Animation - Flash: Talking Animated Characters?
Jan 1, 2011
can download animated talking characters for flash? I like to create a presentation which has an animated character similar to this -I was able to find (google) several tutorials for creating animated characters, but I'm not really good at drawing avatars, so now I'm looking to download one (a .fla file)
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Oct 27, 2011
I'm creating an animated background/flash animation, in short I have several tweened pieces all moving/swinging around and I want them all to loop at the end of their individual loops. Each piece is on its own layer) I have been using gotoAndPlay(2); (I'm using a preloader so frame 2 is the start). The problem is (If I'm correct here) is the first layer to reach the end runs the "go to and play" resetting everything!. I want each layer to act independantly. Is there a different version of gotoAndPlay(2); that will work or am I looking at things like nested animations/importing individual fla's ect (all of which goes over my head).
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Jun 14, 2011
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Mar 29, 2011
[URL]..the animated glowing effect on the buttons. One, I can't get any mouse events to respond in the skin. I can't seem to find others with this problem. In the below code, startAnimation is never getting called when a mouse over occurs, but the event is apparently getting registered. To test this code, simply add skinClass="ButtonSkin" to a button declaration in your main application, the code below being the ButtonSkin.mxml file.
EDIT I found out why mouse events weren't firing. The button apparently has mouseChildren false by default, which specifically prevents events from firing lower than itself. Using parent.mouseChildren = true; in the constructor fixes this issue. On to the next part of the question: continuous animation.
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var _side = new Side();
var _main = new Main();
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ActionScript Code:
class Main {
public function Main(){
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//////////// as2 oldSchool ////////////
function loadPlayer() {
trace("myScene: "+this.myScene)
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ActionScript Code:
var c1:Class1 = new Class1();
var c2:Class2 = new Class2();
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I have a sort of "go back" button in during development, and if I go back to the top level buttons and click any one of them, it works as it should. There is nothing undefined, with the possible exception of a variable or two I've declared and not yet used. Is it something in the way I'm telling the child to talk to its parent? My code is rather lengthy, but I will post if need be - just hoping it might be something I'm missing in this call to the parent.
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Sep 21, 2009
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Sep 27, 2004
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on (release) {
if (_root._root._root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root._root._root.currMovie = "personalData";
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Jan 20, 2012
Am I completely hallucinating or what ? That's several years I'm working with Flash, and today, i want to do the simplest animation ever, and it just doesn't work....I want to mask an animated clip with an animated mask (a shape animation), but every time the mask arrives at a keyframe, the clip restarts to the frame 1 !!I added a piece of code to see at which keyframe it is blocked, and at every mask keyframe, the code says 'TypeError: Error #1009: null property..
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Aug 17, 2009
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Aug 23, 2010
1) Each field in the form only allows 3 characters and no special characters such as @ _ ! . , etc... 2) When the user goes to the next field in the form, the previous field appears blank but the when clicking on that again, the original text appears. 3) When submitting the form, it just keeps saying "in progress" and never shows the confirmation text nor does the email get sent. There is an HTML file included with this form but I am not sure if I need to put that in as I have embedded this form into an SWF file so I don't think I need that code but let me know if I am wrong about this. I am posting both the AS code and PHP code below..
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May 30, 2010
My problem is that all my accentuated characters are displayed as weird iso characters. Example :© is displayed %E9 I send a string to my php file :
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Jan 15, 2011
Im using an animated movieclip to create a pulldown menu..the thing is that I want to anymate the buttons inside the pulldown as I therefore used a similar movieclip inside the pulldown menu to make this animation
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Jan 5, 2011
I have seen that some websites offer talking characters (very human looking avatars), but I do not want to pay HUGE money for those. So I started thinking about some of the cartoons I used to watch and if there was a talking computer, their way of visually portraying speech was with an equalizer.
For the "robot", I would just have 2 dots for the eyes, a nose, and a "mouth", but this mouth would really be an equalizer, and I could animate that with flash so that when there is loud sound, the mouth would open wider than it would for a soft sound ( if you watch an equalizer, the bars go way up and turn red when the music is loud, and remain low and green when sound is soft )
The only web technology that I imagine could do such a thing is flash, but I know very very little flash. I have been searching and searching and searching and all of the equalizer tutorials I have found are just bars with random movements that do not sync with the audio.
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Aug 13, 2009
I made an animation in Flash which I want to embed in Flex using SWFloader.
I've imported the tweener class (caurina.transitions.*) to tween a rotation. The animation runs perfectly in Flash.
However, when I embed the animation in Flex, the tweening is gone.
Do I need to import the tweener class in Flex?
I use Flash Player 10 (latest version), Flash CS4 Professional version 10.0.02, IE8 and Flex Builder 3.
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Jan 15, 2012
I have a certain set of motion twains that I've successfuly completed, they constantly loop right now (default), and is saved in the SWF file.I'd like to take that finished looping animation, and insert it within another animation (a) that can be played with a play button, and stopped/resetted with a stop button.How do I insert the completed looping animation into the main animation? And is there something special I have to do in the actionscript of the start and stop buttons so that the "inner" looping animation will start and stop with the "outer" main animation?
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Jun 19, 2004
I have a movieclip that shows an animation onRollOver and an animation on RollOut but onRelease the animation enlarge itselfs but now when I'll roll out when the animation isn't open (so i didn't release) the animation plays the animation for the minimizing of the animation. Here's my code (I know its a bit amateuristic but I'm not a programmer )
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