Flash - Why MX Libraries Are In SWF
Nov 24, 2011
I have a pure AS3 project. I use Ant to build it. Here is a part of my ant script:
<target name="mxmlc">
<exec executable="${flex.home}/${mxmlc}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-compiler.include-libraries=${lib}"/>
<arg line="-compiler.incremental=false"/>
<arg line="-compiler.optimize=true"/>
[Code] .....
The problem is that my resulting SWF is really big. When I checked what is inside I saw that it has mx.* libs from Flex. Why it is like this? How to kick mx.* from my SWF? In my code I don't use anything from mx.* library.
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[Code] .....
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Sep 6, 2010
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Nov 16, 2010
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Jan 2, 2011
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Mar 4, 2011
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I need primarily statistics and regression formulas.
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Dec 21, 2010
Is it wrong to have to keep importing the same libraries in classes.
In almost every class I make I'm having to import these[code]...
Is it not importing the same things over and over again into the same flash file? Making the swf bigger and slower?
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Nov 1, 2009
I'd like to give someone else the FLA to recompile SWF's, but the libraries I'm using are spread out in many places (Tween libraries, custom libraries, etc), and would be somewhat arduous to package cleanly to include with the FLA. compile the imported libraries into the FLA somehow?
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Jul 15, 2009
Where are the signed, cached flex libraries on a windows / mac / linux system? They don't appear to be in my browser cache... so where is adobe keeping them? I found the files. But can I clear the cache? After trashing the files in windows, I don't see the files get downloaded again (with fiddler).
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Nov 14, 2010
I am making an AS3 project in FB4. In our workflow, we have artists compile art into SWC files which the I then link as 'Referenced Libraries' in FB4. Then I set the "Link Type" of the SWC files to "external" instead of merged into code. This should create SWFs corresponding to the SWC files in the output folder, right?
This doesn't seem to be the case. I am only seeing one SWF file: the main_app's.I was trying to make it so that I can use a library manager to load the files dynamically.I tried extracting the swfs manually, but it seems the main_app still compiles all the swcs to itself. I made sure the Link Type was set to external. The file size for the main_app between "external" and "merged to code" seem to be the same.
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