can satisfy my laziness AND achieve what i'm trying to do without having to deal with long winded paths and a bunch of else if's

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Get Bounds Of A Rectangle On Stage

Apr 30, 2009

I have a simple MC on the stage. I want to create a simple conditional statement that would check if the mouse is on the rectangle using get bounds. something like [code] do I properly use the getBounds in a situation like this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cropping Externally Loaded SWF To Stage Bounds?

Jul 27, 2009

When using the Loader class to load an external SWF into another timeline and then displaying that SWF using addChild on the loader.content, one discovers to one's consternation that elements positioned off the stage of the external SWF are still displayed.To illustrate this with an example: suppose you have a 500x500 pixel "main" SWF, and it loads an external SWF at runtime and positions it in the center of the stage. And suppose that this external SWF's document properties set the stage width to 200 x 200 pixels. However, when authoring this external SWF, we draw a box that's 300 x 300 pixels, so part of this box is actually off-stage.

When you play the external SWF in the standalone Flash player, it is sized correctly at 200 x 200 pixels, and the rest of this box is cropped off.When you load this external SWF into the "main" SWF and use addChild() to put it on the stage, you will see the full 300 x 300 pixel boNow of course, we can simply solve the issue using a mask, but I'm wondering whether there's a more elegant solution that's built in, either to the MovieClip or the Loader or the LoaderInfo classes. Something that says "respect the document bounds of the original SWF" or "crop to stage dimensions".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX04 Rendered HTML Text Causing Display Within Text Field?

May 8, 2009

I have a text field component that I am dynamically populating with text. The words appear one letter at a time in a teleprinter style fashion. I also have rendered certain words with HTML to make style changes within the text.Now all this works fine, except because the HTML text is larger than the body of the other text, I am losing theteleprintereffect at the bottom of the text field. In other words, after a set amount has been printed, users are not seeing the letters printed out one at a time, but instead just get a printed line of text appear from beneath the visible section of the text window.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do Not Resize Display Objects In A Display Object Container

Jan 22, 2012

can I resize a display object (container) without its contents (children) are resized?

For example, in the following code when I resize the green square, red is also resized. I wanted to resize only the green.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();;


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Flex :: Identify All The Display Objects In The Display List?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I identify all the display objects in the display list in ActionScript, bellow the one that I have clicked? All the other objects are shadowed by the first one. What if other objects have visible parameter as hidden?

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Flash - Display Objects Not Aligning Correctly

Jan 6, 2010

I am aligning my display objects in the middle. stage.stageWidth/2. for some reason, they are aligning further off to the right of the screen. I haven't altered anything but the stage width in flash. Has anyone heard of this problem? Again, I haven't done anything except widen the screen and adjust the height.

My focus point on the display object is top left. So it aligns perfectly when set to 0,0
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.stageWidth = 300;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Scroll The Entire Map Mc Inside The Bounds Of The 500px X 500px Stage

Aug 14, 2007

I have my stage set at 500px x 500px. I have a map mc on stage that is 2500px x 2500px and I am trying to mouse scroll the entire map mc inside the bounds of the 500px x 500px stage. The map mc xy ref coordinate is in the center of the graphic. This is a math problem for me. An example would be [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get "on Stage" Bounds Rectangle Of Xyz Rotated Sprite

Dec 28, 2011

i cant get "on stage" bounds of sprite that rotated in 3d space

var draggableContent:Sprite=new Sprite();
var _3dContent:Sprite=new Sprite();
var _child3D:Sprite=new Sprite();


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Flash :: Use VertexBuffer3D To Manipulate Objects In A Hierarchical Display Structure?

Dec 25, 2011

Scenario 1: Within some 3D container object, I would like to add two Cubes: one without any transformation, and one with small position, rotation and scale adjustments. After adding those two cubes, I would like to also transform the container's position, rotation and scale.

Scenario 2: In a 3D character's body, it consists of many hierarchical children (and subchildren), each having various transformations over the course of an animation.

How do I calculate these individual 3D object transformations efficiently? Can it even be possible to do this with only one VertexBuffer3D? Or do I need several VertexBuffer3D to keep track of each objects? Using multiple VertexBuffer3D seems like it could hit a limit (but I haven't read enough of the Stage3D / Context3D documentation to know for sure).

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Flash :: Possible To Have Different Line Scalemode Options For Parent And Child Display Objects?

Sep 1, 2011

Imagine situation when child component is scaled and parent component is scaled as well. I want line to be drawn without scaling in child component and to be scaled in parent. Is it possible to achieve this?

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Removing Objects From Stage In Flash CS4

Oct 15, 2009

I have a problem with this code:[code]There are two overlapping objects on my stage: character_mc and vanish_mc. As soon as i start the scene [Ctrl+Enter] vanish_mc is VISUALLY removed. But the code still sees a collision somehow. How can i Entirely remove the object vanish_mc?

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Actionscript 3 :: Handle Mouse Events On Occluded (overlapped) Display Objects In Flash/flex?

Sep 3, 2011

I want to handle the mouseevents for all the sprites on the stage including the one those are hidden behind (or overlapped or occluded) and the main condition is that I want to handle the occluded sprite (that hidden behind other sprite). example, say I have sprite1 and sprite2 on stage and I want to start drag whenever i click on the sprite and stop drag after another click.

This can be done easily, but the problem and my main requirement is that if I drag the sprite1 and drop it exactly on top of the sprite2 then sprite2 will be hidden behind the sprite1 I wont be able to drag the sprite2 without moving the sprite1 first. if you have played zynga's empires and allais game on facebook, it is handled seperatly, it is how it works in that game, the mouse event is triggered on the sprite behind the overlapping sprite, if you have two sprites overlapping one sprite than the mouse event is triggered on the sprite which is last and not the one in front irrespective of whether there is only one sprite overlapping or two or three and this happens to irregular shaped sprites (not just rectangles)

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Windows :: Flash Can't Be Rendered In A Service?

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to solve a similar problem as was described here - to create a Windows Service for taking snapshots of rich webpages (html+js+flash) and saving them to a PDF file.

The bundle Firefox+cmdlnprint did the trick for me. I wrote a simple program running as a service that invokes Firefox to make a PDF. All seems well, the PDF gets created, but Flash is completely missing. Although, when started not as a service, Flash renders just fine.

Can anyone shed a light on what blocks Flash from rendering and if there's a workaround?

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Flash :: Load A Certain Number Of Objects To Stage?

Oct 31, 2009

I commented my code below to reflect what I am attempting to do here. Flash is throwing me a 1084 error at the moment but I cannot spot my issue. I expect that it is something to do with the this['circle'+i] statement.

var boxOne = new box();
boxOne.x = stage.stageWidth/2;


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Flash :: Counting All 'drawing Objects' On Stage?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a little problem with counting all elements on stage. Flash, unfortunately is counting all objects on the stage without drawn objects (all shapes, including drawing objects, rectangles etc) all missed. Is there any way to count them?

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Flash :: IDE - Don't Recognize Button-objects On Stage?

Dec 16, 2009

I'm getting a very frustrating error in my flash project. I have a button on stage. When I try to trace it, it returns NULL. But when I change the button to a MovieClip in the properties panel, it traces it just fine as a MovieClip object.

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