I've started using Shared Libraries and this subject peaked my interest... does Flash still have load timing issues with Shared Libraries? I found a few site online that mention that your Flash project will load but if it didn't have time to load your Shared Library, it simply won't load it and you are out of luck. Is this still true with the latest version of Flash? If so, how do I preload the library to make sure it doesn't happen?
I think I basically get runtime shared libraries, but I have some very specific questions which I have not been able to find answers for anywhere:
1) When you load swf "A" that references a runtime shared library swf, does the entire runtime shared library swf also immediately load? (true/false)
2) When swf "A" instantiates a symbol that is linked to be imported from the runtime shared library, does the entire runtime shared library swf load then? (true/false)
3) When swf "A" instantiates a symbol that is linked to be imported from the runtime shared library, does only that specific symbol load? (true/false)
My problem is, if I put all my bitmaps in swf "A", then it takes a really long time to load. I'm wondering, if I put all my bitmaps in a runtime shared library, and link the symbols in swf "A" to the runtime shared library, then will swf "A" load fast (because the runtime shared library is not loaded)? And when I instantiate a linked symbol, will it also load fast (because the entire runtime shared library is not loaded)?
Suppose that I have two applications running on the same page. I have the Libraries compiled into the SWF file: [code]Is RSL intended to just improve the download time (via caching) or does it also lower the memory foot print of an applicaiton?
using shared libraries at the moment for a scalable e-learning course. All the elements are to be used over multiple screens. BUT if I have to add a new element to that published shared swf - then next time I access my learning program it will have to download the WHOLE NEW shared library - is that right? ie: defeating the purpose in the first place. So if that is true then the best idea would be to use separate shared libraries. ie: sharedLibraryMusic1.swf sharedLibraryMusic2.swf for newer mp3s etc...
Or is this nonsense. ie: A new updated shared library with a "little" new element would not cause the whole swf to be downloaded again??? This is so important as it can make or break the download speeds.
How can I do the following in Flex 4.5 or later: Compile an swc library file containing packages of simple functions Compile an swf application referencing the swc file as RSL Publish the swf application Send the source code of the swc file to another developer Allow the developer to modify the code of some functions while keeping their interfaces Allow the developer to compile the source code into a new swc file using only compc Allow the developer to replace my original swc file with his new swc file, then execute my swf application having the new swc file in the same directory.
1. I have a main app. It has a TweenLite project added as library. The linkage type is "Merged into code". All the classes including "TweenPlugin" are checked. If I check somewhere in code
ActionScript Code: var obj:Object = getDefinitionByName("gs.plugins::TweenPlugin");
and then watch the object, it gives me: obj = gs.plugins.TweenPlugin$(@2edfbc1), which is pretty logical and is how it should be.
2. I have a module project, which has TweenLite project added as a library with linkage type checked to "External". I simply make a release build of this module.
3. In main app I load to released module manually (not through Flex module mechanisms), just with Loader class. Not really more complex than this: ActionScript Code:
4. In the module there is TweenPlugin class used somehow in the code. Pretty natural thing is that class definitions are inherited from the application domain of a loader to an application domain of a loaded content. So the TweenPlugin class should be available.
However I get the error:
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable gs.plugins::TweenPlugin is not defined.
I'm using AS 2.0 and experimenting. I've got one main movie, with buttons at the top, each button loading a movie into a common movie clip...there are nine buttons/movies in all.Here's my problem. The nine movies have some common elements which seem perfect to put in a shared library. The sharing works, but when I plug the shared elements (either backgrounds or buttons) into the movies:1. Any text typed in Flash disappears (the text is Classic and Static), and;2. The buttons lose their "button" properties. Hyperlinks/AS coding will not work on them. I've made sure the buttons have an instance name. I even tried creating invisible buttons on a layer above the library-linked buttons (having the latter just for show), but strangely, the invisible button, when placed directly above the library-linked button, doesn't work either.
Preface: I'm using Flash CS4 Professional for the Mac, AS3 and Flash Player 10.
I have an RSL (runtime shared library) SWF that contains bundled classes which I store in an online location. I also have another SWF that access that runtime shared library in order to instantiate it's classes and use their methods/functions.
I'm creating a small size Flex movies which contains two line charts, at the moment the size of the release build swf is 343KB, which is too large for our needs.
I've tried changing the loading of the SWC file to Runtime Shared Libraries, but I found that this removed the text of the charts (the text for the x and y axis). Why would the text be removed when the Framework linkage is set as a Runtime shared library?
I have been searching google, Apache Docs*, and FlashPunk forums looking for an answer to this: I cannot get Ant/Flex to find and compile a folder of ActionScript libraries (FlashPunk).[code]....
I am making an AS3 project in FB4. In our workflow, we have artists compile art into SWC files which the I then link as 'Referenced Libraries' in FB4. Then I set the "Link Type" of the SWC files to "external" instead of merged into code. This should create SWFs corresponding to the SWC files in the output folder, right?
This doesn't seem to be the case. I am only seeing one SWF file: the main_app's.I was trying to make it so that I can use a library manager to load the files dynamically.I tried extracting the swfs manually, but it seems the main_app still compiles all the swcs to itself. I made sure the Link Type was set to external. The file size for the main_app between "external" and "merged to code" seem to be the same.
I'm using the following code to load external swfs over each other.
At the moment the time between each image is the same - 10 seconds. I'm trying to work out how to change the time so the first image loads, waits for 5 seconds, loads the second which waits 10 seconds before loading the third swf.[code]...
I have been searching google, Apache Docs*, and FlashPunk forums looking for an answer to this: I cannot get Ant/Flex to find and compile a folder of libraries in *.AS format.
Here is my build.xml. <project> <!-- Flex SDK Properties --> <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="/opt/flex"/> <property name="MXMLC.JAR" value="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/mxmlc.jar"/> <!-- Project Properties --> [Code] .....
Results in many errors of the type "Definition net.flashpunk.masks:Grid could not be found" even though when I open the directories I can see the *.AS files right there. I decided to use Ant because neither FlashDevelop for Windows nor Eclipse for Linux seemto work for me.
I wanna to make some flash for save and load color... Click button to change button color and click again return to old color and Save lase color When run project to show last save color
i want to create some 1 button for save and 1 button for load all shared object in my projectthis is my code for save and load and i want to create 1 button for save and 1 button for load last check point
I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure this one out for the past few days, without luck. I want to do three things with my little applet:
1) When the applet is loaded on my website and you've never visited the website before, load the background music and an unchecked checkbox for disabling it.
2) If you check that check box, it will stop the music and use a shared object so that the next time the user visits the site, the music will default to disabled and will not load the external mp3 file.
3) If the user then unchecks the box at some later date, the program will act like #1 until it is checked again.
I am as new as a flash newbie can be and I was editing a template for a flash intro. My company wants to use a different soundtrack for the intro which would necessitate changing the timing of the intro. What I mean is that I want certain scenes to display slightly longer than they are now.
Does anyone know how accurate flash timing is and its ability to identify the client monitor's refresh rate? I need to be able to calculate time durations with up to 10 milliseconds accuracy of response time. Also if it is off, is there a way to possibly calibrate the response based on monitor refresh rate and action to make sure the value is as close to precise as possible? Any info would be great! Even better would be some examples of existing benchmark test.
Update:I've found this post which is helpful but wanted to see if anyone else has anything else to add on the subject.[URL]..
i have a little Query. iv looked on the past forum posts but the solution i found did'nt work "for me".I was wondering how to delay an action with actioniscript i.e. press wait 10seconds then perform action/function i have a crude way but i it calls for animating in the time line and i want to do as little of that as possible
Have a flash picture slide show that fades in and out to transition from picture to picture. Would like to use a shared object so that when someone goes to the next page it will load on the picture it left of at. Should the shared object load at the last state or should it save the frame position? The movie has so many pictures that people will only see the first couple pictures every single time they change pages and never get to the end of the movie. This was made in Flash CS5
I have developed a game in flash and I am trying to get a save and load function so that the user can come back to the game that they were playing. Can this be done using the Shared Object....
I'm playing with Local Shared Objects, and I was able to save and load simple data types like strings and integers. Pretty cool.
I want to Save/Load a Bitmap Object but I'm having problems. I think I got a Bitmap Object to save but when I loaded it back in, it was basically a blank bitmap. I located the actual .SOL file on my computer and opened it up. It had some basic Bitmap info like scale, rotation, visible, width, height, etc, but NOT the actual bitmap.
So I realized that I need to be saving/loading a BitmapData object instead of just Bitmap. BitmapData holds the actual bitmap pixels, I think. Anyway I saved out a BitmapData object. When i tried to load it back in, I get a type coercion error: "Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@df355b1 to flash.display.BitmapData". I dont get it because this error didnt occur for Strings, ints, or Bitmap Objects. Whats happening?
Also, I looked again at the .SOL file after saving out the BitmapData object, And I dont see any pixel data there. The bitmap I'm saving is 800x800 so the .SOL file should be pretty big but its just a tiny file so I know the pixels havn't been saved properly.
Here is the code I'm using (Simplified - error handling removed, etc)
Code: // save var mySo:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("mysharedobjecttest"); mySo.data.testA = 14; mySo.data.testB = "hello this is a test";
I have a pure AS3 project. I use Ant to build it. Here is a part of my ant script: <target name="mxmlc"> <exec executable="${flex.home}/${mxmlc}" failonerror="true"> <arg line="-compiler.include-libraries=${lib}"/> <arg line="-compiler.incremental=false"/> <arg line="-compiler.optimize=true"/> [Code] .....
The problem is that my resulting SWF is really big. When I checked what is inside I saw that it has mx.* libs from Flex. Why it is like this? How to kick mx.* from my SWF? In my code I don't use anything from mx.* library.
Is it possible to change the seconds counter displayed below the Flash CS3 timeline to something more detailed/comprehensive? I'm doing some work for some guys that need very specifically lengthed scenes to fit in predertmined gaps in a project they're working with and when I get notes for a scene to be like 04:16 seconds long it's a little hard to translate that to the one decimal point that Flash provides...I need a reading more like the Premiere timeline. I looked in the preferences and didn't see anything but I could've sworn I saw an option like this once before.
A user is reporting that a certain screen of our Flex app times out in Google Chrome and IE. I can reproduce this problem, but I don't know what is causing it. I cannot reproduce it with Firefox.
I was wondering if there is a way to temporarily disable this feature in Chrome because I know that in Firefox(at least in v3.6) when a Flex/Flash app executes for too long I get a stack trace from the Flash runtime pointing me to the problem. example:
Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds. at TimeoutTest/___TimeoutTest_Button1_click()[/TimeoutTest/src/TimeoutTest.mxml:5]
I think that Chrome is hijacking this process and denying me that information, so I would prefer to prevent this behavior for now to see if the runtime will detect the timeout and provide a similar trace.