Javascript :: Find If Browser Support Flash Players By Coldfusion?

Feb 26, 2011

I want to put one audio player in my website. For that I need to know if user's browser have flash player installed. Otherwise I will use different player to play audio file(.wav).

I will be glad to know its solution by either javascript or coldfusion.

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<html xmlns="">


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$game_name = "test";
$db_table = "newhs_" . $game_name;


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return window[movieName]
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Feb 4, 2010

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Dec 15, 2010

I am working on optimizing a page that has Flash on it. I am using optimization practices like moving Javascript to the bottom to not block. Removing inline scripts. And minimizing HTTP requests with minified css and js.The majority of the pages content is in the flash, so loading it as soon as possible is the goal. Currently there is a 2 ~ 3 second delay before the flash is even rendered (using firebug profiling)

I am wondering at what point in the page load does the browser start initializing flash on the page? Is it once the DOM element containing the flash has been rendered? Is it once the complete onload event has been fired? I imagine it probably differs with each browsers as well.

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Oct 30, 2010

I'm using an embed flash player in a web page and I want to scale it to browser window.hen I put "height: 100%" in the flash parameters, I get a blank page.This is the code of the page :

target: "slideshow",
xmlFilePath: "galeries/images.php?album=1",


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Javascript :: Flash Always On Top In Android Browser Workaround?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a website with a simple Flash animation behind some text and semi-transparent images as a background. I have used swfobject to embed it and set wmode opaque to make it display correctly in most browsers.For browsers without Flash, the user gets a static background image instead and would not know they were missing anything. However, Android users get the flash background on top of everything as per the known issue with how Flash content is rendered in the Android browser making the site unusable.

I have added a crude browser sniff javascript function to the swfobject code to prevent it from loading for any user agent whith 'Mobile' in it:

<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') == -1)

The only problem I have left is for Android users browsing with 'Mobile View' turned off as the user agent pretends to be a desktop version of Safari (I think). I do not wish to disable the Flash animation for all Safari users. Is there a way of blocking it for just Andriod users - even if they have 'Mobile View' disabled?

Possible ideas include:detecting the Flash version with JavaScript or Flash. Does Android use specific versions (version numbers) of Flash which are different from the desktop equivalent? blocking the specific user agents used by Android devices with 'Mobile View' disabled.

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Javascript :: Flash - Monitor Browser Windows From The Same Domain?

Jun 23, 2009

My webpage loads a background flash which will connect to the server using socket. If a user open multiple windows/tabs of my website, the server will get multiple socket connections. Any idea of how to make sure that only one socket is connected from the same user and same browser?

I am thinking of using Javascript to monitor the window close event, if a window that was connected to the server is closed, one of the other windows will try to connect to the server. But I can't find a way to listen to that event.I was thinking of Flash's LocalConnection too, but can't find a way to assign unique connection names and let other Flashes know.

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Object From The Browser Without Flickering?

Jul 10, 2011

I was wondering how to achieve the native scrollbar effect which TheFWA ( has managed to do pretty well (I am not a fan of Flex scrollbars).and implemented the technique, as I am calling a JS function through ExternalInterface every time, when the flash object changes size. This JS function simply resizes the div which holds the flash object, which creates the native bars.Unfortunately, when I resize quite rapidly (from 800 to 1800 height, for instance) the flash object simply gets warped for several milliseconds (as if it hasn't changed its size, but simply got pulled in all directions). After these milliseconds, things get back to normal, but the whole situation is really visually annoying.

Originally I thought that it's simply a timing issue, but after a bunch of attempts to set a delay, the effect was the same ... just delayed.How can I resolve that? I know it's technically possible. Just take a look at TheFWA, and see how smoothly flash and the browser are communicating with each other to make the native scroll bars work, without any flickering, or mismeasurement

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Javascript :: Playing WAV / MP3 / MP4 And SWF Formats Using Flash Player In Web Browser?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to play WAV, MP3, MP4 and SWF files using Flash Player plug-in in Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. Please give some suggestions on this.Is there any way to play this formats using JavaScript and HTML??I tried with and tag also but, Chrome, Firefox and Safari is required Quick Time Player to play this formats. I need to use only Flash Player.

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Javascript :: Detect If Mobile Browser Can Install Flash?

Feb 15, 2012

I've run across several websites, including mine, that prompt users to download Flash even though their browser cannot install it. I want to avoid this confusing messaging by detecting whether a mobile browser can install Flash, not whether it has Flash.

Some known mobile browsers that can't install Flash are:

iOS Safari
Android Chrome beta
Android Firefox

Instead of building an ever-changing list of Flash installability, I would like to detect this in a general way in Javascript.

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Div To Full Browser Height And Width?

Dec 22, 2009

i have a page with swf flash flash with width 300x250

<div id="flashswf"> ...some flash </div>
<div id="maxme">full screen</div>

i have a link called full screen and i need to maximize the flashswf div to fit the current browser maximum height and width

is this possible using jquery?

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Javascript :: Make A Flash Swf Object Occupy Browser Completely?

Feb 15, 2010

i have a swf file of width 1000 and height 700. i want to show the swf file in full screen of the browser it self (not like videos plying full screen). i tried like the following

1) get user screen width and height using java script using the functions available (screen.availHeight and screen.availWidth) the screen size is available by using the functions but not applying to the flash object

2) tried giving 100% for both height and width in object code that also not working

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Javascript :: Flash - Scrollbar Based On Browser Window Size?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a Flash file embedded into HTML - the objects inside are place based on the browser's screen size.Most of the time I don't want a scroll bar, as things are correctly placed, but once the browser window gets too small it'd be nice to have it.So, the main question: can I have a Javascript code listening for the browser window, then adding a scroll bar if it's smaller than a certain number?

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Javascript :: Test Whether A Mobile Browser Supports Flash Using Web Technology?

Jul 26, 2010

I know most mobile browsers don't support javascript,

how can I check this?

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