ActionScript :: Support Using JavaScript Libraries?

Dec 20, 2011

I realize a JavaScript library like jQuery that is specific to the HTML / DOM wouldn't work nor make sense in a Flash ActionScript application. But what about other JavaScript libraries? I was reading that ActionScript is a superset of JavaScript / ECMAScript which is what got me wondering. If it wouldn't use JavaScript libraries "out of the box" could a JavaScript library be adapted relatively easily? Also, does ActionScript support XMLHttpRequest or have a rough equivalent?

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Flex :: Libraries That Support Image Editing?

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Javascript :: Libraries For Large Data Visualization?

Feb 16, 2011

Are there javascript libraries that can handle large data visualization? I've seen Protovis, but not sure how much data it can handle. Also, how do Actionscript libraries compare to Javascript in terms of performance?More:I've tried Flare, but seems to be slow for my applictaion. Now I'm yet to figure out if it is the rendering or if it is the shaping of data for rendering. I am looking at interactive graphs like the JobVoyager.

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Javascript :: Client Technology Choice - Any HTML5/Canvas Libraries As Capable As Flash/Flex?

Jan 7, 2011

I built a prototype in Adobe Flex, they (customers) liked it. Everything was fine until they later told me that iPads / iOS needs to be supported too.I checked out Adobe's Packager for iPhone. We're evaluating that and we will know if it works out in a couple of days. (We need to get through Apple's red tape and certificates raj so this angle is delayed by a few days!)

There is a growing voice for using HTML5/Canvas as a technology platform itself. And despite being quite proficient in Flex, I think this makes sense.

I'm in need of a HTML5 library that can:

Render "widgets" i.e. containers with forms and components(this should be easy and possible using POHJC - Plain old HTML,JavaScript and CSS )Provide a Tree like control for laying out some data Provide a Canvas where data structures can be represented as basic shapes Provide drag and drop capabilities between Trees, Buttons and Canvas Provide some sort of Tab Navigator container (I guess JQuery works here) Interact with back-end services (JSON/XML calls will be okay, but mapping directly with back-end entities will be awesome!)Renders on latest versions of major browsers, Android OS and iOS (WebKit for mobile?)

I'm ready to give JQuery & JQuery UI a try. I looked at Sencha / ExtJS but it seems we need to maintain two code bases one for normal browsers and the other for mobiles (is that correct?)Single code base, I don't want to suggest to them that multiple code bases for the client need to be maintained. That's a last resort option and would lead to complete ruling out of HTML5 with Flash apps and native apps being developed.Canvas capabilities - I don't want to work with raw canvas and shape tags. This too is a last resort option. Is there any abstraction available?

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JavaScript :: How To Get HTML5 FileAPI Support In Flex

Feb 4, 2012

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JavaScript :: Object Does Not Support Property Or Method In IE

Feb 24, 2012

function getFlashMovieObject(movieName) {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
return window[movieName]
} else { return document[movieName] }
} function helloJS() {
I am calling action script function this way, this is working fine in mozilla but throwing error in IE.

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Javascript :: Keeps Getting An "Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method" Error In IE

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to build a simple HTML to Flash communicator for an uni project, it's working fine in Firefox, but I keep on getting an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error in IE. The line it says the error is having is document.getElementById("flashTest").sendValFromHtml(form.connection.value, form.location.value, form.postcode.value);


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Professional :: Why Flash Plugin Only Support .swf Not Support .flv

Nov 18, 2010

i don't understand flash plugin only support .swf file,not support .flv file? always require load a swf file for play flv file, for exampes:

<embed type="video/x-flv" src=""></embed>
must be use a swf for play

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars=""></embed>

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Flash - Why MX Libraries Are In SWF

Nov 24, 2011

I have a pure AS3 project. I use Ant to build it. Here is a part of my ant script:
<target name="mxmlc">
<exec executable="${flex.home}/${mxmlc}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-compiler.include-libraries=${lib}"/>
<arg line="-compiler.incremental=false"/>
<arg line="-compiler.optimize=true"/>
[Code] .....

The problem is that my resulting SWF is really big. When I checked what is inside I saw that it has mx.* libs from Flex. Why it is like this? How to kick mx.* from my SWF? In my code I don't use anything from mx.* library.

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Import Libraries Of Other .fla Files?

Jan 10, 2011

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Loading Assets From Different Libraries

Sep 8, 2009

I currently have a "container SWF player" that loads SWFs externally and plays them.The sound file for the SWF is in the library of the container SWF player, because the player is using the duration of the sound file to determine how long the scrubber bar goes.The problem is, it sort of defeats the purpose of having a container SWF player if I have to create a different container SWF player file for each external SWF because there's a different sound for each external SWF.Is there a way to pull the sound file from the library of the externally loaded SWF into the container SWF player?So that depending on what external SWF is playing, it will pull the associated MP3 file from that SWF's library?

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ActionScript :: Can't Load Its Libraries

Jun 26, 2011

I have been searching google, Apache Docs*, and FlashPunk forums looking for an answer to this: I cannot get Ant/Flex to find and compile a folder of ActionScript libraries (FlashPunk).[code]....

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C# :: Vector Graphics Libraries Available In AS

Nov 16, 2010

I'm looking to build a website that has a flash interface and allows visitors to upload vector art in a number of file formats such as SVG, EPS and AI.

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1) I need to load the original vector art, probably convert it to FLV and display it in my flash application.
2) After the user potentially loads a number of images, adds some text, rotates or transforms some elements, I need to save the resulting composition into a vector art format that I can print.

I'm not much of an AS experience is mostly in .NET/C# & C++. I'm looking for a good library or API that provides the functionality I will need to convert different image formats and save the results. How much of this can be done using Flash / AS...? How much in C#...?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Libraries From Online?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math Libraries For It?

Mar 4, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Same Libraries In Classes?

Dec 21, 2010

Is it wrong to have to keep importing the same libraries in classes.

In almost every class I make I'm having to import these[code]...

Is it not importing the same things over and over again into the same flash file? Making the swf bigger and slower?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Providing FLA With Required Libraries?

Nov 1, 2009

I'd like to give someone else the FLA to recompile SWF's, but the libraries I'm using are spread out in many places (Tween libraries, custom libraries, etc), and would be somewhat arduous to package cleanly to include with the FLA. compile the imported libraries into the FLA somehow?

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Flex :: Where Are The Libraries? Can I Clear The Cache?

Jul 15, 2009

Where are the signed, cached flex libraries on a windows / mac / linux system? They don't appear to be in my browser cache... so where is adobe keeping them? I found the files. But can I clear the cache? After trashing the files in windows, I don't see the files get downloaded again (with fiddler).

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Feb 12, 2010

Are there any custom libraries available that allow me to code/publish in CS3 using some of the features of CS4?

EDIT: I say "some", because I understand that it is obviously nearly impossible to reimplememnt CS4 in CS3.

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Effectively Load SWF Libraries

Nov 14, 2010

I am making an AS3 project in FB4. In our workflow, we have artists compile art into SWC files which the I then link as 'Referenced Libraries' in FB4. Then I set the "Link Type" of the SWC files to "external" instead of merged into code. This should create SWFs corresponding to the SWC files in the output folder, right?

This doesn't seem to be the case. I am only seeing one SWF file: the main_app's.I was trying to make it so that I can use a library manager to load the files dynamically.I tried extracting the swfs manually, but it seems the main_app still compiles all the swcs to itself. I made sure the Link Type was set to external. The file size for the main_app between "external" and "merged to code" seem to be the same.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Libraries From A Swc File?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm trying use a third-party sdk (swc file) and I can't seem to get it to work with Flash CS4. I've tried adding it to the components folder without luck. I also tried adding it to the class path in the AS3 settings panel, did not work.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FP 10 Libraries - Use The Classes That Were Added To CS4?

Feb 26, 2009

Is there any way to allow CS3 to use the classes that were added to CS4? I would love to work with the 3d stuff or the File IO stuff that come packaged with CS4 with my students, but can't upgrade the lab to CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Libraries In Multiple SWFs

Sep 21, 2006

I have a project that loads SWFs as "slides". I'm running into a problem where I have some very large SWFs that use shared resources within each other. I would prefer not to post my source (because there is a TON of it ...if you've worked with SCORM, you know), but basically, the project is setup to use a "master" SWF to load in children SWFs. Those children SWFs can be quite large due to one specific symbol in the libraries that each share. This symbol is about 5MB in size and is used in several of the "slides". I want to be able to load this symbol into memory and use it across all the slides that need it so the user doesn't have to download tons of 5+MB files.

I am able to create a movieClipLoader object and a container for the object and load the SWF that is just the symbol object I need to share. I am attempting to put it in the _global namespace for use later. When I do this though, the library seems to switch to this new loaded SWF (this shared object) and I cannot access the library objects from the parent slide. So, the slide that is using this shared symbol must load up, start to download the SWF for shared use, then it must be able to load objects from it's own library to continue on. Maybe I'm going about this all wrong, but when I have several SWFs that all use this shared symbol, and I have to compile that symbol into each SWF, it only hurts the user that has to download all these large SWFs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Third-party Libraries And Classes?

Jan 27, 2011

At the moment I'm trying to make a game using Box2D and QuickBox2D but I'm having a problem at the moment because the Player character is actually a QuickObject I don't know how to construct a class that extends that.

For instance if I was just to create the object I want in the main constructor it would be something like this:


So how would I go about this?because I'm getting loads of problems one of which is the the 'World' variable can't be accessed within the Player Class.

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Flash Load Timing With Shared Libraries?

Jun 30, 2010

I've started using Shared Libraries and this subject peaked my interest... does Flash still have load timing issues with Shared Libraries? I found a few site online that mention that your Flash project will load but if it didn't have time to load your Shared Library, it simply won't load it and you are out of luck. Is this still true with the latest version of Flash? If so, how do I preload the library to make sure it doesn't happen?

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Professional :: Importing Libraries Into FlashCS3 Project

Jun 7, 2010

I have got a little problem with ipmorting alivePDF library into my project. I`v written something like that:[code]Hovewer it doesn`t want to work. I have got those errors:1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PDF. var myPDF: PDF = new PDF( Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.A4 );1180: Call to a possibly undefined method PDF.var myPDF: PDF = new PDF( Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.A4 );

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shared Libraries - Cached BUT If Add Another Element?

Jan 22, 2011

using shared libraries at the moment for a scalable e-learning course. All the elements are to be used over multiple screens. BUT if I have to add a new element to that published shared swf - then next time I access my learning program it will have to download the WHOLE NEW shared library - is that right? ie: defeating the purpose in the first place. So if that is true then the best idea would be to use separate shared libraries. ie: sharedLibraryMusic1.swf sharedLibraryMusic2.swf for newer mp3s etc...

Or is this nonsense. ie: A new updated shared library with a "little" new element would not cause the whole swf to be downloaded again??? This is so important as it can make or break the download speeds.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Any Good User Interface Libraries

Aug 2, 2011

Do you know any good User Interface libraries for ActionScript? And I'm not interested in Flex: it's big and you can't customize anything at it except for colors and fonts which I don't care about.I am looking for a decent UI library which is good for game development: custom shaped buttons, stuff like that. More customization that Flex ever had that is.

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Actionscript 3 :: Circular Dependencies In Flex Libraries?

Sep 21, 2009

I have two Flex libraries that reference each other. Both use link type "External", and I manually load then with the Loader class.I'm getting the error "A cycle was detected in the build path of project: foo".

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