Arrays :: Flash - Define An Array Of Nested Movieclips?
Nov 29, 2011
I have 2 movieclips(mc1, mc2) nested inside a movieclip(container) who is nested inside another movieclip(main).
(mc1 & mc2 -> container -> main)
How can I define an array for those 2 movieclips(mc1 mc2) so that it can be used in the main timeline?
E.g: if the 2 movieclips were on stage then var theArray:Array = [mc1, mc2]
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I know it's possible (and the answer must be under my nose) but I am at a loss as to how to accomplish this:I have 5 movie clips on the stage, and their instance names are in one array. I then have an array with hexidecimals that I want to assign the colors to the movie clip. So, in essence clipArray[0] would obtain hueArray[0] and so on and so forth. Here is the small code snippet I am working with.
var clipArray:Array = [one_mc, two_mc, three_mc, four_mc, five_mc];
var hueArray:Array = ["0xd50000","0xff9000","0xfcff00","0x00c91c","0x005 0d5"];
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Jun 19, 2006
i'm have a MC that is a nav bar with nested buttons. The buttons themselves are calling on a dynamic text field on my main timeline but I'm unable to have any code from the nested buttons to WORK. I'll include my FLA so you can see what i'm trying to do. I
in jist.have a MC that is a nav bar. It houses buttons. The buttons inside the MC do not respond to code ony the _root timeline or code defined specifically to them. What I am trying to achieve is the nested buttons calling on my dynamic text field and loading outside .txt files.I manipulate the buttons on the main timeline and get the effects i'm looking for but not inside of the MC.
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Dec 12, 2011
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var arr:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4) // arr[0] = 1
// but
var arr:Array = new Array(1) // arr[0] = undefined
So, is their any AS3.0 way of defining array with single element ?
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Sep 9, 2011
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for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) if (this.getChildAt(i) is MovieClip)
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Dec 12, 2011
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var assetName:String = "example_mc";
However when I want to access nested movie clips I am unsuccessful, I have tried:
var assetName:String = "example_mc";
var assetName2:String = "example2_mc";
and I have tried:
In addition I tried variants of the square brackets and "getChildByName" but still no success.All moviclips are instantiated in frame 1 of the Flash files?
Edit :I forgot to tweak my error handling so an error would be shown, plus all my tests where not showing text, late afternoon on a Mon is not my brightest hour! ;) I worked it out in the end, the solution was either (as above):
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PHP Code:
var lastX = rightArrow.x - (thumbWidth + 10);
where rightArrow is actually filmstrip.filmnav.rightArrow. I get the correct answer - but when I add the thumbnail to the movieclip filmstrip.panelscontainer.thumbcontainer, it's actually on top of the rightArrow. Clicking on both of them to see where Flash thinks the X is will show that Flash this the X of the thumbnail is at 607 and flash thinks the X of the thumbnail is 731, which is as it should be -- so why is the thumbnail so far to the right?The first thumbnail should always be x=10 and that is working fine and I'm currently not trying to layout the other thumbnails because they were all screwed up with a similar problem.
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<item image="Mike.jpg" name="Mike" state = "New York">
<complex fid = "0"> ju675</complex>
<complex fid = "1"> kyu49</complex>
[Code] .....
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Oct 21, 2010
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Feb 16, 2011
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circle 0
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Aug 9, 2010
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In AS3 the county movieclips (which are on the lowest layer within the main map movieclip) are obscured by other movieclips on higher layers and do not respond to Roll Overs etc. When I move the county movieclips to the highest layer within the main map movieclip, they work just fine. Of course then they obscure all the map details such as roads, labels, etc. Is there some setting to allow movieclips to be read through other movieclips that are physically above them within a main movieclip.
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May 12, 2011
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<address_line1>My street</address_line1>
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Apr 28, 2010
I'm sure this must have come up before but how do you generate nested arrays in as3? In AS2 I believe you could simply write arrayX[a][b][c] = d; but in AS3 you need to declare each nested array e.g.
This doesn't throw any errors but when used in a function, any subsequent values overwrite the existing arrays. e.g. with differing values of a,b,c and d the trace of arrayX[a][b][c].length will always be the value of the last run of the function.
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Jan 30, 2012
I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.
//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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Aug 17, 2011
I was wondering if it was possible to create an array of classes in Flash. Is it possible to do like in C++ where you can do the following?
CDog dog[100];
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
dog[i] = new Dog();
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Oct 30, 2005
can a shared local object (.sol) store nested arrays? like:
myArray = new Array([a, b, c], [1, 2, 3]);
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Oct 6, 2010
This is nested inside another for loop which creates an array of the movieClip rows. Problem I see them drawn and positioned correctly on the stage but I cant reference any other than the top row in order to change the alpha for example.
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May 13, 2011
I have an array of movie clips (representing band members) which have various properties, among them them a property which tells where the band member went to after they left their current band. For those who formed a new group, I want to create an array. Within that array, I want to group all the ones that left for the same group into secondary arrays. So, if you had five band members and 2 of them left for group X and 3 left for group Y. What's the best way to do this? This is, roughly, my code:
Alternatively I suppose if I could do without a multidimensional array and just loop through all the members and say - for those members whose group is the same, perform this function, with the name of that same group passed as the parameter for the function. I guess the trouble I'm having is identifying who's the same.
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Aug 18, 2011
I'm trying to access a nested json array
var jsonResponse:Object = JSON.decode(response);
var foo:Object = JSON.decode(jsonResponse.nested);
var bar:Array = foo as Array;
When i inspect foo - its an object with about 50 children objects.I can read the properties of the children objects. However, when i cast foo as an Array it comes back null.I'd prefer to not iterate over each object and push it into an array.
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Sep 9, 2011
I have the following problem: I have this multi-level array (nested array) which contains two rows of bitmapData. Row 1:360 rotated bitmapData objects; row 2: 360 rotated and colored bitmapData objects.
I try to access row 2 but that doesn't work. There are some mysterious error messages coming up ("TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@36d7e9e9 to flash.display.BitmapData. at BasicBlitArrayObject/updateFrame()").
this function rotates and colors bitmapData; the rotated bitmapData is thrown into an array and the colored bitmapData is thrown into another array; a third array is used as a level array for nesting the other two arrays inside of it
public function createColoredRotationBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0, color:Number = 1, $alpha:Number = 1):Array
tileList = [];
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Sep 26, 2011
Long story short: I want to search a multidimensional array in AS3 for (in this example) the location of 6 strings - all of which are stored in another unrelared array. Long story long: Once I get the locations (in the multidimensional array) of each string, i then know where it's located, and can access other atributes of that object - so if i found the string "box3" is located in element [5] of my multidimensional array, i can now target: multiArray[5][3] to return the 4th item stored (keeping in mind we're starting from 0, so 3 is the 4th position).
I can get this to work once, but I'm trying to set up a for loop based on the length of my basic string storage array - this array holds (in this example) 6 instance name strings - each time my for loop loops, i need to run a search in my multdimensional array for the next consecutive instance name. Then, once I've located all of them (and store the results in a new temporary array) I can dig around in each location for the info I need.
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Aug 24, 2010
i hv an array that contains numbers, when iam trying to perform the addition operator on the numbers, it doesn't summing the numbers algebrically:
and the result is putting the two texts of a1 and a2 together not summing them, means if a1.text=1 , a2.text=2 the output of b is 12 how could i make it to sum the numbers?
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Jan 26, 2011
For example, when users are connecting to this application they are given a userid var, then it's inserted into the array. So, i'm using chosenUser = usersOnlineArray[Math.round((Math.random()*usersOnlineArray.length))]; to pick another random user. But i need to make sure it doesn't pick the userID they personally were assigned so they don't end up getting themselves. how would i use that code but tell it to "remember, make sure you dont pick userid" maybe I could do something like
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Jun 29, 2011
Sorry if this is a little n00b-ish. I'm working in AS3. I've got an array of 8 buttons. I'm currently hiding the button that is clicked using e.currentTarget. How can I tell flash to make all the buttons that aren't the currentTarget to become visible (i.e. if a button has been hidden by previously being clicked, how do I tell it to become visible again when another button is clicked?)
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Oct 11, 2011
I try pass my Arry to Class. I try to pass it and it look like this: Frame 32 earlier are some animations.
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Apr 19, 2010
I am trying to make an array of 3 floats in Actionscript 1.0, but instead of incrementing the X & Y variables by 1, it just adds 1 to the end of the previous value. This has nothing to do with Flash, it is being used for an extension for a server that requires extensions in Actionscript 1.0.
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