Animation - Difficulty Creating Animated Skin In Flex 4?
Mar 29, 2011
[URL]..the animated glowing effect on the buttons. One, I can't get any mouse events to respond in the skin. I can't seem to find others with this problem. In the below code, startAnimation is never getting called when a mouse over occurs, but the event is apparently getting registered. To test this code, simply add skinClass="ButtonSkin" to a button declaration in your main application, the code below being the ButtonSkin.mxml file.
EDIT I found out why mouse events weren't firing. The button apparently has mouseChildren false by default, which specifically prevents events from firing lower than itself. Using parent.mouseChildren = true; in the constructor fixes this issue. On to the next part of the question: continuous animation.
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Jan 24, 2012
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Jun 10, 2011
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In other works - when video isn't playing: skin showing; when video is playing: skin hide.
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Feb 26, 2011
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Jul 25, 2011
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