Actionscript 3 :: Use Embed Fonts With Arabic Text But It Doesn't Work?

Jan 13, 2012

I am using as3 and trying to use embed fonts with Arabic text but it doesn't work So is there a way that I can access from .tff file the shape of the character or make it works using embed fonts. As using system fonts works but at same time its bad as on some machines it is reverted so I want to use embed font

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Embed Fonts With Arabic Text Doesn't Work

Jan 13, 2012

I am using as3 and trying to use embed fonts with Arabic text but it doesn't work So is there a way that I can access from .tff file the shape of the character or make it works using embed fonts As using system fonts works but at same time its bad as on some machines it is reverted so I want to use embed font

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make Embed Fonts Work For Dynamic Text Fields

Mar 5, 2010

I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens,

This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working,

function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;
if (usados.length <= max - min)


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CS4 Share Fonts Doesn't Appear To Work

May 11, 2009

I've followed the documentation (I think) but it doesn't seem to work. I have a root document which loads a bunch of swfs created off a 'template' that uses two fonts. Rather than embed the fonts on each swf I though I'd embed them in the calling document and share them. The documentation explains to export them for sharing and give give them an identifier string and a URL. AS3 however doesn't permit the identifier string so I assume this is supposed to work with the class name.

As for the URL I'm giving it the name of the compiled root document (home.swf). I then copied the fonts from the calling document's library to the library of one of the called documents. I then told the pasted font symbol properties to import for runtime sharing and added home.swf to the URL field. The swfs are all in the same directory but when I compile the home.fla and call the swf there is no text visible. No errors show up.

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CS3 Embedding Fonts Doesn't Work On Non-coded TextFields?

Apr 19, 2010

I've got a couple of TextField initialized in code (as3). They use my embedded font (aharoni), and that just works. But the fonts that i've written directly into the movieclips in flash cs3, just don't work.

When i play the swf on another computer that doesn't have aharoni, the coded TextFields are aharoni, but the textFields in the movieclips that i've written directly are Times new Roman, because that computer doesn't have Aharoni.
I've set the text font to my embedded font.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RotationY On Textfield With Embedded Fonts Doesn't Work

Jan 18, 2010

i have a text field that I create in flash, when rotate it on the y axis with actionscript, I encounter problems, the text gets bigger and doesn't fit inside the text field, when i don't embed the fonts or use device fonts, it works fine, but I need the text to be consistent across all user computers, any ideas, i'm using cs4 and as3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Fonts For Every Text Field?

Mar 11, 2009

In AS3 I have a couple of dynamic text fields for displaying scores in a game.

If I embed numerals in one of the text fields, will the other be able to use the numerals and display correctly? Should I embed them separately for each text field? In every key frame?

Is there a way to test this myself easily? Obviously my system has all my fonts so I can't tell if they're absent from the .swf.

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Professional :: Dynamic Text - Embed Multiple Fonts?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a couple questions about dynamic text fields. Is it possible to embed multiple fonts? Are color and font size dynamic? Is there a way to make scalable text? Is there a way to make a the contents of a dynamic text field a link to whatever URL might be typed into it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Multiple Fonts For Html Text?

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to embed multiple fonts into my input textfield for my html document to display different fonts. How do I do this?

My html <font style="Arno Pro" color="#99CC00" size="+3">TITLE</font><br />


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Embed Fonts Of All Dynamic Text Objects In A Flash File?

Jun 3, 2009

I have created a Flash file which will act as our company's standard presentation / portfolio of all previous projects.  I've pretty much got it running the way I want, but I've just tried it on a few different computers and realised that the fonts aren't embedded.  I've used our corporate font so it needs to look right.  Having read the following documentation [URL] I now understand how to embed fonts for one dynamic text object at a time.  However, I have a lot of different dynamic text objects in the file and I would dearly love to embed them all in one step!  The same embedding options can be applied to just about all objects, as they're all the same size and font.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Text / Embed Fonts Line-breaks Ignored?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm having a problem with my imported HTML text - basically when I switch on 'Embed fonts' for a text field, Flash will only ever render one line break, regardless of how many </p> <br /> or whatever other type of line-breaking tag you can imagine are present.What this means is that all my paragraphs are squashed up into one, with no double line-break after the closing </p> tag, as you'd expect.I've used html text with css before and normally experience the opposite problem, whereby whitespace linebreaks in the imported text are rendered, but this problem is a new one on me.

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Flash Fonts - Text Fields' Fonts Replace To Default Fonts.some Text Gone Down

Feb 25, 2010

my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone its confused to me.i used Myridpro it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]

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Embed Accented Latin Fonts (like French) Into A Dynamic Text Field In Flash CS5 Called From A .txt File?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been using Flash for a few years now and I've recently (5 months+) started using CS5 package.My query is how do I successfully embed accented latin characters into a "classic" dynamic text field in my compiled Flash movie that are called from an external text file. I've searched the various forums online and all the methods demonstrated have not worked.

What I've done so far is to to select my dynamic text field, click on "Embed" within the PROPERTIES area, choose the font and the weight, then add any of the foreign characters and/or glyphs to the "Also include these characters:" area then finish up and compile. When I run my SWF file, the glyphs and accented fonts are missing but all the other typical Latin characters show up.

I tried this same method in CS4 (because we have an old Mac in the office too), and almost the same thing happened except instead of completely missing out the glyphs and fonts, it showed a box (almost like an image placeholder) instead.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed The Fonts Using The Embed... Button In The Flash IDE ?

Jan 30, 2007

I am using the following line before my class declaration .

[Embed(source="C:WINDOWSFontsVERDANA.TTF", fontName="VERDANA", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype", flashType = true)]

But there is no change in the appearance of the Text whatsoever.. I need the text to be crisp and clear.Just like the way it looks when we embed the fonts using the Embed... Button in the Flash IDE.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Input Text Doesn't Show Up

Dec 14, 2007

I'm working on a flash file that is a video clip and beneath the video, there's an input text field where a user can get the code to embed the video in their page (youtube code). The problem is that when I have plain text in the text field it works, but when I try to use html code, I get an actionscript error and it doesn't show up. This is my actionscript (leaving out the full url):


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Html :: Html - Video Embed Code Doesn't Work In Internet Explorer 8

May 12, 2010

Following embed code is from [URL] but it doesn't work in Internet Explorer 8. Firefox no problems. Any recommendations for improvements?


UPDATE 2010-05-14: If I'm not mistaken uses Flowplayer and all those flasvars are for that. Perhaps someone here is good with Flowplayer? I've never used it myself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Text Box And Assign Text To Its Variable That Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2011

I've seen similar threads but couldn't find one with the exact same issue. I've a PDF / Word document with arabic copy when I try pasting that text in flash all the joined letters start appearing as individual letters.I've tried the dynamic text box solution in which you create a dynamic text box and assign the text to its variable that doesn't work. But strangely when you write arabic in dynamic text box (with out assigning the text to the variable) and double click to select the text box and its content the text starts appearing fine .. but when published its again all individual letter.

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CS3 Input Text Doesn't Work?

Jun 2, 2011

on my website I have a contact form where you should be able to type into an input text box. For some reason, my website won't allow me to click and edit the input text box. Could the problem be that it is within a movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Fonts Using The Embed Button In "Properties"?

Apr 8, 2009

Is there any solution to dynamic fonts yet. I have tried to write classes and followed so much stuff on various blogs but none of them is working. For example, i'm using a font(which is not installed in most machines) say "abc" on my Input and other TextFields/Combos/Radio etc. Now no matter whatever i do, it uses some default font instead of "abc" if accessed from a PC in which this font isn't installed.

One (bad)solution is to embed fonts using the Embed button in "Properties" FOR EACH TEXT FIELd seperately and increase the file size? Still this way wouldn't work for Combos and radio Btns.

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Android :: Text Input Shows Blocks Instead Of Arabic Text In Flex Mobile Project?

Jun 8, 2011

In Flex Mobile Project, Text Input shows blocks instead of showing arabic text. Labels are working fine with Arabic.

Is there any way to show Arabic text inside text input?

My code sample is

/* Import all the easing classes so its


Since, it is for flex mobile project, when I input any text in arabic, it shows separate characters. Arabic is a language that doesn't have separate characters. It should combine letters to form specific word.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Box Doesn't Work Within Movieclip

Jun 25, 2011

I made a contact form in my flash website, but for some reason, you can't type in the input text boxes I made. I already have embedded the text, so that isn't the problem. I think maybe it's related to the code I have, or maybe I need a code to target the text box. One more key detail: The text box is within a movieclip. If I don't put it in the movieclip, it works fine, but I need it inside of the movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Points Or Score Text Box Doesn't Work?

Aug 10, 2011

I set up the point scorer like I have in other games and it doesn't move for some reason. I trace the score and it is perfect so it's my code trying to get the this.score.score_txt.text = String(this.pointsI); to record that fails


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Text Field Doesn't Work?

Mar 29, 2012


This doesn't work?? I've been trying out many ways for like an hour

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text.caption = +1 On Enterframe Doesn't Work

Dec 17, 2006

I have a dynamic text on my scene. this text is inside a MC. inside my text MC i have add an action script layer with this code.


but, it doesnt work of course i would like when i launch my project, on enterframe, the caption of my text = +1. i am really lost !!

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IDE :: Using The Bold Tag Within HTML Embedded Text Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2008

just downloaded the flash cs4 trail, very nice some of the irritating IDE bugs are gone that i had on my mac, and didn't had on windows. but enough of that

The first project i checked out, a bug jumps up.when you create a texfield on stage, make it html text. set it to verdana or arial regular, emded the basic symbols.give the textfield a name and try to make some bold text using actionscript.

my_textfield.htmlText = "regular text, <b>bold text</b>"

preview it and every thing stays regular.the only way to get right is to embed the font styles in your library. but for some of the more special symbols, that's not good enough.that's the only reason i re-installed flash cs3, after thinking maybe that was the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Fonts Don't Work... But Arial And Verdana Work?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to defeat my psychological block with dynamically loaded fonts in AS3, and I have an annoying problem. I am creating a clock with a textfield and I am loading fonts from a SWF library: the available classes/linkages are "Arial", "ArialBold", "MyriadPro", "MyriadProBold" and "Verdana".This is the line where I get the class from the SWF, and it extracts the class correctly

clock = new Clock( { fontClass: assetsLoader.getFontClass("skin", "Arial") } );
The constructor...


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Simple Text Fade Movie Clip Doesn't Work

Aug 1, 2009

I have a simple text fade movie clip that will "play" but won't work when I "Test Movie." What am I missing? I don't regularly use Flash as of yet, and have been successful before, but this is ridiculous - and I know I'm probably missing something very simple.

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Apr 12, 2005

I have a MC with a text form with several input and combo boxes (flash <=> php) it as a scroll and it works fine, except when I put the MC under a mask. It still scroll's but nothing shows inside the input boxes when I type on it. Is this "normal" procedure for flash or It's a bug of some kind?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX, Text Scroller Doesn't Work When Loaded Into A Movie?

Apr 1, 2003

This scroller doesn't seem to work once i load it as an SWF, is there any reason why, if so, how can i fix it?

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