Actionscript 3 :: Libraries With A StartDrag() Equivalent That Has Non-rectangular Boundaries (ie: Circular)?
Jul 27, 2011
I'm just trying to avoid rolling my own dragging functionality - anyone know of any libraries out there that have a startDrag() equivalent where you can use, say, a circular radius for the drag bounds, rather than a rectangular box?
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May 14, 2006
I have a movie clip that can only move to certain parts in the stage. For this I used another movie clip that supposedly should constitue the rectangle constraint. But this doesn't seem to work !startDrag(this,true,bounds._x,bounds._y,bounds._x+ bounds._width,bounds._y+bounds._height);
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Feb 11, 2011
i have an .as class that extends mx.containers.Canvas (it's a draggable border of a resizable component), it becomes draggable on MOUSE_DOWN and stops being draggable on MOUSE_UP, MOUSE_OUT and ROLL_OUT. before calling startDrag() i create a Rectangle to define the drag area, i also have a _dragging: Boolean variable to control if it's draggable at the moment. the problem is that when i click this border it jumps to a negative coordinate without calling startDrag or switching _dragging to true.
i've overriden get x, set x, get y, set y and move() methods in order to solve it but the only thing i got was the fact that position changes without calling coords setters or move(), but at the moment it's changed a getter is called and returns new (negative) value so my question is what happens on startDrag() and how to filter unwanted incoming coords values?
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May 19, 2011
as you can see, I have a container MC which I have added to the stage. I set its drag constraints using a Rectangle(). I then add the 'cat' child movieclip to the container, and I want this to be dragable too. However, as soon as I click on my cat when testing the MC. It shoots to point x=0 y=0 on the stage and doesn't move.
The container MC can be moved without any trouble.
If I remove the rectangle bounds from the containers startdrag() function. both MC's can be dragged without any issue.
//panning ability
my_x = 800 - myImage.width;
my_y = 480 - myImage.height;
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Aug 2, 2009
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Feb 11, 2009
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Using a xml document, i'm trying to be able to retrieve a png file with transparency, and have said transparent area's be not clickable.
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fyi: I have a fairly good grasp of OOP, so don't be afraid to post up complex instructions.
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Nov 27, 2009
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However, my movieclip is not rectangular and everything I tried resulted in the texture getting out of the boundaries of my movieclip and being displayed as a big rectangle.
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Jan 17, 2007
When you call startDrag on a Sprite/MovieClip/whatever, you can specify a rectangle which the object in question will stay within.
Eg... startDrag(false, rect1); where rect1 is of type :Rectangle
how you would go about constraining the dragging to an arbitrary shape, say a triangle or a circle rather than a rectangle?
I figure I could just have a Timer calling a function to check the whole time but that doesn't seem particularly nice.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a movie clip which contains a circular image, and by default Flash CS4 gives it a rectangular bounding box. This is a problem however because I am using this movie clip as a button, so the rollover area includes the entire rectangular bounding box and not just the circular image. How can I change the shape of this rectangular bounding box?
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Jan 15, 2010
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I've noticed that, when the (unpressed) mouse rolls over any irregx, it's oblivious to irregx's rectangular bounding box. It only reacts when it reaches the edge of the irregular shape inside, toggling from arrow to hand at the image edges. Since the mouse knows where the irregx image boundary is, is there a simple way to tap the mouse's 'eyesight' to verify whether rectx is over the correct irregx shape (meaning not just within the bounding box, within the shape inside it)? This can't be that hard.
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Oct 30, 2009
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At the heart of its cropping is using a method called "copyPixels". However, this method takes as one of its arguments a rectangular shape for its crop region. Are there other strategies I can use to crop it not using a rectangle.
I am going after letting the user specify the region that should be cropped using a series of points.
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Jul 3, 2009
If it's possible to zoom into a video? For example specify a rectangular region in the video and zoom in.
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Nov 28, 2009
I have a vector movie-clip of a cat. Behind it, there is a picture of a park. The picture of the park takes up the entire stage, but the cat is only 32x16. How could I use BitmapData to sample all pixels (of everything, not just the park) within the cat's bounding box (but not including the cat itself in the samples (so like the cat is invisible); also 4 pixels wider in each direction, so it would effectively be 40x24) and then return the RGB average (in hexidecimal) so that I can set a masked transparent mc in front of the cat to that value?
Basically, so it looks like the color of the cat's surroundings affect its tint, to crudely simulate global illumination in 2d.
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Nov 9, 2011
I am developing a game with Flixel as a base, and part of what I need is a way to check for collisions along a line (a line from point A to point B, specifically). Best way to explain this is I have a laser beam shooting from one ship to another object (or to a point in space if nothing is overlapping the line). I want the line to reach only until it hits an object. How can I determine mathematically / programatically where along a line the line is running into an object?
I could try measuring the length of the line and checking points for collision until one does, but that seems like way too much overhead to do every frame when I'm sure there is a mathematical way to determine it.
Edit: Before checking an object for collision with the line itself, I would first eliminate any objects not within the line's bounding box - defined by the x of the left-most point, the y of the top-most point, the x of the right-most point, and the y of the bottom-most point. This will limit line-collision checks to a few objects.
Edit again: My question seems to still not be fully clear, sorry. Some of the solutions would probably work, but I'm looking for a simple, preferably mathematical solution. And when I say "rectangle" I mean one whose sides are locked to the x and y axis, not a rotatable rectangle. So a line is not a rectangle of width 0 unless it's at 90 or -90 degrees (assuming 0 degrees points to the right of the screen).
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Sep 22, 2009
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I want the width of the clip increase from left to right or decrease from right to left only.
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Jun 23, 2009
How to create rectangular Box object through pure action script ?
I think, it can be done through the libary of movie clip but I am not sure. I want to take suggestion to create rectangular box through AS script
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May 20, 2011
I have been looking at posts about determining if a point lies within a polygon or not and the answers are either too vague, abstract, or complex for me. So I am going to try to ask my question specific to what I need to do.I have a set of points that describe a non-straight line (sometimes a closed polygon). I have a rectangular "view" region. I need to determine as efficiently as possible whether any of the line segments (or polygon borders) pass through the view region.
I can't simply test each point to see if it lies within the view region. It is possible for a segment to pass through the region without any point actually inside the region (ie the line is drawn across the region).Here is an example of what I want to determine (red means the function should return true for the set of points, blue means it should return false, example uses straight lines and rectangles because I am not an artist).
Another condition I want to be able to account for (though the method/function may be a separate one), is to determine not just whether a polygon's border passes through the rectangular region, but whether the region is entirely encompassed by the polygon. The nuance here is that in the situation first described above, if I am only concerned with drawing borders, the method should return false. But in the situation described here, if I need to fill the polygon region then I need the function to return true. I currently do not need to worry about testing "donut" shaped polygons
Here is an example illustrating the nuance (the red rectangle does not have a single vertex or border segment passing through the on-screen region, but it should still be considered on-screen):For the "does any line segment or polygon border pass through or lie on screen?" problem I know I can come up with a solution (albeit perhaps not an efficient one). Even though it is more verbose, the conditions are clear to me. But the second "is polygon region on screen?"PS I have a function for determining line intersection, but it seems like overkill to use it to compare each segment to each side of the on-screen region because the on-screen region is ALWAYS a plain [0, 0, width, height] rectangle.
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Jun 23, 2007
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Apr 17, 2009
I am having some problems regarding image crop.I am able to crop an image but with the use of rectangle class or in rectangular shape.But i would like to crop in circular shape(for example go to URL...).
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Jul 1, 2011
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May 5, 2010
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Nov 24, 2011
I have a pure AS3 project. I use Ant to build it. Here is a part of my ant script:
<target name="mxmlc">
<exec executable="${flex.home}/${mxmlc}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-compiler.include-libraries=${lib}"/>
<arg line="-compiler.incremental=false"/>
<arg line="-compiler.optimize=true"/>
[Code] .....
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Oct 23, 2009
I was wondering how are circular preloaders done? Not just a preloader with a circular animation but actually a circle that grows with the progress.
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Sep 9, 2004
I am trying to do a circular scroll. attached gif for a mockup. I am not sure how to go about
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Sep 7, 2009
Is there any tool, plugin or extension that can help me in text wrapping on a circular path in Flash CS4.
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Right now a lot of my applications use GWT-RPC for retrieving POJO's from a GWT RemoteService which in turn calls a Web Service (SOAP) to get the data. I am evaluating Flex and didn't really see anything truly analogous to this simple architecture.
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Jan 10, 2011
I know it's possible to import libraries of other .fla files. but is it also possible to import them in such a way, that if you make changes to that .fla library, all the other .fla files that have imported that library will also have those changes?
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Sep 8, 2009
I currently have a "container SWF player" that loads SWFs externally and plays them.The sound file for the SWF is in the library of the container SWF player, because the player is using the duration of the sound file to determine how long the scrubber bar goes.The problem is, it sort of defeats the purpose of having a container SWF player if I have to create a different container SWF player file for each external SWF because there's a different sound for each external SWF.Is there a way to pull the sound file from the library of the externally loaded SWF into the container SWF player?So that depending on what external SWF is playing, it will pull the associated MP3 file from that SWF's library?
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