Flash - Access A Nested Json Array?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to access a nested json array

var jsonResponse:Object = JSON.decode(response);
var foo:Object = JSON.decode(jsonResponse.nested);
var bar:Array = foo as Array;

When i inspect foo - its an object with about 50 children objects.I can read the properties of the children objects. However, when i cast foo as an Array it comes back null.I'd prefer to not iterate over each object and push it into an array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Nested Array Element

Mar 21, 2011

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Nov 22, 2011

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var myObj:Object = new Object();
myObj["someProperty"] = {
anotherProperty: "someValue",
whateverProperty: "anotherValue"

now i want to send it to a web server (rails):

var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
service.url = "http://server.com/some/path/entry.json";
service.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
service.send( myObj );

the problem is that the server receives the json like this:

{"someProperty"=>"[object Object]"}

is this a problem with HTTPService? should i use the good old loader/urlrequest and serialize myself? by the way, serializing and then passing the string doesn't work, webserver receives empty request as GET.but i kinda want to use the httpservice class though...

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var assetName:String = "example_mc";

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var assetName:String = "example_mc";
var assetName2:String = "example2_mc";

and I have tried:


In addition I tried variants of the square brackets and "getChildByName" but still no success.All moviclips are instantiated in frame 1 of the Flash files?

Edit :I forgot to tweak my error handling so an error would be shown, plus all my tests where not showing text, late afternoon on a Mon is not my brightest hour! ;) I worked it out in the end, the solution was either (as above):




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moe, lawyer

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var nestedArray2:Array = new Array(0,0,9);
var nestedArray3:Array = new Array(0,0,7);


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Sep 9, 2011

I have the following problem: I have this multi-level array (nested array) which contains two rows of bitmapData. Row 1:360 rotated bitmapData objects; row 2: 360 rotated and colored bitmapData objects.

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public function createColoredRotationBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0, color:Number = 1, $alpha:Number = 1):Array
tileList = [];


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(mc1 & mc2 -> container -> main)

How can I define an array for those 2 movieclips(mc1 mc2) so that it can be used in the main timeline?

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Nov 28, 2011

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ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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Flash - Splice Object Into Nested Array Code Error?

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to replace an Object inside my nested array (colArray) by using splice, the object acts as my player and will need to maneuver around the Array it's in. The Problem is splice doesn't appear to be showing anything in return, it comes up with an error saying: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.What am i doing wrong ? And how would i go with moving my playerObject around the array?

var gridContainerMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var gridSize:Array = [col,row]; //Rows, Columns
var gridArray:Array = new Array();
var col:Number = 44;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A ForLoop To Call An Associative Array Nested Within A Indexed Array?

Mar 20, 2012

In the below code, "sector" is an indexed array.fsector1, fsector2,fsector3 are Associative arrays.The "gotoAndStop" command doesnt work properly.The last trace command, "curTerr" returns the same value as "curSec",leading me to assume i did not define "curTerr" properly.

Actionscript Code:
function loadmaptest(){  sector = ["fsector1","fsector2","fsector3"]  fsector1 = new Array();  fsector1["terrain"] = "grass";  fsector2 = new Array(); 


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Actionscript 3 :: Json : Parsing JSON Data?

Sep 28, 2011

I am sending a request to a server, and in return I get a long block of JSON.



Is there a way to do this? I checked if the property was enumerated and it returned true, but I cant find a way to access this data.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Json : How To Post JSON Data

Dec 13, 2011

I have to work with webservices in Actionscript. I found the following code that allows me to use JSON URLs that implement only the GET method. However, it doesn't work for POST methods (doesn't even enter the "onComplete" method). How can i "POST" JSON data using Actionscript 3.0?

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


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I create an array of two-item arrays. However, I seem to get three nested arrays back as the code below is what is required to get to the array. I can not figure out why the middle array exists.
Create arrays with:


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Nested Textboxes Access?

Jan 29, 2010

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