Actionscript 3 :: Rotating Image With MOUSE_MOVE?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a disc I am rotating with the mouse with event.MOUSE_MOVE, like a jog wheel on some audio equipment. Everything almost works as expected, but the problem I am experiencing is that the disc always jumps to the point where the user clicks on the disc. I need the point on the disc that the user clicks on to remain under the mouse while the user spins the disc but I can't seem to come up with the correct math to make it happen. Here's the code i am using:

var xd = (_knob.x - _stageRef.stage.mouseX);
var yd = (_knob.y - _stageRef.stage.mouseY);
var radAngle = Math.atan2(yd, xd);
_knob.rotation = int(radAngle * 360/(Math.PI * 2) - 90);

_knob is a vector circle wrapped in a movieclip, with the circle centered on the movieclip's reg point. _stageRef represents the main stage.

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Rotating Image Distortion?

Jul 16, 2011

Background info: I am using ActionScript 2.0 and Flash CS5I was working on a game and I used photoshop to save a little gif image. I imported it into flash, "broke it apart", turned it into a movie clip, and put this bit of code on it. It rotates the image when the mouse is moved around it.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// find x and y differences


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Actionscript 3 :: Rotating Text Around A Fix Image?

Dec 30, 2011

I found this code online and he achieved a particular movement I want to use. Unfortunately, he's using numerical values instead of text. I followed all of his instructions, but I tried to replace the Vector with an array, and received an error. The error I have been receiving is "1199:type parameters with a non-parameterized type." That's because I added an array value instead of an vector, which this guy has done. What he has in his tutorial is correct with numerical values. Also he created a .as class called Here is the AS code that is in the main timeline in a new layer called actions of my .fla file called rotate.fla:

//Save the center coordinates of the stage
var centerX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
var centerY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating An Image Continuously?

Sep 6, 2011

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But i do not know how exactly do this. I dont even know much about actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Image Loaded With CameraRoll?

Oct 3, 2011

how to rotate an image loaded using CameraRoll on an AIR for iOS app. This code below works fine (displayImage() is called when CameraRolls media event returns completed, and imageArea is the scrollPane where the image is shown.
function displayImage():void
var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);

With the second version the image seems to load because the scroll bars expand to the size of the image I choose, but I don't see anything on the stage.

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Actionscript 3 :: Rotating An Image, By 90 Degrees, That Was Loaded From Url?

Nov 10, 2010

I got an error saying "Attempted access of inaccessible method rotation through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.ssd.rotation(90)}" I just want to know how to rotate my image by 90degrees when I double click on it.

var shootingstar:Loader = new Loader();
shootingstar.load(new URLRequest(""));
shootingstar.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadingComplete);
var ssd:Sprite = new Sprite();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery Rotating In 3D Space?

Apr 9, 2004

I am designing an image gallery to show project screenshots for a portfolio. The horizontally scrolling screenshots technique is nice, but I want to do something similar in 3D space.

When the user clicks on the screenshot buttons for the selected project, I want the appropriate image to rotate around an imaginary center, increase in scale, and fade in to full opacity.

At the same time, the other images need to rotate around the same center point and scale down while the alpha decreases. The Screenshot furthest away from the viewer would have the smallest size and lowest alpha setting. Here's a couple things that might throw a wrench into the works. I need to keep all the images facing forward (instead of rotating as if they were on a cyllinder). Also, not all of my projects have the same number of screenshots. Can I do all this with actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating A Dynamically-loaded Image?

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how to rotate about the center an image loaded dynamically through AS? I've already asked this question, no one answered, I searched, searched some more, looked through my fairly voluminous collection of example flas and have come up with nothing.The following code does rotate a mc about its center, but only (apparently) if the mc contains something when the swf loads.

this.rotation_speed = 2;
function origin(){[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery Rotating In 3D Space

Apr 9, 2004

I am designing an image gallery to show project screenshots for a portfolio.The horizontally scrolling screenshots technique is nice, but I want to do something similar in 3D space.When the user clicks on the screenshot buttons for the selected project, I want the appropriate image to rotate around an imaginary center, increase in scale, and fade in to full opacity.At the same time, the other images need to rotate around the same center point and scale down while the alpha decreases. The Screenshot furthest away from the viewer would have the smallest size and lowest alpha setting. Here's a couple things that might throw a wrench into the works. I need to keep all the images facing forward (instead of rotating as if they were on a cyllinder). Also, not all of my projects have the same number of screenshots. Can I do all this with actionscript?

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Jun 8, 2011

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public class Turret extends MovieClip{
private var _root:MovieClip;
private var mortarBase:Class;
private var mbase:Bitmap = new mortarBase();
[Code] .....

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As3 :: Flash - Rotating Image And Then Moving X And Y Relative To Center?

Feb 21, 2011

I am in the midst of finishing up a design application where you can upload images and colors. I use the greensock transform manager. I am taking anything a user does and recording it so I can recreate what they made on larger scale behind the scenes (to be exported for printing purposes)

The problem I am running into is with rotation and moving x and y values. The transform manager does everything relative to a center point, but when i recreate the image object the registration point is at the top left. I have found how to rotate around the center of the object using the transform matrix, but I can't seem to move the x and y correctly because these values change when you rotate. I want to just move the image to the left or right relative to the center. How could I go about doing this.

Here is how I rotate.

private function rotateAroundCenter (ob:*, angleDegrees:Number, ptRotationPoint:Point) {
var m:Matrix=ob.transform.matrix;
m.tx -= ptRotationPoint.x;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Quality Suffers When Rotating Images

Dec 14, 2010

I am having a quality issue when rotating images dynamically loaded into movieclips. I am not resizing them. I am only rotating them. I have tried applying smoothing to the bitmaps, but that has not helped.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Image Gallery At Intervals, With Pause On Hover

May 16, 2010

It seems that after sometime working on this i have been able to come up with something which works the way i want it too, however there's this small problem. When i hover really fast over my buttons, it feels like flash just has a meltdown and stops running the function i have inside my button onRollOut.

So i got 5 frames with names "marine", "architectural", etc

In the first frame "marine" there is the following code (i've only included 1 of the buttons, but there another 4 with identical code where appropriate):

//enter current[] and goto[]
//current[marine][2] -> next[architectural][3]


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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Rotating Cube - Creating Array Of Image Links

Jan 12, 2011

I have the 3D rotating cube. Each panel of the cube is an image pulled in through actionscript. When you click on one of the panels, the cube straightens itself to show only the face you've clicked on. This is all great. However, I want to be able to click on that face again and have it link to a URL. This is where I get lost.

I feel like I'm ALMOST there - I've gotten it to work so that I can click the panel and it links to a URL, but right now every panel links to the same link. I haven't figured out how to make each panel link to its own separate URL. Here is the portion of code in my .FLA where I've added the linking action:

setupFaceAction = function (cube) {
for (var i = 0; i<cube.faceArray.length; i++) {
var face = cube.faceArray[i];
face.onPress = function() {
if (!cube.fading) {
[Code] .....

This is the line I added to make it link when you click the panel after it's facing forward:
cube.getURL("[URL]", "_self");}

So I assume I need to set up some sort of array so I can have multiple links that correlate with the appropriate image. To make it clearer, I've attached all of my files, so you can see all the code. You'll find actionscript in the .FLA and two external actionscript files. I think "" may be where I need to do the work.

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Image Gallery At Interval, With Pause On Hover

May 16, 2010

EDIT: It seems that after sometime working on this i have been able to come up with something which works the way i want it too, however there's this small problem. When i hover really fast over my buttons, it feels like flash just has a meltdown and stops running the function i have inside my button onRollOut.

So i got 5 frames with names "marine", "architectural", etc

In the first frame "marine" there is the following code (i've only included 1 of the buttons, but there another 4 with identical code where appropriate):

//enter current[] and goto[]
//current[marine][2] -> next[architectural][3]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint & Mouse_move?

May 19, 2009

I have been using hitTestPoint so far with mouse_move listener, which means if the mouse was stationary over target area when that listener was added the desired action wont happen until mouse moves.

Basically I have this window in the middle of the stage where loader loads pictures and when picture loads if the mouse moves over that window some other stuff appears.The listener is added after each picture is added and if the mouse was stationary above the loader when that happened it doesnt trigger hitTestPoint (until mouse moves).

I have seen somewhere this same effect, but it worked even if the mouse was stationary above the image when image appeared.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Easing To MOUSE_MOVE?

Nov 5, 2010

I've got a png sequence of a 3d object rotating on my timeline. My as3 find the mouse.x and uses math to choose which frame in the sequence to move to. I need to be add easing to the movement.

AS3 in use:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,findF rame);
function findFrame(event:Event):void{
var frame:int = Math.floor((stage.mouseX/stage.stageWidth) * 31);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opposite Of A Mouse_Move Event?

Feb 7, 2010

I need to dispatch an event object when user stops moving mouse cursor. In poor words, i need the exatly opposite of a Mouse_Move event. Is there any solution or I need to create a event with EventDispatcher class?

View 5 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Mouseevent - Mouse_Move Only While Mouse_Down?

May 26, 2010

i'm attempting to implement a mouse event where Mouse_Move can only occur if Mouse_Down. i could introduce a boolean that would toggle during Mouse_Down and Mouse_Up that could work, but is there a better way, perhaps a more official way, of doing this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Verticle Mouse_move Scrolling?

Sep 15, 2011

why it scrolls down fine but when it scrolls up the first line of text falls to the middle of the pageContainer?the height of the pageContainer is 440 pixels.I cant get it to stop at the top of the pageContainer.It just keeps going up (into blank space)and the text keeps moving. Heres the code:

pageContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MO VE, scrollPage);
function scrollPage(event:MouseEvent):void
{, 0.5, { y:-(mouseY/440)*pageContainer.height+stage.stageHeight/2});

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Small Flash Game, Which Is Rotating Rings In An Image To Create A Coherent Picture?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm making a small Flash game, which is rotating rings in an image to create a coherent picture. Think of the puzzles in Assassins Creed.I have three scenes set up, one with the puzzle, one with a fade to white transition, and one with a congratulatory screen.
I have this code to check if the orientation of the rings match, but I'm really new to actionscript so I'm not sure if it's right or not.
function orientationCheck()
if (center.orientation == 0 && ring1.orientation == 0 && ring2.orientation == 0 && ring3.orientation == 0 && ring4.orientation == 0)

Unfortunately it keeps playing through the movie and not giving the player time to solve the puzzle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE & CtrlKey Does Not Work?

Nov 6, 2009

I create an application that will work when users move the mouse and concurrently press the Ctrl key. But, it does not work if I did not first click on screen (application run on browser).


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Actionscript 3 :: GetTimer Results Between MOUSE_MOVE Events

Jun 27, 2010

I'm programatically dragging the play head back and forth along a timeline based on a mouse event listener. The faster the mouse drags the faster the playhead rips through the frames (it's linearly proportional). I'm also firing a starter=getTimer(); event at the inital mouse_move Event trigger (and only on the initial event) and then firing a ender=getTimer() at the end of the code that calculates the new playhead position, but only if the calculation has resulted in the playhead being told to move at least one frame (the mouse can move a few pixels before playhead will move one frame). In essence it's giving me a frame per second rate.

If I look a the delta of the two timers I rarely get anything but 0. Occasionally I'll get a 1 but not very often. There are a good few dozen heavy lines of code that need to be worked out between the initial mouse_move and the decision to move the play head, and this has to be done for a number of mouse position changes before the playhead will move at all and the second getTimer call is triggered. Does the mouseEvent trigger every ms or does it trigger at the frame rate (enterframe rate) of the doc. If so the smallest delta I should see is 31ms.

This runs as an app in the standalone swf player (10.1) and never in a browser.
Are my results indicative of this? Can the compiler really run this fast? How does one do very small timing tests that appear to be beyond the millisecond clock granularity?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSE_MOVE Dispatched When Clicking Outside Of Flash?

May 21, 2010

My code seems to be hearing a MOUSE_MOVE event when you click outside of the Flash stage (anywhere else on the page).

I have one listener for MOUSE_LEAVE (stage), which hides some overlay controls after a 500ms interval, and another (MOUSE_MOVE) to show them again when you move back over the stage. Yet the controls show again when I click anywhere outside of the stage.

I suppose I could add a Boolean for whether the mouse is over or outside of the stage (since I'm tracking that anyway), and *not* show the controls if its outside, but is there something else I'm overlooking?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Difference Between EnterFrame And MOUSE_MOVE?

Jun 23, 2011

what is meant by EnterFrame and it's use and how to declare it? And also the difference between EnterFrame and MOUSE_MOVE?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu With Non-Rotating Labels?

Nov 1, 2005

I have a rotating menu that sets the selected button to the 3:00 position once clicked. I need the labels for the buttons to stay in the upright position as they rotate with the button. I have attached an image. Anyone know of an action script that would keep the labels upright?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSE_MOVE Events Not Being Dispatched From Loaded Module?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a module, which is a simple swf file to load.

Inside there, in a modules document class I have a code like:

ActionScript Code:
buttonMode = true;
useHandCursor = true;


When I load the module, I can see the drawn background with proper sizes. However, the cursor is not hand (useHandCursor) and mouse events are not dispatched. They are only dispatched on some children of the document class, not on itself, on its own background. ANd the hand cursor is only over the children, not over the document class' background itself again.

The document class of the module extends Sprite.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping ROLL_OVER For MOUSE_OVER And Mouse_move But All With No Results?

Jun 10, 2009

I'm getting a flickering issue with my tool tip hovers. I've tried writing the code in 2 different ways and I'm still getting the same thingEach way seems to work fine if there's only one object, but when there are more than one and you start moving the mouse between the 2 this really annoying flickering keeps occurring? My file needs to have several objects which all overlap. I've tried altering the hit areas so that they don't actually touch - but no effect.

I've also tried swapping ROLL_OVER for MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_MOVE but all with no results.

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Don't MOUSE_MOVE Events Get Sent When The Middle Mouse Button Is Pressed

Mar 8, 2012

I'm listening for MOUSE_MOVE events.They are sent and received just fine unless the middle mouse button is held down. I don't get any more MOUSE_MOVE events until the middle button is released.Is this an issue with Flash, or something to do with my specific ouse/computer configuration (bluetooth Mighty Mouse on Lion)?Are there any known workarounds?Here is a sample project to demonstrate the problem.Left click and drag traces mouse move events, but middle click only shows middle mouse down and middle mouse up.

this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN, onMiddleMouseDown);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: MouseEvent.Mouse_Move Event Not Working Assigned In The Top Of The First Line

Oct 21, 2010

Trying to use the MouseEvent.Mouse_Move event. Simply, there's one 300 x 20 line which the event is assigned and another line (100x20) is top of the first line. But if mouse moves over the second line, the event is not working... The same event could be assigned on the second line but it seems a bit waste and I'm sure there must be a way to trigger the event through the other object.

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