I have a simple MC on the stage. I want to create a simple conditional statement that would check if the mouse is on the rectangle using get bounds. something like [code]Basicaly...how do I properly use the getBounds in a situation like this?
For those of you still with me, I am tasked with making some scrollable content in Flash. Load in a TextFile using LoadURL(), then display it. To get the text, we've written our own class TextFieldExtended, which is basically just there to give the textfile location to the constructor and then have the class do the various steps of getting it and loading it for you.So I needed to get a Scrollbar, which I got hereThe thing is, it works with Sprites.After trying to get it to accept TextFieldExtended, I bumped into a block, since the scrollbar relied heavily on a Sprite property that TextFieldExtended didn't have or could have.
So I tried adding the TextFieldExtended instance to a Sprite instance using addchild.A problem occurs here that I do not know how to handle. It seems that a Rectangle is drawn and the Text is drawn on that. I say this because the scrollbar moves the Rectangle up and down a bit, but the text doesn't scroll, just the Rectangle it is positioned in and the text then moves along with it.My question: can this be fixed, or is does this implementation of scrollbars need a lot of adaptations before this is possible?
I am creating an app that has to load a image or swf on to the stage and dynamically place and position it on either sides of the stage i.e. (top, left, bottom or right).how can I dynamically calculate the remaining bounds of the stage using the bounds of the dynamically placed loaded image/swf. ?e.g if the bounds of the loaded clip isRectangle(x=10, y=10, w=250, h=800);What is the remaining Rectangle() to use ofRectangle(0,0,1024,800); ?
e.g if the bounds of the loaded clip is Rectangle(x=0, y=0, w=800, h=50); What is the remaining Rectangle() to use of
I have a rectangle of any arbitrary width and height. I know X,Y, width, and height. How do I solve the upper right hand coordinates when the rectangle is rotated N degrees? I realized if it were axis aligned I would simply solve for (x,y+width). Unforunatly this doesn't hold true when I apply a transform matrix on the rectangle to rotate it around its center.
i need to check if a point is within a rotated rectangle. I have to do this mathematically, as none of the objects are on the stage so i can't use hitTestPoint. I know the position and rotation of the rectangle, and if necessary can get the four corners as points as well.
I kind of feel silly asking this, because i am pretty sure it's not a hard thing to do, i just can't work it out and so far any google searches just bring up hitTestPoint.
I'm having a little difficulty getting to grips with the getBounds() Movie Clip function. I assumed the getbounds() method simply got the boundary coordinates for the movie Clip, that one could use to draw a rectangle. This is what I'm trying to do;I'm trying to get a movie clips coordinate bounds, and use the min and max values of x and y to draw rectangle around the object. Simple right? But in my case, I'm getting some unexpected results. I wonder does ther registration point of the object determine the coordinate values? Also are the coordinate values local to the clip instance or global to the stage?
I have two options and I want to know whats faster. I have a pool of 1000 sprites objects in as3 on screen. When its needed each sprite has to resize itself. I can 1- Make each sprite a simple container to use graphics to draw a rectangle, that is, call a 'spriteInstance.graphics.' ,draw the rectangle and on each 'refresh', I do graphics.clear and redraw the rectangle but with the new size, this for each sprite. or 2- Create each sprite with a border and on each refresh, resize it Whats better?
I try draw one pixel width rectangle in a sprite. And add some tween on it to make some effect. But I find use the code below can't create exactly one pixel white rect. I created I want to create
Is there a neat minimal way of doing this? (this produces an error):
var freeSpace = shape.freeSpace() // returns Rectangle var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); s.graphics.drawRect(freeSpace);
Just looking for a more cleaner way other than something like .drawRect(freeSpace.x, freeSpace.y, freeSpace.w, freeSpace.h) I know you can do it with bitmapData.fillRect(rectangle), but need sprites in this case.
I have a Sprite that contains opaque objects surrounded by transparent pixels. I also have a Rectangle that represents a part of the Sprite that I want to render using BitmapData.draw(). The problem is that the Rectangle that I obtained also contains transparent parts. How can I narrow the Rectangle to only include the opaque parts and ignore the transparent surroundings?
kapep's answer is just what I want to do, but the problem is that the source is a Sprite, not a BitmapData object, and I don't have getColorBoundsRect() on a Sprite.
Here's a very simple AS3 project consisting of one class which draws a rectangle. When I run it, the rectangle is clearly larger than 100x100 pixels.
Edit: I know that it isn't correct because, though I have my screen resolution set to 1280x800, if I set the width to 500 it takes up almost all of my screen.
I am a new user. How do I can add more thickness and change color of a rectange Sprite object on mouse over and on mouse out I want to make it normal again.
I have a bunch of images going on all at once, some on the stage, and some off, and i would like to find a way of telling whether or not they are currently on the stage or not....
I know i can do the whole
checkStage = function () { if ((mc._x>=0) && (mc._x<=Stage.width) && (mc._y >= 0)&&(mc._y >=Stage.height)) { //have mc do whatever here
that way i can satisfy my laziness AND achieve what i'm trying to do without having to deal with long winded paths and a bunch of else if's
I have a "circle_mc" movie clip and its registratoin is in the center but it moves and works fine but i dont want it to go off the stage half way I want it to stop before it goes off
When using the Loader class to load an external SWF into another timeline and then displaying that SWF using addChild on the loader.content, one discovers to one's consternation that elements positioned off the stage of the external SWF are still displayed.To illustrate this with an example: suppose you have a 500x500 pixel "main" SWF, and it loads an external SWF at runtime and positions it in the center of the stage. And suppose that this external SWF's document properties set the stage width to 200 x 200 pixels. However, when authoring this external SWF, we draw a box that's 300 x 300 pixels, so part of this box is actually off-stage.
When you play the external SWF in the standalone Flash player, it is sized correctly at 200 x 200 pixels, and the rest of this box is cropped off.When you load this external SWF into the "main" SWF and use addChild() to put it on the stage, you will see the full 300 x 300 pixel boNow of course, we can simply solve the issue using a mask, but I'm wondering whether there's a more elegant solution that's built in, either to the MovieClip or the Loader or the LoaderInfo classes. Something that says "respect the document bounds of the original SWF" or "crop to stage dimensions".
I have a Movieclip (MC1) with and moving object (OBJ1) inside it and using AS3. I want to do a hit test on it with another object (OBJ2) that is on the stage. Normally I would just do MC1.x + OBJ1.x to get my coords for the hit test. But how do I do it if MC1 has been rotated?
If an object exists outside of Flash's stage boundaries, is on the Display List, and is visible, is it causing a performance hit from Flash rendering it? In other words, does Flash render what isn't seen?
This leads me to believe so: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170203/how-do-you-make-flash-not-render-an-object-on-the-stage
is it possible for flash to detect off-stage mouse coordinates in order to continuously drag an object within its bounds while the mouse is moving outside of the stage? for example: i have a draggable red square on my stage. the stage is the bounds of the drag. if i drag the red square to the bottom of the stage and continue to drag outside of and around the stage, i'd like the red square to continue moving within it's bounds, following the mouse coordinates. currently, dragging halts as soon as i leave the stage and the red square only begins to move with the mouse coordinates if i reenter the stage bounds.
I have a class called shapeC that only creates a rectangle and then addChild(rectangle);. That class is instantiated on the main timeline. Currently, the only way you can see that rectangle is to add the instantiated class to the stage via addChild(shapeC);. My question is, is there a way that the shapeC class can add the rectangle to the root stage without requireing the instantiated class to be added to the stage?
I have my stage set at 500px x 500px. I have a map mc on stage that is 2500px x 2500px and I am trying to mouse scroll the entire map mc inside the bounds of the 500px x 500px stage. The map mc xy ref coordinate is in the center of the graphic. This is a math problem for me. An example would be [URL]
I'm learning ActionScript 3.0 and I made a small app to draw rectangles on stage. Now I want to drag&drop them around. I want to be able to click on an object, without triggering the stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickEvent); but when I click on an object, it also triggers that event. How can I save the click on object from triggering that event on stage?
Here's the code: Main.as package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.*; public class main extends Sprite { var startX, startY, endX, endY: Number; function main() { [Code] .....
I am using the drawRect() method. The only way I know how to colour something is by using beginFill and endFill(). But if it's already drawn then how can I change it? It
I currently have a button that triggers an event merging the movieclips on stage into one sprite, and passing it to a printer class. The printer class looks as follows:
ActionScript Code: public class Printer { private static var printJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); private static var printJobOptions:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();
The problem is that when clicking the button, the stage gets a white rectangle in the upper left corner that can't be removed!
I would like to take a straight line/rectangle that is already created on stage and tween it with as3 so that when mouse is down, i can drag and bend it into an ark shape, and when i release the shape snaps back to its originally form?